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213 lines (154 loc) · 6.64 KB

Quick Start


  1. CSS will be require-d by HyperMD core lib
  2. If there are addons you don't need, you may disable them via editor options, see Options-For-Addons
  3. If you want to utilize third-party libraries, use PowerPacks; HyperMD only requires CodeMirror

with bundlers (webpack / parcel-bundler...)

First of all, run npm install hypermd codemirror and npm install katex marked (or you may skip latter two libs and remove powerpack parts from the code)

Now, code time. Make a simple index.html

    <title>My Awesome Webpage</title>
    <textarea id="myTextarea"># Hello World</textarea>

    <script src="index.js"></script>

And write several lines into index.js:

var HyperMD = require("hypermd")
// some .css files will be implicitly imported by "hypermd"
// you may get the list with HyperMD Dependency Walker

// Load these modes if you want highlighting ...
require("codemirror/mode/htmlmixed/htmlmixed") // for embedded HTML
require("codemirror/mode/stex/stex") // for Math TeX Formular
require("codemirror/mode/yaml/yaml") // for Front Matters

// Load PowerPacks if you want to utilize 3rd-party libs
require("hypermd/powerpack/fold-math-with-katex") // implicitly requires "katex"
require("hypermd/powerpack/hover-with-marked") // implicitly requires "marked"
// and other power packs...
// Power packs need 3rd-party libraries. Don't forget to install them!

var myTextarea = document.getElementById("myTextarea")
var cm = HyperMD.fromTextArea(myTextarea, {
  /* optional editor options here */
  hmdModeLoader: false, // see NOTEs below

Let's say you are using parcel-bundler, simpily run parcel index.html and voila! If you are using webpack, make sure it's correctly configured(see below).

mode-loader will be unavaliable

Bundlers use closures, making CodeMirror invisible to global. You may... Expose CodeMirror to global and set editor option hmdModeLoader to something like "". Or load language modes via require("codemirror/mode/haskell/haskell") before creating a editor.

Notice for webpack users!

HyperMD contains code like require("xxx.css") in order to import styles. Make sure you have these loader:

npm install -D css-loader style-loader url-loader

Then, make sure your webpack config file looks like this:

// webpack.config.js
module.exports = {

  /* ... other webpack config ... */

  module: {
    rules: [
        test: /\.(png|jpg|gif|ttf|eot|woff|woff2)$/i,
        use: [
            loader: 'url-loader',
            options: { limit: 8192 }
        test: /\.css$/,
        use: [
          { loader: "style-loader" },
          { loader: "css-loader" }
      /* ... your other loader ... */

with RequireJS the module loader

🙋 Example Here

First of all, hypermd requires CSS files in JavaScript, and RequireJS doesn't support require("./style.css"). Thus, when RequireJS is loaded, before using it, load this patch to make RequireJS support css files

(This patch can be found in HyperMD package. Its file path is goods/patch-requirejs.js and you can load it via some URL like )

As for the packages field, this reference can be helpful.

// 1. Configure RequireJS

  // baseUrl: "/node_modules/",                  // using local version
  // baseUrl: "",   // or use CDN
  baseUrl: "/node_modules/",

  // (Remove this section if you occur errors with CDN)
  // RequireJS doesn't read package.json. Let's tell it the entries of modules.
  packages: [
    { name: 'hypermd', main: 'everything.js' },
    { name: 'codemirror', main: 'lib/codemirror.js' },
    { name: 'mathjax', main: 'MathJax.js' },
    { name: 'katex', main: 'dist/katex.min.js' },
    { name: 'marked', main: 'lib/marked.js' },
    { name: 'turndown', main: 'lib/turndown.browser.umd.js' },
    { name: 'turndown-plugin-gfm', main: 'dist/turndown-plugin-gfm.js' },
    { name: 'emoji-toolkit', main: 'lib/js/joypixels.min.js' },
    { name: 'twemoji', main: '2/twemoji.amd.js' },
    // ... more 3rd parties
  waitSeconds: 15

// 2. Declare your main module

  'hypermd/everything',  // Want to tailor and pick components? Please see demo/index.js

  // Load these modes if you want highlighting ...
  "codemirror/mode/htmlmixed/htmlmixed", // for embedded HTML
  "codemirror/mode/stex/stex", // for Math TeX Formular
  "codemirror/mode/yaml/yaml", // for Front Matters

  // Then, use PowerPack to power-up HyperMD, with third-party libraries
  // The list can be found in documents, or demo/index.js


], function (CodeMirror, HyperMD) {
  var myTextarea = document.getElementById('myTextareaID')
  var editor = HyperMD.fromTextArea(myTextarea, {
    /* optional editor options here */

with plain HTML

Don't want to use either bundler or module loader? You can still load HyperMD in plain browser environment.

Please read the source code of this demo

convert existing CodeMirror markdown editor to HyperMD editor

If a markdown editor (based on CodeMirror ≥ 5.37.0) is already initialized and presented on page, you can easily turn it into HyperMD markdown editor!

Invoke HyperMD.switchToHyperMD(editor); where editor is the CodeMirror editor instance.

⚠️ Closure problem, again...

CodeMirror and HyperMD must be loaded by the same method: either bundler, RequireJS or <script> tags. If not same, HyperMD might not work properly because it can't access the correct CodeMirror!

Some components (eg. SimpleMDE, React-CodeMirror) use their private CodeMirror build, which is not supported by HyperMD. Further tweaking is required. (example for react-codemirror)

This will update editor options with HyperMD.suggestedEditorConfig. If there are options you don't like, you may overwrite it, with the 2nd parameter of switchToHyperMD:

// example: I want to keep "vim" keyMap
HyperMD.switchToHyperMD(editor, {
  keyMap: "vim"