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125 lines (78 loc) · 4.42 KB


File metadata and controls

125 lines (78 loc) · 4.42 KB

Thank you for considering contributing to pymc-learn! Please read these guidelines before submitting anything to the project.

Some ways to contribute:

  • Open an issue on the Github Issue Tracker. (Please check that it has not already been reported or addressed in a PR.)
  • Improve the docs!
  • Add a new machine-learning model. Please follow the guidelines below.
  • Add/change existing functionality in the base function classes for ML.
  • Something I haven't thought of?

Pull/Merge Requests

To create a Pull Request against this library, please fork the project and work from there.


  1. Fork the project via the Fork button on Github

  2. Clone the repo to your local disk, and add the base repository as a remote.

    git clone https://github/<YOUR-GITHUB-USERNAME>/pymc-learn.git
    cd pymc-learn
    git remote add upstream
  3. Create a new branch for your PR.

    git checkout -b my-new-feature-branch

Always use a feature branch. It's good practice to never routinely work on the master branch.

  1. Install requirements (probably in a virtual environment)

    conda create --name myenv python=3.6 pip
    conda activate myenv
    pip install -r requirements.txt
    pip install -r requirements_dev.txt

    NOTE: On Windows, in your Anaconda Prompt, run activate myenv.

  2. Develop your feature. Add changed files using git add and then git commit files:

    git add <>
    git commit

to record your changes locally. After committing, it is a good idea to sync with the base repository in case there have been any changes:

git fetch upstream
git rebase upstream/master

Then push the changes to your Github account with:

git push -u origin my-new-feature-branch

6. Submit a Pull Request! Go to the Github web page of your fork of the pymc-learn repo. Click the 'Create pull request' button to send your changes to the project maintainers for review. This will send an email to the committers.

Pull Request Checklist

  • Ensure your code has followed the Style Guidelines below

  • Make sure you have written tests where appropriate

  • Make sure the tests pass

    conda activate myenv
    python -m pytest

    NOTE: On Windows, in your Anaconda Prompt, run activate myenv.

  • Update the docs where appropriate. You can rebuild them with the commands below.

    cd pymc-learn/docs
    sphinx-apidoc -f -o api/ ../pmlearn/
    make html
  • Update the CHANGELOG

Style Guidelines

For the most part, this library follows PEP8 with a couple of exceptions.


  • Indent with 4 spaces
  • Lines can be 80 characters long
  • Docstrings should be written as numpy docstrings
  • Your code should be Python 3 compatible
  • When in doubt, follow the style of the existing code


To report an issue with pymc-learn please use the issue tracker.

Finally, if you need to get in touch for information about the project, send us an e-mail.

Transitioning from PyMC3 to PyMC4

.@pymc_learn has been following closely the development of #PyMC4 with the aim of switching its backend from #PyMC3 to PyMC4 as the latter grows to maturity. Core devs are invited. Here's the tentative roadmap for PyMC4: cc @pymc_devs

— pymc-learn (@pymc_learn) November 5, 2018