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jist george0st
The architect with an overlap into development and analysis. "Almost everything is possible, it's just a matter of time⌚, resources💰 and quality⭐"

Europe, Prague

Doulat Meah iamdoulat

Doulat Meah Dhaka, Bangladesh

ColorFilter romantech
Better than Yesterday

𒅐 geosynapse
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ...having escaped the perils of dimension-dot-net for more than a decade, new async adventures await Greetings! I am 𒅐

Student Cosmos

Parimal ArchProtios
Hey , myself Parimal Srivastava a technical enthusiast ....

North Carolina

Digi-Angler digiangler
𝔇𝔦𝔤𝔦-𝔄𝔫𝔤𝔩𝔢𝔯 という、フルスタックのフリーランス開発者。主に TypeScript、React、Next.js、Python、PostgreSQL、Docker が大好きです。Web3 など最新技術のトレンドもリサーチしたり、アプリを作成して勉強しています。無類のコーヒー愛好家。

Freelance Japan

Dika dikako

Stockbit Jakarta

Victor Cabral victorcabral182
Hello! Pleasure to meet you! I'm Front-end Developer.

Globalsys Vila Velha/ ES, Brasil

Nazar Kornienko blefnk
Front-end developer focusing on Next.js and TypeScript. Certified UI/UX designer. Open to office or remote jobs, as well as freelance projects.


JcStack Jcstack


Eduardo Faria eduardofaria
Web Developer & Designer UI/UX | Freelancer as Design Ninja | Systems Analysis and Development student | 👨‍🍳🎧 | ✡ Bnei Noach / בני נח

Design Ninja Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

pbnkp pbnkp
Coding is how we create and manage a world that’s out of control with rules. Create your own with simplicity in your design.
Rhythrosa Labs RhythrosaLabs
We develop intuitive, AI-driven tools that streamline the creative process for artists and businesses.

Rhythrosa Labs

Gilson Oliveira juninhokaponne
Passionate coder exploring the digital universe one commit at a time. If you want building complex features but easy way, let me know.

Provider-It Brazil, Minas Gerais

Brian Roach itsbrex
Technical PM + LLM Model collector 💅 curr. exploring ML Audio with ONNX + Deno/Bun, and local AI via @ollama ♥️

San Diego

Gabriel Del gabriel-del
JAMstack developer and Biomedical Engineer, with skills in machine learning, image processing and systems administration.


Sergej Bopp lunarkbot

Deutschland, Baden-Württemberg

raypenha raypenha
Fullstack Developer | Jamstack | Next.js | React | React Native | Linux Administrator.

Free Lancer Br

flumpus flumpus-dev
flumpin around town

somewhere out there

Jeremy Blake JBTitan

Tillner Tech Jacksonville Fl

AnonniX AnonniX
I'm an Anon Superuser that likes everything Unix/Linux & FOSS related - in addition to all other things in life that are cool.

AnonniX Bahamas

Augusto coodyme
Always deliver more than expected.

@weenow Brazil

Jake Hash jhash
No-code enthusiast focused on building SaaS applications using Javascript

Lovely Solutions LLC New York, NY