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Cícero Lino CiceroLino
Geek, THE BEST Software Engineer (trying to be), Computer Science Student, Documentation consumer & Coffee drinker

Maceió, AL - Brazil

Rafael Batista raphab3
João Pessoa - PB


Willian Andrade Will-Andrade
Software Developer

Cuiabá - MT Brasil

Gabriel Francisco gabeFrancisco
I build solutions with a lot of technologies like React, Flutter, .NET, Laravel and NodeJS, but transforming coffee in effective code is the main goal...

Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul

Christopher Estanislau Christopher-Estanis

AGX Software (Brasil) Sorocaba, SP

Gabriel Duete gabrielduete
Jesus Follower, Dev Front in @juntossomosmais, @he4rt 💜

@juntossomosmais Juazeiro do Norte-CE