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Call for Maintainer and Contributors #123

tommikaikkonen opened this issue Apr 24, 2017 · 33 comments

Call for Maintainer and Contributors #123

tommikaikkonen opened this issue Apr 24, 2017 · 33 comments


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I rarely touch Redux-ORM in my daily duties anymore, so the time I spend on the library is out of my free time. At times that is very limited, like the last few months, so I'm starting a call for someone to take over as the maintainer of the library.

I will provide help to the new maintainer to ensure a smooth transition, and stay as a contributor to help when I can. The new maintainer would have the final call in decisions going forward and have full NPM release rights.

Ideally, the maintainer would:

  • be actively using the library to incentivize fixing bugs,
  • have a vision for improving the library that is generally in line with its common use-cases, and
  • feel confident maintaining a good codebase for others to contribute to and depend on in production applications

Please leave a short message here if you're interested.


I encourage the new maintainer to add a contributor or two with commit rights to further reduce the bus factor and help in fixing issues. If you're not interested in maintaining but would like to be a contributor with commit rights, please leave a message here so your interest is known!

Tagging some people that I've seen in issues and pull requests:
@markerikson @Aryk @plandem @carlesnunez @pronebird @jasonslam @greatwillow @chanan @foxnewsnetwork @nealoke @ianks

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Hiya. First off, thanks for all the time and effort you've put into the library already. It's a great library, and I really appreciate what you've built.

I definitely have a vested interest in Redux-ORM's improvement. I was one of its first users, I've recommended it widely, I use it in my own app prototype, and I wrote the only real articles I know of (outside the main docs) that discuss how to use it.

However, I'm already a maintainer of Redux, and while I don't object in principle to becoming a maintainer of another library, I already have waaaayyyy too much I want to do and not enough time to do it.

So, I don't think I can take on full blown maintainership, but I'd be happy to be a contributor with commit rights.

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Yes, thanks so much for building this spiffy library and taking the time to maintain it up 'til now.

Like Mark, I also definitely have a vested interested in redux-orm, especially since I come from an ember.js (gasp) background where I am of the personal belief we need this library a lot more in the backwaters of ember than the futuristic folks riding GraphQL in the modern relay.

I'm currently not actively engaged in any other major open-source maintenance project and so probably have the time (when I'm not being forced to shill out for my corporate Japanese overlord-donos)... but because of my ember background, I'm probably not the best candidate to be the head-honcho of this project as my views are necessarily tainted due to having lived under Tomster rule for so long.

That said though, I'd also be happy to be a contributor with commit rights.... and perhaps that's the way to go, instead of one thought leader whose opinions we obey with unquestioning faith, perhaps redux-orm can opt for the democratic committee approach where you would need majority buy-in for some major new feature (or deprecation, RFCs, or whatever) to get merged.

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(Quick off-topic note : @foxnewsnetwork, I'd appreciate a chance to chat with you and @toranb about ideas that Redux could maybe swipe from the Ember world, especially regarding app setup. Talked with Toran once before, would like to discuss further. Please ping me on Reactiflux or Twitter when you get a chance, and maybe we can set up a discussion.)

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Will this repo maintained if no one will help? Or you just throw off it? I want to try redux-orm in new project (thx to @markerikson ), but I can't decide now.

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First of all, as my folks sayed thanks @tommikaikkonen for that awesome library and your time.

I've been working with that for 3 months and the performance and the easy way that redux-orm works makes me feel confortable with it. I had done some improvements like 'update' capacity and a factory-girl improvement to accept redux-orm.

I come from a vanilla JS and an ember background too and I think that im not the best person to lead that project but I'll be agree with be an active contributor and have commit rights if you are agree. Maybe we can discuss on a slack or something else if you want.

I think that this library couldn't fall into abandonment.

Let's try to prevent that!

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plandem commented Apr 24, 2017

@tommikaikkonen First of all, thanks for library, it helps a lot in my projects (no need to reinvent wheel, though I was on that way).

I'm using it in my daily projects (some kind of admin panel with 10k+ records for some models), but not sure that will have enough time to be maintainer. I'm ready to contribute time from time, fix some issues.

I don't have ember background as others(although I have backend background and ios/win). Anyway - lack of free time to work on library and be maintainer, but contributor with commit rights is fine :(

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@tommikaikkonen thanks for building redux-orm. I would really like to help improving redux-orm, however I find myself in a similar situation practically without any time to contribute to even my own open source projects. :/

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nealoke commented Apr 24, 2017

Thanks @tommikaikkonen for the live saving library (quite dramatic)!

I would love to help out this project where I can, maybe not so much in the code base as I'm not yet ready to do that. But I think I could help out in the docs and maybe later on in the codebase as well. So no maintainer but a contributor ;)

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Aryk commented Apr 24, 2017

@tommikaikkonen - Wanted to echo what other people said and just thanks for the library, it's been great!

Unfortunately, I can't be a maintainer as I'm knee deep with other things, but I am happy to help anybody who wants to maintain it.

I think this library is already great as it is. I don't think it needs to add a ton of functionality per say, as much as I think it needs to clean up some of the internals. Anyways, happy to contribute and help out whoever becomes the eventual maintainer.

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@tommikaikkonen I'm happy to help / be the maintainer! I've got a bunch of time and absolutely love this project.
I'm also in SF if you want to meet up and get to know me.

I'm definitely not as qualified as the above people, but I can promise enthusiasm and hard work.

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tiii commented Apr 27, 2017

Although I was not tagged in the story, I'd love to contribute as well.

When i started to use it i was pretty hyped about the library, but since my first PR (#86) did not receive any feedback for 3 months now I got a bit dissappointed. I'm still loving the library and would be glad to work on it, too.

I would prefer the "democratic comittee" approach instead of a sole maintainer though to prevent redux-orm from stopping again in the future.

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nealoke commented Apr 27, 2017

@tiii +1 for the "democratic committee" however we still need a final decision maker, or am I thinking wrong?

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Aryk commented Apr 27, 2017

hey @NathanBWaters I'm also in SF (Palo Alto) too, it would be great to meet up once with others interested in this library to share some ideas!

@nealoke I completely agree, we need someone at the wheel because shared responsibility just means things will take longer and stalemates could be reached, because no one will want to come in and assume authority without looking like a douche. 😄

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@Aryk meeting up to discuss the project is a great idea. I'm down.

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I like the benevolent leader approach, because someone needs to make the hard calls when there's valid arguments from two sides, e.g. when discussing adding or changing an API. A democratic process can be prone to the design by committee problem. API consistency is something that makes a library great to work with.

On the other hand I haven't worked on an open source project with a democratic process, so I don't know how well that works.

I think we just need multiple people in addition to the maintainer with commit rights to prevent the project from stalling by a single person.

@NathanBWaters, thanks for standing up to be a maintainer! I don't see any activity by you in the repo, but I assume you're actively using the library? If so, and there's no other volunteers by the end of the week, I'm comfortable assigning you as the maintainer. There's a lot of willing contributors who are very familiar with the internals already, in addition to me, so you should have help available there :) I'm also based in SF, I'm down to meet up if needed.

For contributor rights, I think we should move forward like this for now. If you've indicated your interest here, and you submit a PR that looks good, you will be given commit rights. This is not a long term solution but should get the library out of the rut!

Sorry about that one @tiii - I spent several hours on your PR back when you submitted it, going through and understanding the problem, and to fix a couple issues about the implementation, but then got cut out of time to resolve those and leave any feedback to you that would've been actionable. IIRC, I wanted to move the otherIdFieldName and ownIdFieldName from being patched on the QuerySet instance to somewhere optimal, but didn't get a working version of that. But fixed is better than perfect, especially since this doesn't affect the public API - I'm giving you contributor rights now. Feel free to merge it in if tests pass!

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Would love to help, but my tech capacity is limited ;( Thanks for creating this and maintaining this till now @tommikaikkonen.

I am building a production site using redux-orm, will happy to donate if we have a tip jar ;)

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plandem commented Apr 28, 2017

Not sure that democratic way is working in development, especially in open source (but I've never been in such projects). I'm sure that we need a person (maybe few) that will make decisions. API stability is must have, so maintainer must have clear vision how and where to move.

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I am fully agree with plandem.

Maybe to be mantainer we should plan a test or something to be sure about the acomplishment and knowledge of Redux-ORM.

@tommikaikkonen I have a feature pending to add to Redux-ORM that enables the hability to update models if they ID is equal to a current record ID instead of create a new model with the same id that cause an error. ASAP I have it done I'll open a PR

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tiii commented Apr 28, 2017

@tommikaikkonen thanks for your feedback, i'm having another look at the approach but let's move the discussion about that tot #86.

Just to be clear: I did not ask for being the maintainer, I just want to be a contributor as most people here.

About the "democratic committee": I picked that up from @foxnewsnetwork post.

My understanding of it would be: everybody here would get commit rights and we'll peer review changes.

Based on the amount of contributers (I am counting 10 right now) we could than agree on a number of positive (let's say 3) reviews by other contributers after which the changes get merged. I think github recently added a functionality for that and I bet there are bots automating that.

But you are right, maybe there should still be a maintainer who has npm release rights to act as a guard?

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I would be interested in contributing as well. I have an on going project which makes heavy use of redux-orm, so I have a vested interest in its long-term success.

I haven't yet submitted any PRs, but I have been active in the issues for a few weeks.

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thedeeno commented May 1, 2017

@tommikaikkonen I like the interest + significant code filter for maintainers.

Thanks for your hard work on this project! It looks great.

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Thank you everyone for the interest!

I have currently added @markerikson and @tiii as repo collaborators. Outside GitHub, @plandem expressed interest in taking more responsibility within the contributor role, reviewing other people's pull requests in addition to submitting his own code. He's been active in the repo issues for over a year, so he's pretty familiar with the library. I'll add him as a collaborator based on his experience and motivation.

@NathanBWaters, if you're still up for the maintainer role, I'll give you commit rights. Can you give me your NPM username? I will assign owner permissions on the NPM package to you, which will allow you to release new versions of the package. I'll drop you an email to the address you have listed on your GitHub profile to leave my contact info.

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@tommikaikkonen most definitely!
npm username: nathanbwaters

Look forward to getting your email, talking to you more about the project, and making moves.

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Aryk commented May 4, 2017

Thanks @markerikson, @NathanBWaters, @tiii for helping out on this library!

@plandem - спасибо за то что ты решил помочь. :)

I was look through the extensions I've done with the library (none of which I contributed) and plan on making several public gists and linking them in tickets. Maybe there is some inspiration or ideas there. For one, I use typescript and would be great to get types into this library.

Who should I assume is the "benevolent dictator" (aka final decision maker) on this project? 😃 Or put another way, who do I need to bribe with free beer to get things in, lol. Is that @plandem? 😆

Also, is there a gitter chat from redux-orm, can't seem to find one? Would it make sense to have one?

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haveyaseen commented Jun 1, 2018

Hey everyone. About a year has passed and we have 70 open issues and 10 open pull requests with so many contributions worth incorporating! However even the smallest of changes like #202 and #182 do not get merged or reviewed at all… frankly, it is time for someone else to guide Redux-ORM to the sea of developer happiness.

Like many before me, personally I cannot promise to commit my time super frequently, but I do think this amazing project needs to be revived ASAP. So I would like to take on the task of being a maintainer and want to focus on gaining more contributors by steering the project towards a beginner-friendly direction (see e.g. #203 and I am sure we can find more ways to accomplish this).

Case in point, I believe I have demonstrated my will to participate (mostly #185, also see #36 and #199), albeit not receiving a lot of responses.

On a related note, I guess we should start labelling issues so that we have a better overview by being able to directly see what they're about; worthwhile categories could include model layer, database layer, relationships, indexes, constraints, selectors/memoization and support/question. This would also enable us to mark good first issues for new contributors to start working on.

As soon as we have a decent momentum going again we want to work on a strategy for v1 to serve the most common use cases and to clean up the API where possible (as discussed in #140).

@tommikaikkonen @Aryk @markerikson @NathanBWaters @tiii @plandem

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Aryk commented Jun 1, 2018

@haveyaseen Thanks for offering to take the initiative on this. Even if you got all the current stuff you mentioned merged in, I think that would put this project into an amazing state (primarily #185, which has serious performance implications that makes it play much nicer with redux-connect).

Anyways, there hasn't been movement on this. I think if you want to pick this up, we (the current maintainers and those involved part-time) should give you the keys to the car and help you get these open issues to completion. 😄

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@haveyaseen happy to give you the 🔑 to the car! I'll reach out to you via the email on your github profile so we can talk it over.

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@Aryk Thanks for the kind words!

@NathanBWaters I've sent you a mail but I must be landing in your junk folder? Otherwise I'm available on Gitter, too 🙂

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Aryk commented Jun 7, 2018

You're welcome! 😄

Just curious, when are you expecting to version bump and make the next release (with instance level memoization)?

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@Aryk Made this release yesterday! 🌠 🌠 🌠 v0.10.0 🎉 🎉 🎉

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Aryk commented Jun 7, 2018

Oh, that's awesome, looking forward to checking it out!

@haveyaseen haveyaseen pinned this issue Apr 9, 2019
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Is there anyone that still support this repo?

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Hello not at least me! I've been moving away from redux to things like react-query and lost traction on redux-orm but probably @haveyaseen can give some clarity around that!

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