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Spring Boot Based KIE Server

This module is an implementation of unmanaged KIE Server instance that uses external LDAP and Maven server instances. Due to the unmanaged nature the project does not use an external RHPAM controller. To enable this one should uncomment relevant configuration parameters in application.yml.

This implementation uses embedded H2 DB for process data persistence where it can be changed within application.yml using spring.datasource.* and spring.jpa.* properties.

Sample UI

The project comes with a primitive UI based on Semantic UI framework reached via ${APP_PROTOCOL}://${APP_HOST}:${APP_PORT} that brings the ability to start an evaluation process, query active processes, task parameters and work items: UI

As this is a demo project and the for the sake of brevity there is no login page & process added. Instead credentials are stored in a JSON constant within app.js that are the same with the ones in LDAP configuration file, and the users can be switched using right top dropdown menu:

const testCredentials = [{
	username: 'kieserver',
	password: 'kieserver1!'
}, {
	username: 'pamadmin',
	password: 'redhatpam1!'
}, {
	username: 'hruser',
	password: 'redhatpam1!'
}, {
	username: 'pmuser',
	password: 'redhatpam1!'


Both environment variables and the KIE SpringBoot auto-configuration parameters are used defined in KieServerProperties. There are several configuration parameters need to be considered:

Parameter Name Default Value application.yml property Description ldap Permanently set in main class JBPM property that specifies the implementation of UserGroupCallback to be used. Here LDAP version is used. The relevant configuration is set in It is also possible to use a custom version with just setting property with the FQDN of custom class (e.g. CustomUserGroupCallback) or returning a bean with a name of userGroupCallback in a Spring configuration class (see AppWebSecurityConfig). ldap Permanently set in main class JBPM property that specifies the implementation of UserInfo to be used. Here LDAP version is used. The relevant configuration is set in It is also possible to use a custom version with just setting property with the FQDN of custom class or returning a bean with a name of userInfo in a Spring configuration class.
KJAR_GROUP_ID evaluation Set in main class Maven group ID of KJAR artifact
KJAR_ARTIFACT_ID evaluation Set in main class Maven artifact ID of KJAR artifact
KJAR_VERSION 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT Set in main class Maven version of KJAR artifact
LDAP_PROTOCOL ldap custom.ldap.url LDAP connection protocol. For secure communication this should be ldaps.
LDAP_HOST localhost custom.ldap.url Hostname of LDAP server instance
LDAP_PORT 389 custom.ldap.url Port of LDAP server instance
APP_PROTOCOL http kieserver.location Communication protocol of KIE server instance. The application.yml property is the URL of the KIE Server instance used by the RHPAM controller to call back on this server.
APP_HOST localhost kieserver.location Hostname of KIE server instance. The application.yml property is the URL of the KIE Server instance used by the RHPAM controller to call back on this server.
APP_PORT 8090 kieserver.location Port of KIE server instance. The application.yml property is the URL of the KIE Server instance used by the RHPAM controller which is integrated with Business Central to call back on this server.
CONTROLLER_PROTOCOL http kieserver.controllers Communication protocol of KIE controller instance. The application.yml property is the URL of the RHPAM controller REST endpoint.
CONTROLLER_HOST localhost kieserver.controllers Hostname of KIE server instance. The application.yml property is the URL of the RHPAM controller REST endpoint.
CONTROLLER_PORT 8080 kieserver.controllers Port of KIE server instance. The application.yml property is the URL of the RHPAM controller REST endpoint.
CONTROLLER_USER pamadmin kieserver.addons.controller.user The user name to connect to the RHPAM controller REST API. Setting this property is required when using a RHPAM controller.
CONTROLLER_PWD redhatpam1! kieserver.addons.controller.pwd The password to connect to the RHPAM controller REST API. Setting this property is required when using a RHPAM controller.
KIE_USER kieserver kieserver.addons.user The user name used to connect with the KIE Server from the RHPAM controller, required when running in managed mode.
KIE_PWD kieserver1! kieserver.addons.pwd The password used to connect with the KIE Server from the RHPAM controller, required when running in managed mode.
KIE_MODE development kieserver.addons.mode KIE Server environment mode. You can set KIE Server to run in production mode or in development mode. Development mode provides a flexible deployment policy that enables to update existing deployment units (KIE containers) while maintaining active process instances for small changes. It also enables to reset the deployment unit state before updating active process instances for larger changes. Production mode is optimal for production environments, where each deployment creates a new deployment unit.
MVN_SERVER_PROTO - Set in settings.xml Protocol scheme (http/https) of Maven repository URL
MVN_SERVER_USER - Set in settings.xml Username to connect the Maven server instance
MVN_SERVER_PWD - Set in settings.xml Password to connect the Maven server instance
MVN_SERVER_HOST - Set in settings.xml Hostname of Maven server instance
MVN_SERVER_PORT - Set in settings.xml Port of Maven server instance

Authentication and Authorization

The project uses LDAP for user base and AuthN & AuthZ purposes. The users are defined using LDAP configuration file. The custom WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter implementation AppWebSecurityConfig enables a configuration that uses group names defined in LDAP as roles/granted authorities. e.g. debug log for an AuthN & AuthZ process of a user that is a member of kie-server group in LDAP:

Checking match of request : '/rest/server/containers/evaluation-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/processes/instances'; against '/rest/**'
Secure object: FilterInvocation: URL: /rest/server/containers/evaluation-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/processes/instances?page=0&pageSize=0&sort=processInstanceId&sortOrder=true; Attributes: [authenticated]
Previously Authenticated: Principal: 
Dn: uid=kieserver,ou=People,dc=corp,dc=com; Username: kieserver; Password: [PROTECTED]; Enabled: true; 
AccountNonExpired: true; CredentialsNonExpired: true; AccountNonLocked: true; Granted Authorities: KIE-SERVER;
Credentials: [PROTECTED]; Authenticated: true; Details: 
RemoteIpAddress: 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1; SessionId: null; Granted Authorities: KIE-SERVER
Voter:, returned: 1
Authorization successful

In order to use another AuthN & AuthZ framework/application this class should be changed and custom UserInfo and UserGroupCallback implementations should be introduced and application.yml configurations should be modified according to the table above. As an example please refer to CustomUserGroupCallback.

It is important to note that this custom class uses insecure methods such as NoOpPasswordEncoder, wildcard paths for CORS configuration. For enterprise and/or production usages this class should be re-implemented using best practices, configurations and measures in application security.

Swagger Interface

This implementation enables Swagger (kieserver.swagger.enabled property in application.yml). One can reach the Swagger UI via (AuthN needed using KIE Server users defined in ldap config file): ${APP_PROTOCOL}://${APP_HOST}:${APP_PORT}/rest/api-docs/?url=${APP_PROTOCOL}://${APP_HOST}:${APP_PORT}/rest/swagger.json Swagger UI