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Md. Iftekharul Alam IftekharulAlam
Software Engineer, Robotics Enthusiast

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Sam Morozov sammorozov
Data Scientist / Web3 dev / ex-Analyst in fintech 🇷🇺


Vishnu Sujeesh vsujeesh
Engineer, Tinkerer, and Thinker. I love solving problems and learning new things.
Mukesh Selvaraj mukeshselv
🎉TypeScript + React ⚛️Open Source💡UI/UX + ✨NodeJS + 🐢 MUI + ✨TailwindUI + AntDesign + HighCharts + Framer Motion + 🚀Apple

Bengaluru, India

Mark Frazier FrazierMark

Shopify Berkeley, CA

Andraž Kos andraz
ReactJS performance guru, AI driven, Tailwind CSS using, full-stack JS senior tech lead with 20+ years of hands-on experience in the latest web tech

Freelance / remote 🛫

Alain alainm23
Habrá que pedirle a alguien que ponga algo no demasiado insultante.

Cusco, Cusco, Peru

Blake Kostner btkostner
SRE team for @stordco. Ex web engineer at @system76. Ex core team at @elementary. Open source proselytizer. Drive by contributor.

@stordco Denver, CO

Shuhua Liu Shuhua-L
I love math and coding

Massachusetts, USA

Lny lne-io
Learn, build, iterate


Majid Shomaliev mshomaliev
🧑‍💻 .NET Developer
Jaihoon Jeong ZeroFigure
Hiya :)

@imKingOfTheWorld Seoul, South Korea

buu bushuai

Shaanxi, China

Tadashi Shigeoka shige
Software Engineer 👨🏻‍💻 / ROUTE06, Inc. Board Member, CTO, Co-founder

ROUTE06, Inc. Kumamoto, Japan.

Lucas Saud LucasSaud

AutoAtende Sp, BR

Ueli Saluz usalu
Passionate about architecture, computer science and reuse.

Leibniz University Hannover Berlin

Erik Jung erikjung

Publicis Sapient Boston

DevOps parthamjangir2020
I have 10+ years experienced Open Source Expert in AWS| GCP | Docker | K8s many much Hire me as full time freelance task

India India

Jhonas Palad jhonas-palad
Hello world everyonederful!


Yash Mittal techsavvyash
Talk is cheap, that's why I try to code!

Samagra | Transforming Governance India

Bashir Harrell bookofbash
Learning something new everyday! Linguist/traveler/developer

St. Petersburg, Florida

Josef A. Cruz shyriumaster
In Development at this moments. improveding potentially and possibles feedbacks and insights for fututures engages for my social medias.

Pindamonhangaba, Brasil

Mike Laurel mlaurel
Web Developer living in San Diego. I enjoy working with the web platform... period. My new favorite web framework is NueJS!

Nice North America San Diego

Evan Almeida ealmeid
Software Developer @klarna

@klarna Toronto, ON

Jonathan S TGTGamer
Currently working on @Resnovas & @Eventiva. Find me on! Request ID=15032024/13952300

@resnovas @eventiva Leeds

Naufal Farras Pratama NaufalF121
Ordinary Student

Universitas Negeri Surabaya

Muhammad Istiqlal iqlal
Cloud Native Enthusiast | Microsoft Certified Trainer, Azure

Founder @NCLSE Indonesia

Riadh ADRANI RiadhAdrani
Self-taught Software developer

Software Engineer Aryanah, Tunisia

Abdullah Shams shams3049
Software System Engineer

GEMIT Aachen, Germany

Chaturved Degloorkar chaturrved
Software Engineer

Pune, India