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Releases: percona/proxysql-admin-tool


13 Nov 07:18
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Release date: November 12, 2018


  • PSQLADM-68 Make scripts IPv6 compatible
    The proxysql-admin, proxysql_galera_checker, and proxysql_node_monitor scripts are now compatible with PXC hosts using IPv6 addresses. The testsuites have also been updated to use IPv6 addresses (the testsuite can now be started with the '--ipv6' option).

  • PSQLADM-107 include-slaves - do not move slaves into write hostgroup even if the whole cluster went down.
    A new option has been added '--use-slave-as-writer'. If 'yes' then a slave will be moved to the write-hostgroup if all cluster nodes are down. If 'no' then the slaves will be kept in the read-hostgroup. This option is now required if --include-slaves is used.

Bug fixes

  • PSQLADM-103 /bin/proxysql_galera_checker: line 514: $7: unbound variable
    Updated the help text to include new options (--log-text and --debug)

  • PSQLADM-104 proxysql-admin testsuite bug fixes.
    The user is now set in the .cnf files for the testsuite (this allows the testsuite to be run as root).

  • PSQLADM-110 Pattern cluster hostname does not work with proxysql-admin script.
    Fixed an issue where bad input (using '%' as a hostname) would cause script errors.

  • PSQLADM-112 proxysql_galera_checker: line 1978 P_MODE unbound variable
    Fixed an issue where a variable was being used before it had a value.

  • PSQLADM-113 proxysql_galera_checker assumes parameters given in long format
    The scripts assumed the long format for the write hostgroup parameter (--write-hg). We now check for the short form also (-w)

  • PSQLADM-115 proxysql_node_monitor fails with more than one command in scheduler
    Fixed an issue in the node monitor script if two commands with different intervals were found in the scheduler.

  • PSQLADM-116 Scheduler is reloading servers on every run
    Fixed a performance issue where the scheduler was causing the mysql_servers table to be reloaded every run

  • PSQLADM-117 --syncusers doesn't work when enabling cluster
    Fixed a regression where --syncusers didn't work with --enable. Now --syncusers can be used with --enable.

  • PSQLADM-120 /bin/proxysql_galera_checker: line 514: $7: unbound variable
    Fixed an issue where the script would fail with unhelpful errors in some network failure scenarios.

  • PSQLADM-125 The function "check_is_galera_checker_running" isn't preventing multiple instances of the script running
    Fixed an issue where multiple instances of the proxysql_galera_checker would continue to run (when they shouldn't be allowed to run).


17 Oct 21:39
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Release date: October 18, 2018

No changes were made to the proxysql-admin-tool.

ProxySQL was updated to 1.4.11
The proxysql-admin-tool versions were updated to 1.4.11


20 Sep 09:09
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Release date: September 20, 2018


    Implemented the writer-is-reader option in proxysql-admin. This is now a text option: 'always', 'never', and 'ondemand'

  • PSQLADM-64 --syncuser should not remove current users
    Added an option, --sync-multi-cluster-users, that uses the same function as --sync-usesrs, but will not delete users on ProxySQL that don't exist on MySQL

  • PSQLADM-90 Added testsuites for host priority/slave/loadbal/writer-is-reader features

  • PSQLADM-97 Ensure test cases work with 5.6
    Added tests suites for regression testing.

  • Additional debugging support
    An additional --debug flag on scripts prints more output. All SQL calls are now logged if debugging is enabled.

  • Tool enhancements: proxysql-status
    proxysql-status now reads the credentials from the proxysql-admin.cnf file
    Also added the ability to look only at certain tables (--files, --main, --monitor, --runtime, --stats)
    Also added the ability to filter based on the table name (--table)

  • Tool enhancements: tests directory
    Added extra tests. Also the can now be used to create test clusters (' --no-test --cluster-one-only', this option will create a 3-node PXC cluster with 1 async slave and will start proxyxql also). Also added regression test suites.

  • Tool enhancements: tools directory
    Added extra tools that can be used for debugging (mysql_exec, proxysql_exec, enable_scheduler, and run_galera_checker).

Bug fixes

  • PSQLADM-73 proxysql-admin is not testing the monitor user
    proxysql-admin now checks that the monitor user has been configured on the PXC nodes.

  • PSQLADM-82 proxysql-admin without-check-monitor-user is confusing
    without-check-monitor-user is confusing as it does check the monitor user (even if this is enabled). Removed this option and replaced it with use-existing-monitor-password.

  • PSQLADM-83 proxysql_galera_checker fails on an empty scheduler
    Fixed, proxysql_galera-checker no longer hangs if there is no scheduler entry.

  • PSQLADM-87 proxysql_galera_checker ignoring pxc_maint_mode
    Fixed a bug where proxysql_galera_checker was not moving a node to OFFLINE_SOFT if pxc_maint_mode was set to "maintenance"

  • PSQLADM-88 proxysql_node_monitor was searching among all hosts not just the read hostgroup
    Fixed a bug where we were searching among all nodes, not just the read hostgroup.

  • PSQLADM-91 priority nodes are not being picked up on basis of priority
    Fixed a bug where nodes in the priority list were not being picked.

  • PSQLADM-93 settings in the config files can conflict with each other
    Fixed a bug where if mode='loadbal', then the read_hostgroup setting would be used from the config file, rather than being set to -1.

  • PSQLADM-96 Centos uses /usr/share/proxysql rather than /var/lib/proxysql
    Have quick-demo also check /usr/share/proxysql

  • PSQLADM-98 Checking connection status to PXC nodes can stall the script
    Fixed a bug where checking the PXC node status could stall (this call now uses a TIMEOUT)


17 Jul 07:41
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Release date: July 16, 2018


  • BLD-1068 Append -percona to proxysql version
    Added "-percona" to the proxysql version to indicate Percona built version.

  • PSQLADM-31 Handle multiple proxysql instances in proxysql-admin
    Added the ability to use multiple proxysql instances on the same server.

  • PSQLADM-62 silent mode
    Added the --without-check-monitor-user option which configures proxysql without prompting/creating the monitor user (allows for automated deployment scenarios).

  • PSQLADM-63 host_priority on multiple clusters
    Added the ability to set host_priority on multiple clusters using the same proxysql instance.

Bug fixes

  • BLD-1077 Can't set limits for proxysql on systemd systems
    Open file limits can now be set on systemd systems.

  • PSQLADM-56 "--syncuser" option was using a hardcoded hostgroup
    proxysql-admin now uses the WRITE_HOSTGROUP_ID variable rather than a hardcoded value.

  • PSQLADM-57 proxysql-admin requires to run as root
    Removed requirement for tool to run as root, instead check for needed permissions to access configuration files/directories.

  • PSQLADM-58 Monitor user password rotation leads to cluster being read only
    Added code to check if the proxysql password is the same as the PXC monitor password.

  • PSQLADM-67 With singlewrite mode, Galera checker is not changing writer hostgroup id when nodes become ONLINE from OFFLINE_SOFT
    Fixed a bug where changing the monitor user password may lead to making the entire cluster read-only.

  • PSQLADM-69 Reading multiple cluster names from the scheduler if write hostgroup matches.
    Fixed a bug with incorrect pattern matching, causing multiple clusters to be returned depending on the hostgroup id.

  • PSQLADM-70 proxysql-admin --syncusers do not support multiple clusters in the same proxysql instance.
    Do not allow syncusers to delete users if they are from a different hostgroup.


22 May 07:04
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Release date: April 22, 2018

Usability improvement.

  • PR #84 : Now proxysql-status tool dump host_priority and proxysql-admin.cnf. Also changed output format.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed PR #66 : --syncusers will update the user password in proxysql database if there is any password difference between proxysql user and mysql user .

  • Fixed PSQLADM-45 : config-file option requires an argument but that's not visible from help screen.

  • Fixed PSQLADM-48 : ${PROXYSQL_DATADIR}/${CLUSTER_NAME}_mode file will be missing with ProxySQL-admin upgrade (1.4.5 or before to 1.4.6 onwards).

  • Fixed PSQLADM-52 : The proxysql_galera_checker script is not checking empty query rules.

  • Fixed PSQLADM-54 : proxysql_node_monitor is not changing OFFLINE_HARD status properly when the node comes back online.


13 Apr 09:13
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Release date: April 13, 2018

Usability improvement

Added proxysql-status tool to dump ProxySQL config and stats.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed PSQLADM-2 : proxysql_galera_checker doesn't check if another instance of itself is already running.

    PSQLADM-2 Note:
    As proxysql_galera_checker runs in regular intervals, there is the possibility of a race condition in certain circumstances, for example starting this script twice or more at the same time. To avoid such situations from occurring, a Galera process identifier check file was added, which will prevent duplicate script execution in most cases. Still, it may be possible in some rare cases to circumvent this check if you execute more then one copy of proxysql_galera_checker simultaneously. Please note that running more than one copy of proxysql_galera_checker
    in the same runtime environment at the same time is not supported, and may lead to undefined behavior.

  • Fixed PSQLADM-40 : ProxySQL scheduler generates many proxysql_(galera_checker|node_monitor) processes with wrong proxysql credentials.

  • Fixed PSQLADM-41 : Improve timeout error handling.

  • Fixed PSQLADM-42 : Inconsistent date format in ProxySQL and scripts.

  • Fixed PSQLADM-43 : proxysql_galera_checker does not account for special chars in mysql-monitor_password.

  • Fixed PSQLADM-44 : proxysql_galera_checker errors in proxysql.log file if wrong credentials passed.

  • Fixed PSQLADM-46 : script wrongly splitting host/port.


09 Mar 07:51
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Release date: March 9, 2018

Usability improvement

  • PSQLADM-32 : Updated proxysql-admin script to configure multiple clusters in proxysql;

    Now, proxysql-admin can configure multiple clusters in proxysql.

    Pre-requisites to configure multiple clusters in proxysql.

    • Cluster name (wsrep_cluster_name) should be unique.
    • proxysql-admin.cnf configuration differences
      • ProxySQL READ/WRITE hostgroup should be different for each cluster.
      • Application user should be different for each cluster.

    PS: Host priority feature does not work with multiple clusters. It works only with a single cluster.

  • PR #81 : Added more testcases in proxysql-admin test-suite

Bug fixes

  • Fixed PSQLADM-35 : proxysql_galera_checker cannot discover the new writer.
  • Fixed PSQLADM-36: Upgrade to 1.4.5 broken.
  • Fixed #79 : Propertly quote MONITOR_USERNAME in admin script query


13 Feb 10:04
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Release date: February 15, 2018

Usability improvement

PSQLADM-6 : If cluster node goes offline proxysql_node_monitor script will set the node status as OFFLINE_HARD. The script will not remove the cluster node from proxysql db. Also, logging will be consistent regardless of cluster node online status
PSQLADM-30: Added validation for host priority file.
PSQLADM-33: Added --proxysql-datadir option to run proxysql-admin script with custom proxysql datadir
PQA-162 : Added BATS testsuite for proxysql-admin testing

Bug fixes

Fixed PSQLADM-5: proxysql-admin and PXC mode specified with --mode isn't persist
Fixed PSQLADM-8: ProxySQL High CPU load when mysqld hangs


22 Jan 05:36
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Release date: January 17, 2018

Bug fixes

Fixed BLD-853: ProxySQL logrotate script is not working for /var/lib/proxysql/proxysql.log
Fixed PSQLADM-3: Check proxysql_node_monitor WRITER/READER hostgroup conflict issue.
Fixed PXC-892: proxysql-admin fails to parse IP address.
Fixed PXC-893: proxysql-admin fails to process passwords with special characters.
Fixed PQA-155: Runtime table is not updating if there are any changes in PXC membership.
Fixed PSQLADM-28: PROXYSQL_CLIEN_PORT is not parsing properly


04 Oct 08:59
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Release date: October 4, 2017

Usability improvement

BLD-824 : Added --without-cluster-app-user option in proxysql-admin script to configure PXC without application user
BLD-839 : Merged upstream changes to proxysql-admin repo.
PR #64 : proxysql_node_monitor missing host down when MySQL connection timeout exceeds check interval of ProxySQL.

Bug fixes

Fixed BLD-841 : Missing rotation against proxysql.log