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File metadata and controls

130 lines (96 loc) · 7.71 KB


In this folder you will find a simple example for each kind of execution that PBala presently supports.

Data file

The data file that PBala receives for its execution is a CSV (comma-separated-values) file of the following form:


where each row is a single execution. This example would perform m executions of the same program, and each execution would take one row as its arguments.

Notice: the arguments xi,j can be anything that your program understands. For example, in C they will most likely be numbers, but for Maple they can be symbolic expressions. However, the first element of each row must be a number.

The first column is the id of the execution (in the example, ids go from 0 to m, but you can use the numbers that you prefer. The ids are used for labeling the output files, so you can know which output corresponds to which data).

The following columns are arguments to your program, and will be accessed from within your program in different ways depending on which kind of execution you are performing.

Example programs to use with PBala


For a Maple execution, the job is really simple. PBala automatically defines two variables upon execution: taskId and taskArgs. taskId is the first integer of the datafile, which identifies the execution, whereas taskArgs is a vector that contains the rest of arguments: taskArgs:=[x1,x2,...,xn].

In order to adapt a Maple script to be used by PBala, you just need to perform your desired computations using the taskArgs variable.

In the example file we print the arguments received by Maple. In a similar fashion, any more complex set of operations could be applied to these variables.


For a C execution, we need a C program that can read variables from the command line, because each execution will be considered as ./program taskId x1 x2 ... xn. Therefore, our C program will receive the variables as if they were passed to it from command line, and we will need to use them as we please.

Notice that, in order to be able to read arguments from command line, our main function must follow the standard prototype:

int main(int argc, char *argv[])

In the C example file we show how to read some arguments from the command line while checking for some possible errors, and then print them to stdout. The same procedure can be generalised for any number and type of arguments and to perform the desired computations afterwards.


The Python executions work similarly to C executions, because arguments are passed to the script from the command line execution, so our program needs to be able to read and use them.

In order to read arguments from command line, the simplest option is to import the sys library and then access them like this:

import sys

print("taskId is ", sys.argv[1])
print("taskArgs are ", sys.argv[2:])

The Python example is a bit more elaborated, because it also shows how to define a main function in Python, so the behaviour of the program is even more similar to C.


Given that PARI is intended to work as a Computer Algebra System (CAS), PARI/GP executions are implemented to work the same as Maple executions. This is achieved by creating an intermediate PARI scripts that defines a number taskId and a vector taskArgs and then executes the desired program. Thus, we just need to use these variables as if they were already defined.

In the PARI/GP example, we simply print taskId and taskArgs to showcase that the program can use these variables as if they were defined by ourselves.


Sage is a CAS (same as Maple and PARI), so we have implemented it to work exactly as in Maple and PARI. An auxiliary program created during execution of PBala will define the variables taskId and taskArgs from the arguments of the data file, and we can use these two variables as we please in our Sage script.

See a piece of code that shows the simplest example in the Sage script.


Octave has a similar syntax to C, but its data structures are very different. We create an auxiliary script (as with PARI and Sage), in order to define taskId and taskArgs and then source the original Octave program. We decided to define the taskArgs vector as a cell array, so it would look like

taskArgs = {arg1,arg2,arg3};

This means that, if you want to access to the taskArgs from your main Octave script, you will have to take into account that it is a cell array: taskArgs{1} for accessing the first element, etc. (See the Octave documentation about cell arrays for more information).

Notice: Octave implementation isn't really tested, so I can't be sure wheter using symbolic arguments would work (although my guess would be that it wouldn't).

Example of a full execution in an antz node

Imagine our datafile is called datafile.txt and contains the following lines:


Suppose we want to run a program 10 times, each time with one row of data, and we want to use two cores of node a01, one of node a03, three of node a05 and one of node a07. Then we need the following file, which we can name nodefile.txt:

a01 2
a03 1
a05 3
a07 1

This will allow us to make 7 simultaneous executions of our program, so the three first slaves that finish will perform the remaining three executions.

Now we just need a directory for storing the results (so we don't clutter our main directory with files), which we will conveniently name results.

Imagine we want to execute maple_exampe.mpl using the previous datafile and nodefile. We need to have the PBala and PBala_task executables in the current directory or somewhere in the PATH of our system, and we can execute the following command:

./PBala -eh 0 maple_example.mpl datafile.txt nodefile.txt results

The options -eh tell PBala that we want to generate error files (in case something goes wrong) and a slave file (that tells us which node has performed which execution).

If we want to keep working and leave PBala in the background, we can do this to have the output of PBala go to a text file instead of to the terminal:

./PBala -eh 0 maple_example.mpl datafile.txt nodefile.txt results 1> output.txt 2> error.txt &

This will make the standard output go to output.txt and the errors go to error.txt, and will leave the terminal ready to keep working while PBala runs in the background (&).

C, Python, PARI and Sage executions work exactly the same, only changing the corresponding arguments on the command line call.