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Fai Fai
AI Engineer Intern (NLP) @ Botnoi, Software Engineer @ DreamMaker & JaiBud


Collins Kipkemoi CollinsKipkemoi
Mastering git-fu, speaking fluent JavaScript and freezing bugs is all I do.

Budapest, Hungary

Eyuvaraj Eyuvaraj

Pondicherry, India

Esteban Orrego eOrrego
You can just call me SteveO. I'm a passionate Full Stack Developer


Let's dive into some key highlights of my bio: πŸ”Ή Learning IT languages like C++, Python, and Java has given me a solid foundation to solve complex problems


Ayush Ayush-Pujari-07
In Search of

Ineuron.AI Hoskote, Bangalore

Alexis datalex-fr
πŸ‘‹ Hi, I’m @datalex-fr πŸ‘€ I’m interested in datascience 🌱 I learned EDA/ML and statistics with OpenClassrooms πŸ‘€ I'm currently Data Analyst



onemt fuzhou

stan nesi stannesi
.: answer to the CRies of maNY :.

@nappycats Chicago, IL

xswang Prettywxs
Anthony Joseph AnthonyJoseph82
"Rewriting every rule around me..."

@EternalReboot Orlando Florida

Isaac Paha iPaha1
πŸ‘‹ Hello, I'm Isaac Paha πŸš€ Second-year computing student at Open University, London. πŸ’‘ Tech enthusiast with an insatiable curiosity for all things digital

United Kingdom

Riyadh Uddin riyadhuddin
Creativity is not something I am gifted with but definitely, I can and love to develop things.

iacdrops Chittagong

Md. Estiak Ahmmed (Merin) merin83
I like solving Programming Challenges, Passionate about making New Things. Love React, JS, NPM, AI, Hacker News, Travel, Food

Dhaka, Bangladesh

I like cryptography, web protocols, and bots.
W4ltz PeterWaIIace
Signal Processing Engineer, computing passionate, emergent intelligence, applied math

@NativeSensors @emerging-researchers-alife Europe

Kelvin kels-code
I upload projects here sometimes. :-)

Depends on your offer

rDan 0xrdan
Create, build, and inspire.

@aibase16 USA

Jason Davenport JasonArkens17

Weights & Biases Berkeley, CA

Dafuallah dafuallah96
A software/data enthusiast that tries to aim for the best practices and logic even though it could be challenging