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Releases: react-native-elements/react-native-elements


18 Sep 11:56
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💯 Thanks to all our contributors who made this release possible. v1.2.0 brings some much-needed fixes as well as requested features (using hooks with theming!).

ℹ️ Our next release will be v2.0.0 - this is to introduce small UI fixes that need to be made to some components (looking at you Input) but that may have some small changes to how your apps look.

😞 Also, we apologize for the long break between releases (last release since February). Some persons involved with the maintaining of the library have since moved on or no longer available to give enough time. If you're interested in helping maintain this library then feel free to contact me. Ideally, we'd like to release at least once a month, with release fixes faster if possible.

🙏 Enjoy this release of React Native Elements






24 Feb 23:42
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Our first release after the huge v1.0.0 🎉 ! For those who missed out on the last release, we've outlined the tons of changes in our v1 blog post. Thanks for all those who used v1 and quickly provided feedback. v1.1.0 is mostly bug fixes with a sprinkle of new features. Enjoy 💯

P.S We also now have a showcase on our homepage of apps using react native elements. If you have an awesome app, you can submit it there too.

New features / Components





28 Jan 00:43
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React Native Elements v1 is finally here!! 💯 This is the biggest and more improved release so far so please read through the release notes below carefully. And welcome to v1 🎉

Thanks to all that have submitted issues, pull requests and helped us to reach this milestone today. ❤️

Be sure to check out our blog post if you're upgrading from 0.19.1!


Avatar, Badge, ButtonGroup, CheckBox, Icon, ListItem, SocialIcon

If you were using the component prop for any of these, it's now changed to Component. 3582b78 @iRoachie


If you were using the editButton prop before, the param names are now changed e44bff0 @iRoachie

// Before
    iconName: 'xx',
    iconType: 'xx',
    iconColor: 'xx'

// After
    name: 'xx',
    type: 'xx',
    color: 'xx'


  • We've added button types! Buttons can now have a type of solid, clear or outline. This means that the clear prop is now deprecated. Also in this change,buttons on Android by default won't be raised -- if you want a raised button, then add the raised prop. 773131e, 5673323 @iRoachie

  • The default title "Welcome to React Native Elements" is now gone. If for some reason you were depending on this in your app 😅 you'll have to set the title. 52678d5 @iRoachie


  • wrapperStyle is now been deprecated. containerStyle now functions as what was wrapperStyle and a new prop badgeStyle replaces what was containerStyle.
  • element prop which was undocumented is now deprecated. Just use the value prop
  • Badges can no longer render children. Instead, if you want a custom component you can use the value prop which now supports rendering react components.
  • We've added "mini badge" 😅 which functions as a status indicator when no value is provided.
  • Adds status prop which is a convenience prop for styling the background via badgeStyle for quick and commonly used scenarios

3dc362d @iRoachie


Deprecates the disableSelected prop and introduces 5 new props for handling disabled states:

  • disabled
  • disabledStyle
  • disabledTextStyle
  • disabledSelectedStyle
  • disabledSelectedTextStyle

aa4db53 @iRoachie


Deprecates two props:

  • fontFamily - Can be set via titleStyle prop
  • flexDirection - Can be set via wrapperStyle prop

6785970 @iRoachie


Adds the ability to customize the "Cancel" button on the iOS SearchBar with some new keys in the cancelButtonProps props:

cancelButtonProps: {
  disabled, // boolean for the Touchable

733e38c @tux-tn


Input previously had a default width of 90% that would give it a weird inset. It's now been fixed to appear as expected.

See before and after in #1640 (comment).

2df01ce @iRoachie


Deprecates the fontFamily prop. If you want to change the font family you can use the style prop.

890d4c9 @iRoachie


Bug Fixes/Warnings

Read more


12 Oct 17:14
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1.0.0-beta7 Pre-release


Here is the 7️⃣th beta for the v1.0.0!! And the last one before v1.0.0 💯
This beta took a loooooOOooong ⌚️ time to release, and we're sorry for the wait! Everyone has gotten a bit busier lately, but nevertheless, the release is here! Thanks to everyone who contributed to this release.

We recently published 1.0.0-beta6 2 days ago but didn't release it as a beta on npm so we had to remove it and cut a new version. Sorry about that!

Theming 👨🏽‍🎨!!

You've asked for it and it's finally here! React Native Elements Now Supports Theming 🎨! Not just colours, but EVERY, SINGLE, PROP. Ever wanted to make all your SearchBars look the same, right out the box? Now you can!

We would loveee everyone to try it out and give us feedback. Be sure to check the updated docs on how to get started. Thank you for waiting so long!



Props infoFont, pricingFont, and titleFont have been replaced by infoStyle, pricingStyle, and titleStyle a521fc5 @Gregjarvez


Refactored to support better support on android and finally support iPhone X d574d3b @martinezguillaume

  • Props outerContainerStyles, and innerContainerStyles are deprecated in favour of containerStyle, leftContainerStyle, and rightContainerStyle.
  • Adds helper prop barStyle to update the StatusBar.
  • PropsleftComponent, centerComponent and rightComponent can now accept strings or a react native component.


Props chevronColor and checkmarkColor have been deprecated. You can now set customize the chevron and checkmark by using an object. faf51e5 @martinezguillaume

// Before
<ListItem checkmark checkmarkColor="red" />

// After
<ListItem checkmark={{ color: 'red' }} />

New features / Components

Bug / Warning fixes




06 May 21:56
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v1.0.0-beta5 Pre-release


Here is the 5️⃣th beta for the v1.0.0 ! 🔥 We've made some fixes and enhancements thanks to your feedbacks. ✨ In this beta we've tried to standardise the way you're using the icons across all components. From this beta, all icons props for all components will be able to receive either an object containing Icon component props, or a custom component.

icon={{ name: 'whatever', type: 'font-awesome', size: 15 }}
icon={<CustomIconComponent />}

We've also fully refactored the default SearchBar to be consistent with platform specific ones.


Avatar - Sizing propssmall, medium, large, and xlarge along with width and height have been removed.

There's now the size prop which takes in the above props as values. You can also set it to a number which will be used as the width and the height fe1edb7 @Gregjarvez

SearchBar - Has been fully refactored

Default and platform specific SearchBars are now consistent, and have the same props. We strongly encourage you to check out the documentation to know the new props. 96b13f7 @xavier-villelegier

New features / Components

Bug / Warning fixes

  • Button Styles were reordered to be more consistent and intuitive. You'll now be able to use the default disabledStyle even if you provide a custom buttonStyle. 7e4dbf1 @ganes1410
  • Button Fix Android ripple effect for buttons with radius 020a321 @Gregjarvez
  • ListItem Fix inconsistent Checkmark sizing across platforms 564b2eb @martinezguillaume
  • Icon Fix Icon style when using TouchableNativeFeedback b2e6b11 @Gregjarvez
  • Overlay Fix depth collision with Button and Overlay bb908f7 @runia1



  • Add more examples in the RNE Example App


07 Apr 09:50
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This release is just to fix a critical bug in web production builds. The v0.19.1 will likely be the last stable release until v1.0.0 official release (except in case of critical bug like this one). Feel free to test the beta version of v1.0.0 by doing:

# With yarn
yarn add react-native-elements@beta

# With npm
npm i -S react-native-elements@beta

Bug / Warning fixes

  • Remove all isRequired occurrences. They were generating an error in web production build and react-styleguidists 229578f @giacomocerquone


Total contributors: 2


07 Apr 09:39
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v1.0.0-beta4 Pre-release


We're proud to announce that v1.0.0-beta4 is the version of the 10,000 🌟of React Native Elements, and it's not an April fool 🐟! Have a look at the Twitter thread about the RNE journey by @Monte9
Thank you for being so many to use this repo, and helping us to make it better everyday. The best is yet to come, stay tuned 🚀



    The ListItem was redesigned from scratch for this beta ! Hopefully you should be able to do what you use to do, + some new features. Have a look at the documentation to discover the new functionalities ! 92e5e83 @martinezguillaume

  • List ❌REMOVED ❌

    The List component was basically just a wrapper with some styling. We decided to get rid of it as it can be pretty easily replaced by a simple View. @xavier-villelegier

  • Input displayError props was removed. errorMessage is shown if there is an error. 4c99586 @xavier-villelegier

  • Button The styles were a refactored a bit. The dimensions now need to be applied on the containerStyle, as it is for every RNE components. 8843696 @martinezguillaume

New features / Components

  • CheckBox Can now pass custom react component as checkedIcon, uncheckedIcon 4373797 @iRoachie
  • Input You can now specify a label that will be on top of the Input. Can be customised through labelStyle props 4c99586 @xavier-villelegier
  • SearchBar Platform specific SearchBars now applies the containerStyle on the outer component, and the added props inputContainerStyle is the containerStyle of the Input @XeeshanAnsari
  • Rating Enhanced styling, adds ratingTextColor and showReadOnlyText add3291 @timotew
  • SearchBar(default) Can now set size of Icon or clearIcon 84ffc9c @Gregjarvez

Bug / Warning fixes

  • Button The icon is now centered if null title is provided, by removing empty Text component fa14656 @mhsekhavat
  • ButtonGroup Fix default blue background that appears when you add a radius to the buttons 063b93f @dincozdemir
  • Input Avoid changing ref function on each render, that would cause some issues with a null ref when the Input is re-rendering. b46c9f7 @corupta
  • Button Fix proptype and typings for the icon cbc577c @iRoachie



  • (typescript) Button Change text to title 57c5557 827c03f @viggyfresh @chitswe
  • (typescript) Removed links and replace JSX.Element React.ReactElement bf85813 @Gregjarvez
  • (typescript) Rating Make onFinishEditing optional e428268 @iRoachie
  • (typescript) Overlay Add definitions ae3d62f @iRoachie
  • (CI) We now have a react-native-elements-ci bot that will deploy an example app for each submitted PR. This will be easier for the author and the maintainers to test and check for breaking changes. @xavier-villelegier
  • (Example app) Assets and fonts are now preloaded. You won't have any black background or unloaded icons anymore. @xavier-villelegier

Total contributors: 13


11 Mar 17:51
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v1.0.0-beta3 Pre-release


Booom, the 3rd beta for the awesome v1.0.0 release! 🎉 🔥
Initially, the beta3 was supposed to be fully dedicated to React Native Web support. But, as it is a huge task, it implies a lot of new things we are not familiar with. In order to not slowing down the v1.0.0 release, we decided to put the React Native Web support on the rn-web branch here for now, and we will come back on it later. #867 #760 If you are familiar with React Native Web and are interested in helping us on this feature, contact us on our Slack channel!


New features / Components

Bug/Warning fixes



Total contributors: 12


28 Jan 22:22
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v1.0.0-beta2 Pre-release

Here is the second beta of the v1.0.0 ! 🚀Some bugs introduced in the v1.0.0-beta were fixed, and new features were added. Thanks for your feedbacks on the first beta, awesome features are planned so stay tuned ! 🔥


  • SearchBar - loadingIcon was an object to customize the style of the ActivityIndicator shown when showLoading was true. It was replaced by loadingProps. 7ee34bb @xavier-villelegier
  • SearchBar - showLoadingIcon was renamed to showLoading 7ee34bb @xavier-villelegier

New features / Components

  • SearchBar - The SearchBar has now a platform props to choose between default, ios, or android look & feel 7ee34bb @xavier-villelegier
  • ButtonGroup - Adds multi-select feature 52e7117 @iRoachie
  • ListItem - The rightIcon size is now customizable 297212d @k3ithl1m
  • Slider - You can now pass transform props to the Slider through thumbStyle.transform 47ec31b @Rodrigora
  • Tile - You can use the activeOpacity props c2340ff @lex111
  • Theming - Apply primaryColor to Checkbox, Header, Button, ButtonGroup, and Badge e0a4b6a @iRoachie
  • PrincingCard - Now using new Button props c91e7b9 @Monte9

Bug/Warning fixes

  • Button - The LinearGradient feature was tweaked to avoid bug on non-expo users. You now have to pass a ButtonComponent to use linearGradientProps 961dbf3 @xavier-villelegier
  • Button - flex: 1 style was removed on the container @iRoachie
  • ListItem - Fix a bug on Android when rightTitle was null or empty 2593e33 @MrFoxPro
  • Checkbox - Fix shifting width between checked and unchecked 94ab145 @iRoachie
  • Fix jest warnings ad05179 @iRoachie


  • Update IconObject typescript definition 0fc3b5a @k3ithl1m
  • Checkbox - Update style when no title 7f86fbe @iRoachie
  • Example app - Add an example of a LinearGradient button

Total Contributors: 8


28 Jan 14:36
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v1.0.0-beta Pre-release

Hey everyone, the journey to version 1.0.0 has finally begun!
Welcome to the first version 1 beta 🎉!

Version 1 is a step towards fine tuning our current components and adding new features we think that a developer would need to use react-native-elements in a production application. For all those using it right now, we still love you! However there are a few changes we want to add to make this possible for everyone.

We try to make the betas as stable as possible, however we may sometimes introduce new features that might break existing functionality if we think it can be done a better way. Not to say betas aren't stable, but if you want to not have to update your source on releases then maybe sticking on v0.19.0 may be better.

Some of our plans for v1:

Refactored SearchBar Component

Right now our search bar looks the same on iOS and Android. This is great if you want to have the same look and feel on both platforms, however sometimes you want it to look like the native version for each platform.

In the future, you'll have 3 options:

Refactored ListItem Component

Same as the SearchBar, we're introducing native-looking versions of each platform.


Ever wanted to update all the components from react-native-elements in a one time setup? With theme support, you'll be able to set the styling for all our components, one time, in one place.


To jump onboard the beta train, you change your install command slightly.

For stable (v0.19.0)
npm install --save react-native-elements

For betas
npm install --save react-native-elements@beta

v1.0.0-beta (beta 1) Changes

  • FormInput is now renamed to Input and has a new set of props
  • Removed FormLabel and FormValidationMessage
  • Button completely rewritten and has a new set of props
  • Introduced a new Overlay component
  • Example app is no longer apart of this repo, it has a repo of it's own!
  • FormInput, FormLabel, and FormValidationMessage are no longer exported. We're planning to add back in FormValidationMessage, and FormLabel once they're compatible with the new Input component.

Thanks everyone who uses and contributes to react-native-elements. We have a lot of great features coming soon. Stay tuned!