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Distributed-Motion-Surveillance (DMS) Installation

Distributed-Motion-Surveillance (DMS) is a Ruby-based video surveillance system using the Motion motion detection software package to identify and respond to significant image capture changes in video camera streams.

The installation of DMS includes:

  1. The installation and configuration of the Motion software program (required on client devices only)
  2. The installation and configuration of DMS components which include:
  • DMSServer: required, installed on the server
  • DMSClient: required, installed on client device(s)
  • DMSMail: optional, installed on client device(s)
  • Lib: required, installed on server and client device(s)

For details on DMS components, see the project introduction (

  1. The integration of DMS Components with Motion

1. Confirm That All DMS Requirements are Met Before Proceeding

  1. Review DMS requirements section in the

    To summarize these requirements: the operating system is Unix-like (e.g., Linux); the Motion software program should be installed on all device clients; the Ruby language, and all required Ruby gems should be installed and fully operational.

2. Confirm the Installation and Configuration of the Motion Software Program

  1. Confirm the installation of the Motion software program package on all device clients (e.g., Raspberry Pi)

    Before installing DMS, the Motion software program should to be correctly installed, configured and operational on all participating device clients. Details for Motion installation can be found on the Motion website.

  2. Configure Motion to run as a daemon

    For proper operation with DMS, Motion should be set to run in daemon mode (which permits Motion to run as a background process). This is achieved through an edit made to the motion.conf file located in the Motion folder (e.g., /etc/motion).

    In the section called Daemon, set the daemon variable to on as noted below:

    # Daemon
    # Start in daemon (background) mode and release terminal (default: off)
    daemon on

3. Download and Install the DMS Package

Server Installation

The server component of DMS, DMSServer, is centrally responsible for the logic of enabling/disabling the video surveillance system (determining when to start/stop the Motion software package on each client endpoint). Note, however, that DMSServer does not have any direct dependencies on the Motion sofware program.

  1. Download the repository zip file from the DMS release repository and unzip into a temporary folder

  2. Optionally, delete non-essential top-level files, as well as the dms_client, and dms_mail components (as these components are unused on the server), but preserve these component folders: lib and dms_server

    The top-level informational files (e.g., README.MD, INSTALL.MD, etc.) are not required to properly configure and run DMS. They may be safely deleted.

    The organization of the server components is represented in the remaining structure of the parent distributed-motion-surveillance folder.

    Note: the location of this folder structure is not important, but the relative folder structure and names must be preserved

  3. Copy the remaining distributed-motion-surveillance folder structure into an appropriate local folder

    As an example, since the Motion software program installs into the /etc folder (as /etc/motion) on a Debian-based system, DMS can also be installed into the /etc folder.

    The folder tree below represents the complete project for the server (after non-essential top-level files and components have been removed):

    ├── lib
    │   ├── lib_audio.rb
    │   ├── lib_config.rb
    │   ├── lib_log.rb
    │   ├── lib_mail.rb
    │   ├── lib_motion.rb
    │   ├── lib_network.rb
    │   └── tests
    │       ├── lib_audio_test.rb
    │       ├── lib_config_test.rb
    │       ├── lib_log_test.rb
    │       ├── lib_motion_test.rb
    │       ├── lib_network_test.rb
    │       └── libs_test.rb
    └── dms_server
        ├── daemons
        │   ├── systemd
        │   │   └── dms-server.service
        │   └── terminal
        │       └── server_daemon.rb
        ├── media
        │   ├── motion_start.wav
        │   └── motion_stop.wav
        ├── server_config.rb
        ├── server_connector.rb
        ├── server_logging.rb
        ├── server_manager.rb
        └── server_start.rb

Client Installation

The distributed client component of DMS, DMSClient, runs on each client endpoint, and is responsible physically starting/stopping its native video camera capture (starting/stopping its locally-installed instance of the Motion software package).

  1. Download the repository zip file from the DMS repository and unzip into a temporary folder

  2. Optionally, delete non-essential top-level files, as well as the dms_server component (as this component is unused on the client), but preserve these component folders: lib, dms_mail, and dms_client.

    The top-level informational files (e.g., README.MD, INSTALL.MD, etc.) are not required to properly configure and run DMS. They may be safely deleted.

    The organization of the client components is represented in the remaining structure of the parent distributed-motion-surveillance folder.

    Note: the location of this folder structure is not important, but the relative folder structure and names must be preserved

  3. Copy the remaining distributed-motion-surveillance folder structure into an appropriate local folder

    As an example, since the Motion software program installs into the /etc folder (as /etc/motion) on a Debian-based system, DMS can also be installed into the /etc folder.

    The folder tree below represents the complete project for the server (after non-essential top-level files and components have been removed):

    ├── lib
    │   ├── lib_audio.rb
    │   ├── lib_config.rb
    │   ├── lib_log.rb
    │   ├── lib_mail.rb
    │   ├── lib_motion.rb
    │   ├── lib_network.rb
    │   └── tests
    │       ├── lib_audio_test.rb
    │       ├── lib_config_test.rb
    │       ├── lib_log_test.rb
    │       ├── lib_motion_test.rb
    │       ├── lib_network_test.rb
    │       └── libs_test.rb
    ├── dms_client
    │   ├── client_config.rb
    │   ├── client_connector.rb
    │   ├── client_logging.rb
    │   ├── client_manager.rb
    │   ├── client_start.rb
    │   └── daemons
    │       ├── systemd
    │       │   └── dms-client.service
    │       └── terminal
    │           └── client_daemon.rb
    └── dms_mail
        ├── mail_config.rb
        ├── mail_logging.rb
        └── mail.rb

4. Configure DMS Package Components

Server Configuration

  1. Edit DMS *_config.rb configuration files

    All server-side package components--DMSServer and Lib--should be configured for proper operation. Each component includes a separate *_config.rb file which serves the purpose of isolating user-configurable parameters from the rest of the code:

    • server_config.rb, found in the distributed_motion_surveillance/dms_server folder, is used for:
      • setting the server port
      • determining what devices to monitor (MAC addresses)
      • determining when to run the Always On feature (set time range)
      • identifying audio files used when enabling/disabling the surveillance system
      • configuring component logging options
    • lib_config.rb, found in the distributed_motion_surveillance/lib folder, is used to configure the location of system-level commands (e.g., /bin/ping). In general, these settings are OS-specific, and should not need to be changed when running on a Debian-based system

    Each configuration file is self-documenting, and provides examples of common default values.

  2. Optional: configure server to run the DMSServer daemon at startup

    As different Unix-like systems use different approaches for system service management and startup, this step is beyond the scope of the install procedure. However, this project does include two sample daemon files used for running DMSServer as a daemon, depending on the use case:

    • Running from terminal: the file to run is server_daemon.rb, located in the distributed_motion_surveillance/dms_server/daemons/terminal folder
    • Running with systemd: the file to use for configuration is dms-server.service, located in the distributed_motion_surveillance/dms_server/daemons/systemd folder

Client Configuration

  1. Edit DMS *_config.rb configuration files

    All client-side package components--DMSClient, DMSMail, and Lib--should be configured for proper operation. Each component includes a separate *_config.rb file which serves the purpose of isolating user-configurable parameters from the rest of the code:

  • client_config.rb, found in the distributed_motion_surveillance/dms_client folder, is used for: - setting the server IP address and port - setting the frequency to check to server for changes to motion state - configuring component logging options

  • mail_config.rb, found in the distributed_motion_surveillance/dms_mail folder, is used for: - setting email configuration options - configuring component logging options

  • lib_config.rb, found in the distributed_motion_surveillance/lib folder, is used to configure the location of system-level commands (e.g., /bin/ping). In general, these settings are OS-specific, and should not need to be changed when running on a Debian-based system

    Each configuration file is self-documenting, and provides examples of common default values.

  1. Optional: configure client device to run the DMSClient daemon at startup

    As different Unix-like systems use different approaches for system service management and startup, this step is beyond the scope of the install procedure. However, this project does include two sample daemon files used for running DMSClient as a daemon, depending on the use case:

    • Running from terminal: the file to run is client_daemon.rb, located in the distributed_motion_surveillance/dms_client/daemons/terminal folder
    • Running with systemd: the file to use for configuration is dms-client.service, located in the distributed_motion_surveillance/dms_client/daemons/systemd folder

5. Optional: Integrate DMSMail with Motion on the Device Client

DMSMail is the DMS client-side component responsible for sending an email whenever a valid movement event is triggered in Motion. These events are triggered through the on_picture_save command and the on_movie_end command in Motion and are how DMSMail gets called.

The syntax for these Motion commands are:

<on_picture_save|on_movie_end> <absolute path to ruby> <absolute path to mail.rb> <%D %f %t>

These commands are saved in the Motion configuration file called motion.conf (located in /etc/motion).

Note: the parameters passed on this command (<%D %f %t>) are called conversion specifiers and are described in detail in the Motion documentation on ConversionSpecifiers.

  1. Update the Motion motion.conf file to call DMSMail on picture save (or movie end)

    The easiest way to edit this file is to append the on_picture_save or on_movie_end command at the end of the motion.conf file. For example:

     $ sudo sh -c "echo 'on_picture_save /usr/bin/ruby /etc/distributed-motion-surveillance/dms_mail/mail.rb %D %f %t' >> /etc/motion/motion.conf"
  2. Restart Motion to have the update to motion.conf take effect

     $ sudo /etc/init.d/motion restart

    or if running with systemd

     $ sudo service motion restart

DMSMail will now generate and send an email whenever Motion generates an on_picture_save or on_movie_end command.

6. Configuration Testing & Troubleshooting

At this point, DMS should now be properly installed and configured on both the server and client devices. Once both the DMSServer and DMSClient daemons are running, DMS should:

  1. Watch for relevant device IDs present on the network at a regular interval
  2. Start/stop Motion when relevant device IDs join/leave the network
  3. Generate and send an email when an event of interest is generated by Motion (assuming that the DMSMail component has been installed)

Running a Typical Use Case

The simplest means for testing DMS is to remove a device from the network (i.e., disable the device's networking capability), and watch (or listen, if so configured) DMSServer and DMSClient process a motion state event (in this instance, DMSServer will send an 'enable' to all clients). Recall also that individual DMS components can be configured to generate execution log files.

Unit Testing the DMS Libs Component

As an aid in troubleshooting issues (generally, they are configuration and environment-related), DMS is shipped with a tests folder as part of the Lib component. This tests folder contains a number of Ruby unit tests designed to verify operation of each of the library packages used in the Lib component.

To run a Lib component unit test, from the command line, change directory into the tests folder and run a test:

	$ ruby lib_config_test.rb

The unit test results will be displayed as each test is completed.

To run all available Lib component unit tests, from the command line, change directory into the tests folder and run a test:

	$ ruby libs_test.rb