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Gabriel gblnovaes

São Paulo Brasil

Martin Stuwe MartinStuwe
Bachelor of Science - Computer Science

Universität of Lübeck Lübeck

Daniel velaia Somewhere on Earth (usually)

u rebornwwp

Beijing, China

Trinh Phu Son's repos trinhphuson
Just a student who's curious to try coding with Python, maybe some other ones but hey.
Ali deadmarshal
I love Perl, Lua, Pascal, Oberon, Modula-2/3, C, Forth, Standard ML, and Assembly

deadmarshal Iran, Karaj

Mayank Sharma mayanknimcet188
Software Engineer @ CodeOps Technologies LLP | AWS Cloud | Serverless Enthusiast | AIR-2 NIMCET (2019) | NIT, Trichy | Computer Science Enthusiast

CodeOps Technologies LLP Assam,India

Fans of Rendering.