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MohamadAli Azzam MohamadAli-dev
Computer science student | Web Developer | Active learner
Toru_baka Toruforx
All is a bonus

Zhejiang University

Sean P. McAdam veritas06
Just a geek

New York

fceval fceval
Fuzzing , Software security [email protected]
Culture.Support CultureSupport
Persons Out The Workplace Can not Join

Culture.Support Culture.Support

Italo A. G. italoag

Santander Brasil São Paulo, SP

Ergi Kruja ergikruja
Just a techie

Toronto, Canada

David Lucid davidlucid
Smart contracts, Web3, mechanism design, software architecture.
Natalie Somersall some-natalie
Every machine is a smoke machine if you operate it wrong enough. 🔥

@chainguard-dev Denver, CO

Nostdm nostdm
Smart Contract Engineer
Learning concepts by helping with projects randomly.
Thiago Grisolfi Grisolfi
DevSecOps Specialist at @grupoboticario

Grupo Boticário

Linh Pham lnkphm
complexity very, very bad


Skeeter Wizking Wizking217
Young Explorer

Ai prime

Tao Xu hewigovens
A 🥷 Developer


Edward Tay edwardtay
Building the decentralized web.


Tango taqin
Design Engineer, Vue noob, Elysia beginner, Bun Linguist, Tailwind student..

@calllevels Singapore

Palash Nigam (He/Him) palash25
GeneralistPolyglotDev | Previously: @percona @interviewstreet | LFX Intern @cncf | @atlanhq | @appbaseio | GSoC @coala

(f)unemployed Remote