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Synchronicity, Specific Knowldege & Wealth



为什么你需要be rich?


但是因为你的时间是有限的,因此,being rich可以使你获得某种程度上自由,即不必利用自己的时间去做什么的自由,以及可以利用自己的时间做什么的自由。1


当你提供给了社会需要的东西,做出了社会需要的贡献,社会会说I owe you something,为了证明你为社会做出了贡献,通常情况下,社会会给你一些Money作为证明。2 供给社会需要的东西并因此获得社会返还money作为证明的过程,一般被理解为工作work。

work通常被理解为time-renting job。这是work中最为常见的一种,这类工作通常具有一个特征:工作人员的可替代性3 。这一类work不能让你致富,原因大致有二,第一,你无法在休息的时候赚钱,因此money的增长是线性的,与时间成正比,第二,因为工作人员通常是可替代的,因此无法议价4 。尽管有一些time-renting job的收入非常高,比如会计师,律师和医生,但是这一类工作需要投入大量的注意力5,在注意力资源耗尽时,工作停止,收入停止6。另外,这一类工作要面临激烈的竞争compete。7

time-renting job会让你以线性的方式获得money,但只有非线性的方式获得money才能致富be rich,即,除了以可替代性为特征的time-renting job之外,垄断性地向社会提供某种不可替代的问题解决方案8,是为另外一种工作。



  • 大规模
  • 垄断性




因为是垄断性的,或者说是不可替代的问题解决方案,因此,通常情况下,这个解决方案是无法通过复制获得的,也就是说,解决方案提供者无法通过语言叙述,需求方也无法通过语言获得该解决方案13。从而,只有一种获得的途径,那就是不断地实践,即在长时间段里不断地实践的过程中,累积性地遭遇更多的synchronicity 14


Synchronicity是指一些对解决某特定问题有意义的小概率事件,因为是小概率事件,所以很难遭遇,因为很难遭遇,所以很难驯化,因为很难驯化,驯化所得到的知识很难用语言叙述,这类知识抵达了语言的的边界,即所谓“得之于手而应于心,口不能言”13的知识,specific knowledge。

Specific Knowledge

是否可以通过学校获得specific knowledge?

人们无法通过学校获得specific knowledge,原因有二,第一,设计和优化学校系统的主要方向是如何高效地产出大量可替代性的驯服的劳动力,满足市场对大量可替代性劳动力的需求。因此学校通常不会把主要的注意力和工作目标放在如何帮助个体沉浸在某种对其个人来说有意义的行动中,使其遭遇更多地小概率事件synchronicity,并通过不断地试错驯化小概率事件,获得specific knowledge这样低效率的事情上。第二,specific knowledge的关键synchronicity本身作为小概率事件,通常情况下,没有长时间的全情投入,很难高频率遭遇,也很难用语言表达,因此很难驯化。

另外,如果specific knowledge可以通过培训,阅读或者参加课程来获得,那么一定会有大量的人得到这种知识,那自然就不再是垄断性解决方案的关键了15

如何获得specific knowledge?

specific knowledge的关键在于通过试错来驯化小概率事件,也就是你必须高频地遭遇小概率事件synchronicity。


  1. 全情地投入16。这是触发synchronicity的关键。
  2. 深入探索未知,面对某个困难的问题17。这是触发与该困难相关地synchronicity的关键。
  3. 需要长时间的投入。这是高频遭遇synchronicity的关键。

当你能够长时间地全情投入地探索未知,面对某种困难的问题,你就能高频地遭遇与该困难相关地synchronicity。当这种高频地累积性地遭遇过程中,你不断地试错和改善,小概率事件就会被某种程度地驯化,而驯化所得到的知识就是specific knowledge。


  1. Always produce18
  2. 即便要打工维持生活,你依然要保持Always produce19


  1. 没有在做大家都看好并且竞争的方向20,没有轻易相信大家都相信的东西21,而是努力寻找不同于主流的观点22,思考这些诸观点背后的原因23,然后选择去做大多数人不理解也不看好的方向24
  2. 你produce出来的东西,该领域的人看到了会说wow25,更为重要的是,会有聪明的家伙想跟你一起继续这种创造26


  1. 对这个方向会引起未来的变化27持理性乐观的态度28
  2. 你与众不同地对这个方向很感兴趣,有一种执念29——你感觉这个方向挺有意义的30

Specific Knowledge & Wealth

Wealth是Asset31。当你的Asset能够通过杠杆大规模地向社会供给,而这个Asset本身是你驯化synchronicity获得的specific knowledge产品化后的产物,能垄断性地提供某种问题的解决方案解决某种社会需求,你就会有非线性的收入。而这种非线性的收入又会进一步推动和帮助你去驯化更多的synchronicity获得更多的specific knowledge。


Synchronicity是小概率事件,通常情况下是surprise,surprise会导致flow。当你更多地遭遇synchronicity,你会更多地进入flow,会更多地暂时忘记你所焦虑的事情,而把自己投入到自己在做的事情当中去。因此这个追寻自己的natural curiosity不断高频遭遇并驯化synchronicity,收获specific knowledge,将之产品化,利用杠杆撬动巨大的社会需求的过程,实际上是一个你在忘记周遭和焦虑的状态下实现的。你收获的是内心长久的和谐与宁静,以及历经与困难与痛苦对抗的过程后,在自己认为有意义的事业上取得非凡进展时的狂喜。

是不是可以从促成和驯化synchronicity并获得specific knowledge的角度进行设计和优化知识管理工具


  1. 我们之所以需要wealth,是因为可以获得某种程度上的消极自由,即,不做什么的自由,也可以获得更大的积极自由,即,做什么的自由。 The reason you want wealth is because it buys you your freedom. / Marginnote2 Pro Link

  2. Money is how we transfer wealth. Money is social credits. It is the ability to have credits and debits of other people’s time. If I do my job right, if I create value for society, society says, “Oh, thank you. We owe you something in the future for the work that you did in the past. Here’s a little IOU. Let’s call that money.”That money gets debased because people steal the IOUs. The government prints extra IOUs. People renege on their IOUs. But money is trying to be a reliable IOU from society that you are owed something for something you, or someone who gave you the money, did in the past. / Marginnote2 Pro Link

  3. rent time的方式的最大问题在于你做的是重复性的工作,这种工作本身是可替代的,因为是可替代的,所以他只能按照线性的方式获得财富,如果重复做某件事就可以获得自由,那就不会有人去做那些不得不做的事情,那社会就无法运转,社会无法运转,社会机器为了运转,就需要keep people,crowd,去做重复性的工作,这是生活在其中的代价。 Renting out your time means you’re essentially replaceable / Marginnote2 Pro Link

  4. time-renting job不会让你致富,原因有二,第一就是你无法在休息的时候赚钱,因此增长是线性的,第二,你是可替代的,因此你无法议价。 You won’t get rich renting out your time, because you can’t earn non-linearly. / Marginnote2 Pro Link

  5. 支付回报最好的time-renting工作是最危险的,因为那需要你全部的注意力,会耗尽你所有的脑力 If you work too long on tedious stuff, it will rot your brain. And the best paying jobs are most dangerous, because they require your full attention. / Marginnote2 Pro Link

  6. 你的input和output是紧密相关的,那么无论你的小时收入多少钱,你休息的时候,是无法赚钱的,你退休了,是无法赚钱的,当你休假的时候,你没有在赚钱,这就意味着你无法一直赚钱。 But the most basic is just that your inputs are very closely tied to your outputs. In almost any salaried job, even at one that’s paying a lot per hour like a lawyer, or a doctor, you’re still putting in the hours, and every hour you get paid. / Marginnote2 Pro Link

  7. 不要竞争,因为那意味着你在跟他们做一样的事 Basically, when you’re competing with people it’s because you’re copying them.It’s because you’re trying to do the same thing. But every human is different.Don’t copy. / Marginnote2 Pro Link

  8. 垄断是竞争的反义词。垄断让你拥有市场,让你可以拥有定价的权利。 The opposite of perfect competition is monopoly. Whereas a competitive firm must sell at the market price, a monopoly owns its market, so it can set its own prices. Since it has no competition, it produces at the quantity and price combination that maximizes its profits. / Marginnote2 Pro Link

  9. create的东西要是这个社会需要的,但他们还不知道他们需要,他们只知道哪里有些不对劲,但并不知道哪里不对劲,怎么解决,然后你要能够大规模的提供给大规模存在的不对劲感觉的人,大规模地消灭某种不对劲,使得大规模的舒适发生 Society will pay you for creating what it wants, but doesn’t know how to get, and delivering it at scale. / Marginnote2 Pro Link

  10. 先找到leverage,有了leverage,回报才能会出现非线性 So, if you’re operating with 1,000 times leverage and somebody is right 80% of the time, and somebody else is right 90% of time, the person who’s right 90% of the time will literally get paid hundreds of times more by the market because of the leverage and because of the compounding factors and being correct. So, you really want to make sure you’re good at it so that genuine curiosity is very important. / Marginnote2 Pro Link

  11. 最有趣的杠杆是批量复制没有边际成本的产品 The most interesting and the most important form of leverage is this idea of products that have no marginal cost of replication. / Marginnote2 Pro Link

  12. internet的关键在于他使得你可以连接任何人 It connects everyone to everyone. So, the internet is an inter-networking tool. It connects everybody. That is its superpower. So, you want to use that. / Marginnote2 Pro Link

  13. 轮扁曰:“臣也以臣之事观之。斫轮,徐则甘而不固,疾则苦而不入,不徐不疾,得之于手而应于心,口不能言,有数存焉于其间。臣不能以喻臣之子,臣之子亦不能受之于臣,是以行年七十老斫轮。古之人与其不可传也死矣,然则君之所读者,古人之糟粕已夫! 2

  14. synchronicity是一个巧合,有意义的巧合,之所以说有意义是因为他出人意料地解决了问题 This is a synchronicity. It is a coincidence that is quite unpredictable but that solved her problem in a meaningful way. / Marginnote2 Pro Link

  15. The first thing to notice about specific knowledge is that you can’t be trained for it. If you can be trained for it, if you can go to a class and learn specific knowledge, then somebody else can be trained for it too, and then we can mass-produce and mass-train people. / Marginnote2 Pro Link

  16. 大多数做出一流的贡献,一流的成果的人并不是那些最有天赋,条件最丰厚的人,相反,而是那些有着充足的动力和对这个贡献有着责任觉悟的人,真正一流的作品和贡献需要的是全情的投入才能产生,而那些有着优厚的客观条件但是并没有这种动力和责任觉悟的人可以做出许多好的贡献,但是绝对不是顶级的贡献,他们就是做不到。 Well, one of the reasons is drive and commitment. The people who do great work with less ability but who are committed to it, get more done that those who have great skill and dabble in it, who work during the day and go home and do other things and come back and work the next day. They don't have the deep commitment that is apparently necessary for really first-class work. They turn out lots of good work, but we were talking, remember, about first-class work. There is a difference. Good people, very talented people, almost always turn out good work. We're talking about the outstanding work, the type of work that gets the Nobel Prize and gets recognition. / Marginnote2 Pro Link

  17. work on hard problem是一个非常困难的过程,比很多短期内带来快乐的东西要容易的多,也痛苦的多,但是你仍然要坚持去做这些事情,并且不断地准备去做这些事情。 But the fact is, almost anyone would rather, at any given moment, float about in the Carribbean, or have sex, or eat some delicious food, than work on hard problems. The rule about doing what you love assumes a certain length of time.It doesn't mean, do what will make you happiest this second, but what will make you happiest over some longer period, like a week or a month.Unproductive pleasures pall eventually. After a while you get tired of lying on the beach. If you want to stay happy, you have to do something.As a lower bound, you have to like your work more than any unproductive pleasure. You have to like what you do enough that the concept of "spare time" seems mistaken / Marginnote2 Pro Link

  18. 不断地在某件事情上生产东西是一个很好的测试,测试你是不是真的关心这件事,如果你想成为一个厨师,你是不是在不断地尝试新的香料,新的搭配,看新的观念,做新的菜式,如果你想成为小说家,你是不是在不断地创作。 well.Another test you can use is: always produce. For example, if you have a day job you don't take seriously because you plan to be a novelist, are you producing? Are you writing pages of fiction, however bad? As long as you're producing, you'll know you're not merely using the hazy vision of the grand novel you plan to write one day as an opiate.The view of it will be obstructed by the all too palpably flawed one you're actually writing."Always produce" is also a heuristic for finding the work you love. If you subject yourself to that constraint, it will automatically push you away from things you think you're supposed to work on, toward things you actually like."Always produce" will discover your life's work the way water, with the aid of gravity, finds the hole in your roof. / Marginnote2 Pro Link

  19. 阻碍你去寻找你真正喜欢做的事情的诱惑主要是声誉和金钱。如果把两者混合起来,效果更佳。比如民法,医生。一个收入看上去相当不错,而且随着熬年头会自然拥有某种声誉和头衔的工作对年轻人有致命的诱惑力。那么要测试你是不是真正喜欢你的工作的第一点就是如果你没有收入,甚至你需要打工来维持自己去继续做这件事,有多少人公司法律师愿意刷盘子支撑自己继续从事这份职业? Prestige is especially dangerous to the ambitious. If you want to make ambitious people waste their time on errands, the way to do it is to bait the hook with prestige. That's the recipe for getting people to give talks, write forewords, serve on committees, be department heads, and so on. It might be a good rule simply to avoid any prestigious task. If it didn't suck, they wouldn't have had to make it prestigious.Similarly, if you admire two kinds of work equally, but one is more prestigious, you should probably choose the other. Your opinions about what's admirable are always going to be slightly influenced by prestige, so if the two seem equal to you, you probably have more genuine admiration for the less prestigious one.The other big force leading people astray is money. Money by itself is not that dangerous. When something pays well but is regarded with contempt, like telemarketing, or prostitution, or personal injury litigation, ambitious people aren't tempted by it. That kind of work ends up being done by people who are "just trying to make a living." (Tip: avoid any field whose practitioners say this.) The danger is when money is combined with prestige, as in, say, corporate law, or medicine. A comparatively safe and prosperous career with some automatic baseline prestige is dangerously tempting to someone young, who hasn't thought much about what they really like.The test of whether people love what they do is whether they'd do it even if they weren't paid for it—even if they had to work at another job to make a living. How many corporate lawyers would do their current work if they had to do it for free, in their spare time, and take day jobs as waiters to support themselves? / Marginnote2 Pro Link

  20. 不要竞争,因为那意味着你在跟他们做一样的事 Basically, when you’re competing with people it’s because you’re copying them.It’s because you’re trying to do the same thing. But every human is different.Don’t copy. / Marginnote2 Pro Link

  21. 你要对人们相信并告诉你也要相信的东西保持警惕,他们可能是盲目地相信了当时正确但是在此时此刻却错误的东西,要对很多东西保持开放性。 There's another trait on the side which I want to talk about; that trait is ambiguity. It took me a while to discover its importance. Most people like to believe something is or is not true. Great scientists tolerate ambiguity very well. They believe the theory enough to go ahead; they doubt it enough to notice the errors and faults so they can step forward and create the new replacement theory. If you believe too much you'll never notice the flaws; if you doubt too much you won't get started. It requires a lovely balance. But most great scientists are well aware of why their theories are true and they are also well aware of some slight misfits which don't quite fit and they don't forget it. / Marginnote2 Pro Link

  22. originality是指与众不同,是指与其他人不一样,这是一种会渗透出个体之外的气质,无论在任何场合,任何方面。你不能期待一个在任何方面都与众相同的人在自己的领域中非常有独创性。 What it comes down to basically is that you cannot be original in one area without having originality in others. Originality is being different. You can't be an original scientist without having some other original characteristics. But many a scientist has let his quirks in other places make him pay a far higher price than is necessary for the ego satisfaction he or she gets. I'm not against all ego assertion; I'm against some. / Marginnote2 Pro Link

  23. 我们通常不会独立思考,因为独立思考可能会让我们得出与众不同的答案,这令人感到担忧,在演化的过程中,我们都喜欢跟我们一样的人,跟我们不一样的人我们会视之为敌人,另外,独立思考需要很多成本,模仿和跟随则轻松得多,因此我们本能倾向于不去独立思考而是把大多数给出的答案当做终极的答案,并且在继受这一切答案并基于此做出自己的选择之后基于利益的选择开始尝试寻找论据论证这种答案的正确性。 I was completely frustrated, I couldn’t really explain to him why, but it was at that point, at my height of frustration that I learned the most valuable lesson that I learned at Columbia, which is: Don’t listen to your friends. Think for yourself. Thinking for yourself sounds both simple and trivial, but in reality it’s extremely difficult and it’s profound and here is why. As human beings, we want to be liked. It’s anthropological. If people didn’t like you in caveman days, they would just eat you. So you really have a natural built in instinct to want to be liked and the easiest way to be liked is to tell people what they want to hear. / Marginnote2 Pro Link

  24. 你不能保持normal,必须要游离在人群所认同的事情之外 you can’t be normal and expect abnormal returns. / Marginnote2 Pro Link

  25. 另外一个test就是你做出来的东西会让你的朋友said wow,like magic。当然这里有一个问题就是你的朋友圈是不是你自己依据你感兴趣的东西挑选的,你要去认识足够多的人跟你有同样的方向和兴趣,然后你做了一些事情,他们会say wow。 You have to do something with what you've read to feel productive.I think the best test is one Gino Lee taught me: to try to do things that would make your friends say wow. But it probably wouldn't start to work properly till about age 22, because most people haven't had a big enough sample to pick friends from before then. / Marginnote2 Pro Link

  26. 一个test来验证你走在一个可能会指引你做出贡献的标志就是你一直在build something,特别是跟几个聪明的家伙一起build一些东西。 The critical point is that you want to do the thing that is most likely to get you on a path to do something great. No matter what you choose, build stuff and be around smart people. “Stuff” can be a lot of different things—open source projects outside of class, a startup, a new sales process at a company you work at—but, obviously, sitting around talking with your friends about how you guys really should build a website together does not count. The best people always seem to be building stuff and hanging around smart people, so if you have to decide between several options, this may be a good filter. / Marginnote2 Pro Link

  27. 人们通常只是会接受something told,而不会去质疑其合理性。你其实可以将这个世界改变很多。 A big secret is that you can bend the world to your will a surprising percentage of the time—most people don’t even try, and just accept that things are the way that they are. / Marginnote2 Pro Link

  28. 如果你的目的是要创造东西,那你就不得不成为一个理性的乐观主义者。理性是指你不得不了解真实的情况是怎样的,保持乐观是因为乐观是一切的基础,你必须相信你自己的能力,把事情搞定的能力。 Essentially, to create things, you have to be a rational optimist.Rational in the sense that you have to see the world for what it really is. And yet you have to be optimistic about your own capabilities, and your capability to get things done. / Marginnote2 Pro Link

  29. 寻找sk的方法是跟随你执着的东西 I actually think the best way is just to follow your own obsession. / Marginnote2 Pro Link

  30. 你感兴趣的interest会让你与其他人不同,有一点与常人不同,这时候就要进一步深入地研究dig deeper,这样才能找到secrete Where right there you have to be a little eccentric to be out on the frontier by yourself, and then you have to be willing to dig deeper than other people do, deeper than seems rational just because you’re interested. / Marginnote2 Pro Link

  31. Wealth是能在你休息的时候赚钱的东西 Wealth is assets that earn while you sleep. / Marginnote2 Pro Link