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Python SPIN App pod fails to start in SpinKube #202

camba1 opened this issue Apr 12, 2024 · 9 comments

Python SPIN App pod fails to start in SpinKube #202

camba1 opened this issue Apr 12, 2024 · 9 comments


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camba1 commented Apr 12, 2024

What Were you doing?

Trying to deploy minimal sample Python SPIN container in SpinKube

What did you expect?

Container to deploy in SpinKube and start normally

What happened?

Pod fails to start and reports CrashLoopBackOff status

Additional info:

Tried the same thing with a Go container and that works without issues. So SpinKube deployment was done properly into k3d

Steps to reproduce:

spin new -t http-py --accept-defaults spin-kube-py
cd spin-kube-py 
python -m venv env 
source env/bin/activate 
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
spin up --build

At this point the application works normally, now we deploy to k3d

spin registry push --build bolbeck/py-spin
spin kube deploy --from bolbeck/py-spin 

Checking the deployment of the pod:

kubectl get pods       

Pods in CrashLoopBackOff status

kubectl describe pod py-spin-86c88d45b-r4nzd

In the pod description:
Created container py-spin
Started container py-spin
Back-off restarting failed container py-spin in pod py-spin-86c88d45b-r4nzd_default(305165a0-19a6-4026-98b2-e19c6c8ef850)

Note that pod logs show do not show anything

kubectl describe replicaset py-spin-86c88d45b

Error in the replicate set description: Error creating: Unauthorized


k3d version v5.6.0
k3s version v1.27.5-k3s1 (default)
spin-operator 0.1.0

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Could you paste in the whole kubectl describe output? (Alongside kubectl events?) thanks!

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camba1 commented Apr 13, 2024

Sure thing @endocrimes. I just re-built and re-pushed to k3d to get a fresh set.

Here is the describe pod:

Name:                py-spin-86c88d45b-t7xjg
Namespace:           default
Priority:            0
Runtime Class Name:  wasmtime-spin-v2
Service Account:     default
Node:                k3d-wasm-cluster-server-0/
Start Time:          Sat, 13 Apr 2024 09:33:17 -0500
Annotations:         <none>
Status:              Running
Controlled By:  ReplicaSet/py-spin-86c88d45b
    Container ID:  containerd://5cc0054fc98e2a7a75d46eadcf2a6bada0360db878f00506866634c95484d941
    Image:         bolbeck/py-spin
    Image ID:
    Port:          80/TCP
    Host Port:     0/TCP
    State:          Waiting
      Reason:       CrashLoopBackOff
    Last State:     Terminated
      Reason:       Error
      Exit Code:    137
      Started:      Sat, 13 Apr 2024 09:33:42 -0500
      Finished:     Sat, 13 Apr 2024 09:33:43 -0500
    Ready:          False
    Restart Count:  2
    Environment:    <none>
      /runtime-config.toml from spin-runtime-config (ro,path="runtime-config.toml")
      /var/run/secrets/ from kube-api-access-vndh9 (ro)
  Type              Status
  Initialized       True 
  Ready             False 
  ContainersReady   False 
  PodScheduled      True 
    Type:        Secret (a volume populated by a Secret)
    SecretName:  py-spin-760b133c
    Optional:    true
    Type:                    Projected (a volume that contains injected data from multiple sources)
    TokenExpirationSeconds:  3607
    ConfigMapName:           kube-root-ca.crt
    ConfigMapOptional:       <nil>
    DownwardAPI:             true
QoS Class:                   BestEffort
Node-Selectors:              <none>
Tolerations:        op=Exists for 300s
                    op=Exists for 300s
  Type     Reason     Age                From               Message
  ----     ------     ----               ----               -------
  Normal   Scheduled  53s                default-scheduler  Successfully assigned default/py-spin-86c88d45b-t7xjg to k3d-wasm-cluster-server-0
  Normal   Pulled     51s                kubelet            Successfully pulled image "bolbeck/py-spin" in 2.467593251s (2.467613084s including waiting)
  Normal   Pulled     43s                kubelet            Successfully pulled image "bolbeck/py-spin" in 430.641583ms (430.664042ms including waiting)
  Normal   Pulling    29s (x3 over 54s)  kubelet            Pulling image "bolbeck/py-spin"
  Normal   Pulled     29s                kubelet            Successfully pulled image "bolbeck/py-spin" in 451.691292ms (451.716584ms including waiting)
  Normal   Created    29s (x3 over 51s)  kubelet            Created container py-spin
  Normal   Started    29s (x3 over 45s)  kubelet            Started container py-spin
  Warning  BackOff    15s (x4 over 43s)  kubelet            Back-off restarting failed container py-spin in pod py-spin-86c88d45b-t7xjg_default(33e98adb-aca5-448c-b331-b122d0f8b53c)

And here is the Kube events:

LAST SEEN               TYPE      REASON                         OBJECT                         MESSAGE
5h28m (x356 over 17h)   Warning   BackOff                        Pod/py-spin-86c88d45b-hbmwr    Back-off restarting failed container py-spin in pod py-spin-86c88d45b-hbmwr_default(62754499-2370-4dea-8e16-9214f05d1cfd)
54m (x8 over 15h)       Warning   FailedToUpdateEndpoint         Endpoints/py-spin              Failed to update endpoint default/py-spin: Unauthorized
54m (x8 over 15h)       Warning   FailedToUpdateEndpointSlices   Service/py-spin                Error updating Endpoint Slices for Service default/py-spin: failed to update py-spin-x7s7k EndpointSlice for Service default/py-spin: Unauthorized
28m (x49 over 17h)      Normal    Started                        Pod/py-spin-86c88d45b-hbmwr    Started container py-spin
28m (x388 over 17h)     Warning   BackOff                        Pod/py-spin-86c88d45b-r4nzd    Back-off restarting failed container py-spin in pod py-spin-86c88d45b-r4nzd_default(305165a0-19a6-4026-98b2-e19c6c8ef850)
9m18s                   Normal    SuccessfulCreate               ReplicaSet/py-spin-86c88d45b   Created pod: py-spin-86c88d45b-t7xjg
9m18s                   Normal    ScalingReplicaSet              Deployment/py-spin             Scaled up replica set py-spin-86c88d45b to 2
9m18s (x2 over 21h)     Warning   FailedToCreateEndpoint         Endpoints/py-spin              Failed to create endpoint for service default/py-spin: endpoints "py-spin" already exists
9m18s                   Normal    SuccessfulCreate               ReplicaSet/py-spin-86c88d45b   Created pod: py-spin-86c88d45b-sts2w
9m17s                   Normal    Scheduled                      Pod/py-spin-86c88d45b-t7xjg    Successfully assigned default/py-spin-86c88d45b-t7xjg to k3d-wasm-cluster-server-0
9m17s                   Normal    Scheduled                      Pod/py-spin-86c88d45b-sts2w    Successfully assigned default/py-spin-86c88d45b-sts2w to k3d-wasm-cluster-agent-1
9m15s                   Normal    Pulled                         Pod/py-spin-86c88d45b-t7xjg    Successfully pulled image "bolbeck/py-spin" in 2.467593251s (2.467613084s including waiting)
9m14s                   Normal    Pulled                         Pod/py-spin-86c88d45b-sts2w    Successfully pulled image "bolbeck/py-spin" in 3.228073377s (3.22807821s including waiting)
9m8s                    Warning   FailedToUpdateEndpoint         Endpoints/py-spin              Failed to update endpoint default/py-spin: Operation cannot be fulfilled on endpoints "py-spin": the object has been modified; please apply your changes to the latest version and try again
9m7s                    Normal    Pulled                         Pod/py-spin-86c88d45b-sts2w    Successfully pulled image "bolbeck/py-spin" in 434.327167ms (434.361834ms including waiting)
9m7s                    Normal    Pulled                         Pod/py-spin-86c88d45b-t7xjg    Successfully pulled image "bolbeck/py-spin" in 430.641583ms (430.664042ms including waiting)
8m53s                   Normal    Pulled                         Pod/py-spin-86c88d45b-t7xjg    Successfully pulled image "bolbeck/py-spin" in 451.691292ms (451.716584ms including waiting)
8m53s                   Normal    Pulled                         Pod/py-spin-86c88d45b-sts2w    Successfully pulled image "bolbeck/py-spin" in 399.4945ms (399.508959ms including waiting)
8m25s                   Normal    Pulled                         Pod/py-spin-86c88d45b-sts2w    Successfully pulled image "bolbeck/py-spin" in 425.151917ms (425.177959ms including waiting)
8m25s (x4 over 9m14s)   Normal    Created                        Pod/py-spin-86c88d45b-sts2w    Created container py-spin
8m24s (x4 over 9m8s)    Normal    Started                        Pod/py-spin-86c88d45b-sts2w    Started container py-spin
8m24s                   Normal    Pulled                         Pod/py-spin-86c88d45b-t7xjg    Successfully pulled image "bolbeck/py-spin" in 349.710334ms (349.715875ms including waiting)
8m24s (x4 over 9m15s)   Normal    Created                        Pod/py-spin-86c88d45b-t7xjg    Created container py-spin
8m24s (x4 over 9m9s)    Normal    Started                        Pod/py-spin-86c88d45b-t7xjg    Started container py-spin
7m43s (x5 over 9m18s)   Normal    Pulling                        Pod/py-spin-86c88d45b-t7xjg    Pulling image "bolbeck/py-spin"
7m43s                   Normal    Pulled                         Pod/py-spin-86c88d45b-t7xjg    Successfully pulled image "bolbeck/py-spin" in 414.483125ms (414.515375ms including waiting)
7m32s (x5 over 9m18s)   Normal    Pulling                        Pod/py-spin-86c88d45b-sts2w    Pulling image "bolbeck/py-spin"
4m13s (x25 over 9m7s)   Warning   BackOff                        Pod/py-spin-86c88d45b-sts2w    Back-off restarting failed container py-spin in pod py-spin-86c88d45b-sts2w_default(2024ad6b-c5d8-40f6-ad7f-fb4ef70d1c82)
4m6s (x25 over 9m7s)    Warning   BackOff                        Pod/py-spin-86c88d45b-t7xjg    Back-off restarting failed container py-spin in pod py-spin-86c88d45b-t7xjg_default(33e98adb-aca5-448c-b331-b122d0f8b53c)

Here is the describe for the replicaset, which interestingly enough does not show an error anymore:

Name:           py-spin-86c88d45b
Namespace:      default
Annotations: 2
Controlled By:  Deployment/py-spin
Replicas:       2 current / 2 desired
Pods Status:    2 Running / 0 Waiting / 0 Succeeded / 0 Failed
Pod Template:
    Image:      bolbeck/py-spin
    Port:       80/TCP
    Host Port:  0/TCP
    Environment:  <none>
      /runtime-config.toml from spin-runtime-config (ro,path="runtime-config.toml")
    Type:        Secret (a volume populated by a Secret)
    SecretName:  py-spin-760b133c
    Optional:    true
  Type    Reason            Age   From                   Message
  ----    ------            ----  ----                   -------
  Normal  SuccessfulCreate  10m   replicaset-controller  Created pod: py-spin-86c88d45b-t7xjg
  Normal  SuccessfulCreate  10m   replicaset-controller  Created pod: py-spin-86c88d45b-sts2w

Also, the image can be downloaded from docker hub as it is publicly available (bolbeck/py-spin)

Thanks for your help

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I was able to repro this with a simple Python http application. This is an issue with the containerd shim, so i filed an issue there as well to track spinkube/containerd-shim-spin#84

Thank you @camba1 for raising this

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camba1 commented Apr 15, 2024

Thanks @kate-goldenring !

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@camba1 there appears to be a compatibility issue with the 3.0+ python sdk. Can you install the 2.0 one? That should solve the issue
spin template upgrade --repo --branch v2.0

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camba1 commented Apr 22, 2024

@kate-goldenring Sorry of the delayed response, I was traveling last week. I tried your suggestion and I still get the same error, so I probably misunderstand what you meant. Here is what I did in my existing project:

  • Deleted existing container in the registry
  • Ran the command you suggested in my terminal
spin template upgrade --repo --branch v2.0
  • Re-built just and make sure it still worked locally, in case:
spin up --build 
  • Recreated the container and pushed to the registry
spin registry push --build bolbeck/py-spin   
  • Deployed the container to k3d
spin kube deploy --from bolbeck/py-spin 

At that point the pod is once again in CrashLoopBackOff.

How can I tell if the application is using the new version of the template? None of the options in spin template command seem to show this info.

describe pod:

Name:                py-spin-86c88d45b-ksglx
Namespace:           default
Priority:            0
Runtime Class Name:  wasmtime-spin-v2
Service Account:     default
Node:                k3d-wasm-cluster-agent-0/
Start Time:          Mon, 22 Apr 2024 08:46:38 -0500
Annotations:         <none>
Status:              Running
Controlled By:  ReplicaSet/py-spin-86c88d45b
    Container ID:  containerd://86076db541770614941def75b43dbf688c920b9f0926450b5b3765775d4d7f1c
    Image:         bolbeck/py-spin
    Image ID:
    Port:          80/TCP
    Host Port:     0/TCP
    State:          Waiting
      Reason:       CrashLoopBackOff
    Last State:     Terminated
      Reason:       Completed
      Exit Code:    0
      Started:      Mon, 22 Apr 2024 10:01:35 -0500
      Finished:     Mon, 22 Apr 2024 10:01:35 -0500
    Ready:          False
    Restart Count:  15
    Environment:    <none>
      /runtime-config.toml from spin-runtime-config (ro,path="runtime-config.toml")
      /var/run/secrets/ from kube-api-access-b6lvr (ro)
  Type              Status
  Initialized       True 
  Ready             False 
  ContainersReady   False 
  PodScheduled      True 
    Type:        Secret (a volume populated by a Secret)
    SecretName:  py-spin-760b133c
    Optional:    true
    Type:                    Projected (a volume that contains injected data from multiple sources)
    TokenExpirationSeconds:  3607
    ConfigMapName:           kube-root-ca.crt
    ConfigMapOptional:       <nil>
    DownwardAPI:             true
QoS Class:                   BestEffort
Node-Selectors:              <none>
Tolerations:        op=Exists for 300s
                    op=Exists for 300s
  Type     Reason     Age                  From               Message
  ----     ------     ----                 ----               -------
  Normal   Scheduled  78m                  default-scheduler  Successfully assigned default/py-spin-86c88d45b-ksglx to k3d-wasm-cluster-agent-0
  Normal   Pulled     78m                  kubelet            Successfully pulled image "bolbeck/py-spin" in 3.219803127s (3.219816793s including waiting)
  Normal   Pulled     77m                  kubelet            Successfully pulled image "bolbeck/py-spin" in 376.047916ms (376.063167ms including waiting)
  Normal   Pulled     77m                  kubelet            Successfully pulled image "bolbeck/py-spin" in 393.366001ms (393.39775ms including waiting)
  Normal   Pulled     77m                  kubelet            Successfully pulled image "bolbeck/py-spin" in 425.157292ms (425.187458ms including waiting)
  Normal   Created    77m (x4 over 78m)    kubelet            Created container py-spin
  Normal   Started    77m (x4 over 77m)    kubelet            Started container py-spin
  Normal   Pulling    76m (x5 over 78m)    kubelet            Pulling image "bolbeck/py-spin"
  Normal   Pulled     76m                  kubelet            Successfully pulled image "bolbeck/py-spin" in 451.551542ms (451.582583ms including waiting)
  Warning  BackOff    64s (x187 over 77m)  kubelet            Back-off restarting failed container py-spin in pod py-spin-86c88d45b-ksglx_default(4942c8d2-d71a-4105-adf3-76005689474e)

Kube events:

LAST SEEN               TYPE      REASON                         OBJECT                         MESSAGE
91m                     Normal    ScalingReplicaSet              Deployment/py-spin             Scaled up replica set py-spin-86c88d45b to 2
91m                     Normal    SuccessfulCreate               ReplicaSet/py-spin-86c88d45b   Created pod: py-spin-86c88d45b-8n47f
91m                     Normal    SuccessfulCreate               ReplicaSet/py-spin-86c88d45b   Created pod: py-spin-86c88d45b-mr644
91m                     Normal    Scheduled                      Pod/py-spin-86c88d45b-8n47f    Successfully assigned default/py-spin-86c88d45b-8n47f to k3d-wasm-cluster-agent-0
91m                     Normal    Scheduled                      Pod/py-spin-86c88d45b-mr644    Successfully assigned default/py-spin-86c88d45b-mr644 to k3d-wasm-cluster-server-0
91m                     Normal    Pulled                         Pod/py-spin-86c88d45b-8n47f    Successfully pulled image "bolbeck/py-spin" in 473.698333ms (473.72025ms including waiting)
91m                     Normal    Pulled                         Pod/py-spin-86c88d45b-mr644    Successfully pulled image "bolbeck/py-spin" in 376.161417ms (376.167708ms including waiting)
91m                     Warning   FailedToUpdateEndpoint         Endpoints/py-spin              Failed to update endpoint default/py-spin: Operation cannot be fulfilled on endpoints "py-spin": the object has been modified; please apply your changes to the latest version and try again
91m                     Normal    Pulled                         Pod/py-spin-86c88d45b-mr644    Successfully pulled image "bolbeck/py-spin" in 384.564875ms (384.574917ms including waiting)
91m                     Normal    Pulled                         Pod/py-spin-86c88d45b-8n47f    Successfully pulled image "bolbeck/py-spin" in 403.642375ms (403.663625ms including waiting)
91m                     Normal    Pulled                         Pod/py-spin-86c88d45b-8n47f    Successfully pulled image "bolbeck/py-spin" in 396.631376ms (396.662958ms including waiting)
91m                     Normal    Pulled                         Pod/py-spin-86c88d45b-mr644    Successfully pulled image "bolbeck/py-spin" in 406.33475ms (406.350042ms including waiting)
90m                     Normal    Pulled                         Pod/py-spin-86c88d45b-8n47f    Successfully pulled image "bolbeck/py-spin" in 617.745459ms (617.777917ms including waiting)
90m (x4 over 91m)       Normal    Started                        Pod/py-spin-86c88d45b-8n47f    Started container py-spin
90m                     Normal    Pulled                         Pod/py-spin-86c88d45b-mr644    Successfully pulled image "bolbeck/py-spin" in 366.54975ms (366.571251ms including waiting)
90m (x4 over 91m)       Normal    Created                        Pod/py-spin-86c88d45b-mr644    Created container py-spin
90m (x4 over 91m)       Normal    Started                        Pod/py-spin-86c88d45b-mr644    Started container py-spin
90m (x6 over 91m)       Warning   BackOff                        Pod/py-spin-86c88d45b-8n47f    Back-off restarting failed container py-spin in pod py-spin-86c88d45b-8n47f_default(ca663fe6-0b34-4413-afdb-a4242379b577)
90m (x7 over 91m)       Warning   BackOff                        Pod/py-spin-86c88d45b-mr644    Back-off restarting failed container py-spin in pod py-spin-86c88d45b-mr644_default(913510d2-e33f-4b77-a1ef-4962587b252a)
90m (x5 over 91m)       Normal    Pulling                        Pod/py-spin-86c88d45b-8n47f    Pulling image "bolbeck/py-spin"
90m                     Normal    Pulled                         Pod/py-spin-86c88d45b-8n47f    Successfully pulled image "bolbeck/py-spin" in 449.55775ms (449.583625ms including waiting)
90m (x5 over 91m)       Normal    Created                        Pod/py-spin-86c88d45b-8n47f    Created container py-spin
90m (x5 over 91m)       Normal    Pulling                        Pod/py-spin-86c88d45b-mr644    Pulling image "bolbeck/py-spin"
90m                     Normal    Pulled                         Pod/py-spin-86c88d45b-mr644    Successfully pulled image "bolbeck/py-spin" in 391.837042ms (391.849959ms including waiting)
79m                     Normal    ScalingReplicaSet              Deployment/py-spin             Scaled up replica set py-spin-86c88d45b to 2
79m                     Normal    SuccessfulCreate               ReplicaSet/py-spin-86c88d45b   Created pod: py-spin-86c88d45b-ksglx
79m                     Normal    SuccessfulCreate               ReplicaSet/py-spin-86c88d45b   Created pod: py-spin-86c88d45b-nh47s
79m (x3 over 13h)       Warning   FailedToCreateEndpoint         Endpoints/py-spin              Failed to create endpoint for service default/py-spin: endpoints "py-spin" already exists
79m                     Normal    Scheduled                      Pod/py-spin-86c88d45b-ksglx    Successfully assigned default/py-spin-86c88d45b-ksglx to k3d-wasm-cluster-agent-0
79m                     Normal    Scheduled                      Pod/py-spin-86c88d45b-nh47s    Successfully assigned default/py-spin-86c88d45b-nh47s to k3d-wasm-cluster-server-0
79m                     Normal    Pulled                         Pod/py-spin-86c88d45b-nh47s    Successfully pulled image "bolbeck/py-spin" in 2.868770209s (2.868788418s including waiting)
79m                     Normal    Pulled                         Pod/py-spin-86c88d45b-ksglx    Successfully pulled image "bolbeck/py-spin" in 3.219803127s (3.219816793s including waiting)
79m                     Warning   FailedToUpdateEndpoint         Endpoints/py-spin              Failed to update endpoint default/py-spin: Operation cannot be fulfilled on endpoints "py-spin": the object has been modified; please apply your changes to the latest version and try again
79m                     Normal    Pulled                         Pod/py-spin-86c88d45b-ksglx    Successfully pulled image "bolbeck/py-spin" in 376.047916ms (376.063167ms including waiting)
79m                     Normal    Pulled                         Pod/py-spin-86c88d45b-nh47s    Successfully pulled image "bolbeck/py-spin" in 381.368583ms (381.38075ms including waiting)
79m                     Normal    Pulled                         Pod/py-spin-86c88d45b-ksglx    Successfully pulled image "bolbeck/py-spin" in 393.366001ms (393.39775ms including waiting)
79m                     Normal    Pulled                         Pod/py-spin-86c88d45b-nh47s    Successfully pulled image "bolbeck/py-spin" in 415.871167ms (415.896709ms including waiting)
78m                     Normal    Pulled                         Pod/py-spin-86c88d45b-ksglx    Successfully pulled image "bolbeck/py-spin" in 425.157292ms (425.187458ms including waiting)
78m (x4 over 79m)       Normal    Created                        Pod/py-spin-86c88d45b-ksglx    Created container py-spin
78m (x4 over 79m)       Normal    Started                        Pod/py-spin-86c88d45b-ksglx    Started container py-spin
78m                     Normal    Pulled                         Pod/py-spin-86c88d45b-nh47s    Successfully pulled image "bolbeck/py-spin" in 399.768084ms (399.800167ms including waiting)
78m (x4 over 79m)       Normal    Created                        Pod/py-spin-86c88d45b-nh47s    Created container py-spin
78m (x4 over 79m)       Normal    Started                        Pod/py-spin-86c88d45b-nh47s    Started container py-spin
78m (x5 over 79m)       Normal    Pulling                        Pod/py-spin-86c88d45b-ksglx    Pulling image "bolbeck/py-spin"
78m                     Normal    Pulled                         Pod/py-spin-86c88d45b-ksglx    Successfully pulled image "bolbeck/py-spin" in 451.551542ms (451.582583ms including waiting)
77m (x5 over 79m)       Normal    Pulling                        Pod/py-spin-86c88d45b-nh47s    Pulling image "bolbeck/py-spin"
77m                     Normal    Pulled                         Pod/py-spin-86c88d45b-nh47s    Successfully pulled image "bolbeck/py-spin" in 413.693083ms (413.716084ms including waiting)
29m                     Warning   FailedToUpdateEndpoint         Endpoints/py-spin              Failed to update endpoint default/py-spin: Unauthorized
29m                     Warning   FailedToUpdateEndpointSlices   Service/py-spin                Error updating Endpoint Slices for Service default/py-spin: failed to update py-spin-x5n9j EndpointSlice for Service default/py-spin: Unauthorized
2m30s (x187 over 79m)   Warning   BackOff                        Pod/py-spin-86c88d45b-ksglx    Back-off restarting failed container py-spin in pod py-spin-86c88d45b-ksglx_default(4942c8d2-d71a-4105-adf3-76005689474e)
2m23s (x185 over 79m)   Warning   BackOff                        Pod/py-spin-86c88d45b-nh47s    Back-off restarting failed container py-spin in pod py-spin-86c88d45b-nh47s_default(726da669-4880-4810-b8a4-9e74f118f9ee)

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@camba1 thank you for giving it a try. After downloading the older template, you will need to scaffold a new application with the template and move your business logic over to that:

So after spin template upgrade --repo --branch v2.0, can you do a spin new -t http-py myappname and cd myappname and spin build and push etc?

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@camba1 alternatively, you should be able to just update requirements.txt to the following and reinstall the dependencies

spin-sdk == 2.0.0
componentize-py == 0.11.2

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camba1 commented Apr 22, 2024

Ok, cool. That did it . Thanks @kate-goldenring !

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