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Bilguun Tegshbayar Bilguun04
Software engineering student at McGill University, coder enthusiast

McGill University Montreal, Quebec

Ayah Abu Thib Ayah-AbuThib
I am a passionate engineer with a Bachelor's degree in Computer Systems Engineering. I am passionate about exploring new technologies, and am particularly inter
Mikayel mikayelagh
Distributed and event-based.

Boston, MA

Nikhesh Kumar Murali NikheshKumar
Currently Master's student in Data Science and AI @ IIT Madras & University of Birmingham

University of Birmingham Birmingham

Kovan kovanhussein

Llandudno, Wales

Syeed Mohd Saquib syeedsaquib
I'm a final year B.Tech student majoring in Computer Science and Technology. With a knack for full-stack development and I also have interest is R&D.

Jaipur, INDIA

Hannah Igboke HannahIgboke
I am in a rabbit hole called data science. Would I get out of this hole? No. That's how much I am willing to explore, learn, and solve problems.


Ozlem OzPol
🐊 CS Student @ University of Florida
Eyüp eyupipler
Software Developer & AI Researcher Entrepreuner

Neurazum Istanbul, Türkiye

Leony Ortiz leonyom82
He´s a Ph.D in Engineering, and he received both B.S. and M.Sc. degree in Engineering.


Xinrong Li Qszol
My name is Xinrong Li. Undergraduate of AI. My school is Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Research interests: Machine Learning.

Shanghai Jiao Tong University Shanghai

vishal1235 1235vishal
i'm Mern-Stack WebDeveloper and currently learning ML and AI


Joey joehiggi1758
Programming enthusiast.

Deloitte West Michigan

Athul Nambiar athul-22

Tesa Labs | Blu Labs | Social Space Bangalore

Jahid Ali Shaikh JAHID-GVIT
A Game Developer with interest in Science-Fiction.


Ryan RyanS974
I'm a MS in AI student. I am planning on putting tutorial based repos here in topics such as Programming, AI and math. Some actual programs also.

Michigan, USA

Kiran Mishra misskiran
Wanna Build Some Crazy Shit ? I'm interested . Contributor @ GSSoC'24|| Contributor @ SSoC'24
Li xianzhe darknetcv
A student of an university as well a fan of cv.

Charlotte, NC

Luck Ryan LukiRyan


Fadime Turan fadimeturan
hi, I am Fadime. I am learning python.
Gaurav gauravcodepro

Universität Potsdam Germany

Abdul Kadir AK3847
Efficiently writing 1s & 0s.
Varvara Ilyina varvarailyina
MSc Data Science @ Hertie School | Student researcher @ ZOiS

Berlin, Germany

hiZ hiz-repo
Hidezo Suganuma

The University of Tokyo Tokyo, Japan

YNSRC ynsrc
Electrical-Electronics Engineer
Ben Melis BenMelis
Biomedical Student from Belgium, very interested in web development and machine learning. Been taking the whole coding journey serious since Dec 2023.
