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Releases: rwaldron/johnny-five


10 May 17:24
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Commit Message/Description
5406895 v0.15.0
13147ee Servo: removes blank line whitespace
fd49e3b Update example template copyright years
c33155e Add support for multi-turn, winch, 90 and 360 degree servos
a8b12e0 DRV8871 Example
cb9d4d9 Compass: fix typo in test file
42458a1 .npmignore: lib/
16c1cdd All: move datasheet urls to lib/
b43662d Package.json: remove "engines"
641f917 Compass: don't make assertions for 144004 possible compass directions.
01c97ad Lint: fix lint issues
9f826d5 CI: Make Travis and Appveyor run the same test commands. Fixes gh-1462
6402aa9 Coverage: Barometer, Board, Compass, IMU, Orientation


05 Apr 15:08
Choose a tag to compare
Commit Message/Description
1688bd1 v0.14.3
9ca2f5b Boards: expose fail event from board items
9167f2a Repl: fix multi board disconnection
b1705a3 Serial: throttle serial list attempts, add forced exit


27 Mar 16:55
Choose a tag to compare
Commit Message/Description
3b3f675 v0.14.2
aeca184 Regenerate Examples
66a446b small contribution - add example program for flex sensor
0010b05 Regenerate Examples
e428c37 Keypad: 4x4 rename breadboard image. Add to programs.json
3c80c64 Added example and images
d94b12b Added tests, passing
9842783 Corrected code according to Lint
f7ae9c1 Added 4x4 I2C Arduino Code under firmwares/
1b7c26c Forked the 3X4 keypad JS code and made a similar example
279205d CI: Drop Node 4 from testing matrix (all configurations)


20 Feb 17:02
Choose a tag to compare
Commit Message/Description
f56312c v0.14.1
ebbf413 Expander: For MCP23017, use saved pinIndex to register digital-read event. Fixes gh-1422


20 Feb 16:36
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Commit Message/Description
91499ad v0.14.0
0069ab2 Gyro: add MPU6050 and BNO055 devices resolution
e99b14c Examples: add lsm303c program to tpl/programs.json and regenerate examples list
59bcf34 LSM303C IMU Extra unit tests
578d6af LSM303C IMU Unit Tests
3f0940b LSM303C IMU
9a817cd Hygrometer: add SI7020 resolution and test
df0e70b Hygrometer: add comment on resolution for TH02 device
904b79d Hygrometer: add DHT_I2C_NANO_BACKPACK resolution without test
376184a Hygrometer: add resolution comment on SHT31D toRelativeHumidity function
fd0cd0f Hygrometer: add HIH6130 resolution test
5ae4d0a Hygrometer: add HTU21D resolution and test
fea5f63 Hygrometer: add test for resolution of SHT31D device
e0ab43c Accelerometer: whitespace removal
0cd61e0 Exaples: fix lint nits in eg/relay-on-analog-pin.js
b6cd987 Proximity: minor optimization, use right shift discard exponent bits
0302265 Proximity: add resolution of LIDAR-Lite device
ff4fa5a Proximity: set resolution of HCSR04I2CBACKPACK to match HCSR04
d8b5e5d Proximity: add resolution of HCSR04 device
322ee13 Proximity: add resolution of MB1230 device
b2ebba8 Proximity: add resolution of MB1003 device
998b353 Proximity: add resolution of MB1000
aaff606 Servo bug fixes
955665c Relay: add test and example program for use with analog pin.
013f607 Accelerometer: add LIS3DH fractional digits
0a157fe use full-resolution sensitivity for every range
0e7e9dd use full-resolution sensitivity for every range
d3d0607 Altimeter: fix floating point numbers in comments
13d24ff Altimeter: fix BME280 comments
384ae77 Altimeter: fix BMP280 comments
df149ec Altimeter: fix BMP180 resolution comments
696b1cb Altimeter: add BME280 fractional digits
398e6b6 Altimeter: add BMP280 fractional digits
4150fa9 Altimeter: add BMP180 fractional digits
0fe4137 Altimeter: add MS5611 fractional digits accuracy
010d496 Offset was being applied twice when to() was called with a time
55f0526 Barometer: add MS5611 resolution
451beff Barometer: add BMP280 resolution
7935259 Barometer: fix MPL3115A2 resoultion
c6eb876 Barometer: add BME280 resolution
c3b6563 Remove log statement
5778510 Barometer: add BMP180 resoultion
c7e50e9 Barometer: add resolution of MPL115A2 and MPL3115A2
67378e3 add protective diode to motor example. modify motor.fzz and motor.png
13572fa Regenerate examples for 2018
7cf0fdb Remove VSCode stuff
52dd540 Fix relay to use analog output


20 Feb 16:37
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Commit Message/Description
9b57d3a v0.13.0
bc595a2 Deps: firmata@^0.19.0


20 Feb 16:37
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Commit Message/Description
89ea5ef v0.12.0
8bb887b ci: remove "npm cache clean" from appveyor
b35fc65 Deps: drop es6-shim
a9b5cca Deps: serialport ~6.0.x
1f7ad6c Deps: serialport 6
0f3c84a Readme: fix gitter link
608fe55 Tests: Explicit strict mode
641e9fb Accelerometer: update tests and digital.all/integral/fractional
6b7eedd Require pins
3976817 Accelerometer: set fractional value
0ad2a59 Accelerometer: remove toFixed call from x,y,z getters
aa0f2bf Fix datasheet unsecure link in comment
0d666f1 Add doc expander ADS1115
e5e3cdd Add example expander ADS1115
a1920fa Add component expander ADS1115
4504b41 move Board options up
3fe0961 fix: Switch defaults to NO
9732d51 test/animation.js: fix indent
73f6a7c Fix sycnchronous animation queues
fd59d4a Accelerometer: modify MPU6050 toGravity to return values with 3 decimals
31cdd0d IMU: Fn.{s32, u32} => s32, u32
2b04a0b Stepper: pin correction
f975113 Regenerate examples
c725672 Stepper: fix incorrect pins in code and diagram


23 Oct 16:58
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Commit Message/Description
775bd35 v0.11.7
62c0942 Button: remove undocumented button event aliases
f36463c Relay: initialize state after Board.Component
60bcffd Package.json: [email protected]
3534c4f Examples: Add BH1750 & TSL2561 programs and fritzing diagrams. Ref gh-1302


23 Aug 17:11
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Commit Message/Description
43fdee9 v0.11.6
e9f8beb Package.json: [email protected]


18 Aug 17:39
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Commit Message/Description
0eb26de v0.11.5
68cde28 Servo values were being inverted twice when to was called with a time
bb514bd Add l298 example
81d9d77 Add shield config and example for Pololu VNH5019
da9cab4 Fix bug that occurs when enable pin is used with Motor
d936ded Handle number as first value of servo keyframes