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David Keller kdaveid
Software developer from Switzerland.

Business Engineering Kreuzlingen (CH)

Rizal rizalsvp

Yogyakarta, Indonesia

hobbitpl hobbitpl
in a hole, in the ground, there lived a hobbit...
wongcw redgreat


ITPEY itpey
Zero and One Designer.


Sinan Bir deluxetiky
Computer Engineer Founder of Btechanalytics

B Tech Analytics Technology Turkey

Pratik Raj Rajpratik71 , Linux @Semicode-OS , Virtualization , Networking , Cloud , Telecom, Stroage, Security & Observability (Monitoring,Logging)
Captain Nemo of VerneMQ // Conqueror of RoburDB

VerneMQ Basel, Switzerland

edmondfrank EdmondFrank
( ̄ー ̄〃) What 's ...Up?


Price Smith pricesmith
Mid-level jack of all trades.
Artizno nattaponra
I'm a Blockchain Engineer, and I strive to enjoy every part of my life. I have a passion for contributing to the world. I also produce EDM track in AKA Artizno.

Bangkok Thailand

Pascal M oceanborn2

Ile de France, France

Mikal mikalv
Working for The I2P project this year. Worked as security architect and programmer before. Language agnostic, security focused. Oslo, Norway

FrankLee surpass

超越工作室 中国

Kelver Arruda kelverarruda
I'm Software Developer proficient in various technologies, including Java (Spring Boot), TypeScript (Node.js), and Dart (Flutter)

Rootcore DGS Chapecó

Antouan Anguelov antouanbg
Father x4, Dr. Eng. in AI, REEM, ITC and tech entrepreneur. Creator of a patent model for data communication #2789U1 at Bulgarian Patent Registry.

Novacom Group. Sofia, Bulgaria