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Migration guide for v8

mickjermsurawong-stripe edited this page Apr 8, 2019 · 5 revisions

stripe-java version 8 brings some major changes compared to version 7. Many classes, methods, and fields have been renamed for consistency. Additionally, stripe-java version 8 is now "pinned" to the latest version of the Stripe API.

Classes, methods, and fields renamed and removed

We enumerate backward-breaking changes, that are not previously marked with @Deprecated with their motivations and resolutions.

API version pinning

As Stripe's API changes, Stripe continues to support existing integrations using Stripe's API versioning system. By default, your Stripe account will be tied to the API version that was most recent at the time when you first signed up. However, it's also possible to override the API version on a per-request basis by passing a Stripe-Version HTTP header. Webhook events' data is normally formatted in the API version tied to your Stripe account, but it's also possible to configure a webhook endpoint to receive a specific API version.

In stripe-java version 7 and earlier, the Java classes were mostly backwards-compatible with older versions of the Stripe API. For example, if a field was called amount in an old API version but renamed to unitAmount in newer API versions, the Java class would have both fields, but the amount field would be declared as @Deprecated. This meant that stripe-java version 7 could be used with either the old or new Stripe API version, depending on the Stripe API version tied to your account.

However, as the Stripe API continues to evolve, this approach has led to a lot of deprecated fields and classes accumulating in stripe-java. So stripe-java version 8 and onward will be "pinned" to the latest version of the Stripe API. The only fields present in the Java classes will be the fields for the latest Stripe API version; for example, the deprecated amount field has been removed. The stripe-java version 8 client will automatically send a Stripe-Version HTTP header to ensure that the server responds with the format that the client expects. stripe-java version 8.0.0 is pinned to Stripe API version 2019-03-14.

Because stripe-java version 8 overrides the Stripe-Version HTTP header, your request will be processed using the 2019-03-14 API version, and so you must update your API parameters to use the 2019-03-14 version format. For example, prior to version 2019-03-14, invoice API methods accepted a parameter application_fee; in version 2019-03-14, this parameter has been renamed to application_fee_amount. If your code continues to pass application_fee, the server will return a 400 error code.

In addition to parameters and fields being renamed, there are a number of more substantial changes to the behavior of the Stripe API as you upgrade your API version. Please consult the API change log for an exhaustive list of API changes between your current version and 2019-03-14.

If you are using stripe-java to receive events, be aware that webhook event data is by default formatted using the Stripe API version tied to your Stripe account. However, stripe-java version 8 can only deserialize events formatted using version 2019-03-14. To avoid problems, use the webhooks API to create a webhook that is tied to API version 2019-03-14.

For more detailed discussion of the upgrade process for stripe-java in particular, see pinned version upgrade guide