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Rishav Bharti rishavbharti
Software Engineer | Building | TypeScript • Next.js • Node.js

Spinny India

Sudip Shrestha sudipstha08
Full Stack Software Engineer ✌️ Building the future with one line of code at a time. 🚀

MomentoAI Kathmandu, Nepal

Jatesh Parikh Jatesh-Parikh
Full Stack Web Developer

Mumbai, India

Charles Kornoelje charkour
christian. web dev.

Grand Rapids, MI

江辰 xuya227939
前网易前端开发工程师 | 独立开发者 weChat:Jiang9684 公众号:野生程序猿江辰

ShangHai, China

Med AB MedABdev
Software Engineer Full-Stack .Net/Angular

Europe Morocco

Saad Farhan saadfrhan
I like Next.js. Currently building Next.js projects, exploring FastAPI and CLI stuff. Always up for learning new things!


Gonzalo gonzalonf

Vicente López, Argentina

HyeonChang Shin togo26

Tapjoy, Inc. South Korea, Seoul

Edwin J. Munguia edwinmunguia
[...knowledge, somethingNew];


Andrii Milevskyi amilevskyi

@HRForecast Kyiv, Ukraine

Humar Be11aMer
Software Developer; Lifetime learner;


Nikolai Paltschikowski grimnomad
Software Engineer @ IMA Schelling Germany

IMA Schelling Germany Lübbecke, Germany

Shamith iamwatchdogs

@Grow-with-Open-Source India


Starschema Budapest, Hungary

Denis Kiselev k1selevde

Yekaterinburg, Russia


Poland, Legnica

Vladyslav Donets dvobabsi
Front-End Developer | HTML | CSS | SASS | JS | GIT


jiangbo jiangbo0216
An aspiring artist with a passion for painting and a love for exploring nature. Determined to make her mark in the art world.
Kate, Z reboottime
A curious mind, a builder.

Rochester, NY

Mateusz Kupiec m-kupiec
Front-End Developer

Teurelis, Fractile Warsaw, Poland

Neeraj Sharma nsharma1396 Bangalore, India

黄昏下的舞者 zhengjialux
🦌 着眼于将来,不受缚于过去。


Lhourquin Lhourquin
I like to carry out and contribute to projects that are meaningful to me, whether to progress in terms of skills or because I simply like the project.

CIPEO Lille, France