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Christoph Kröppl nkia-christoph

HMG Software Tbilisi, Georgia

Richard M. Davis ddgconsultant
I do computer things

The Data Design Group Colorado

Renan Borba RenanBorba
🇧🇷 Graduado em Sistemas de Informação, Pós-graduado em Saúde Digital, SFPC e AZ900. Entusiasta em ReactJS | React Native | Node.js 📱💻

Barretos, SP, Brazil

Pavel Kalashnikov kalashnikovisme
just look at readme


Mo Lotfe mohamedlotfe
SDE II | JavaScript | NodeJs | NestJs 🌍

@getbitbang Cairo, Egypt

Ahmed Fathi AhmedFatehy
Hello! I'm a full stack website developer. Knowledgeable in Wordpress and Laravel. Uses HTML5, PHP, JS, CSS, and MySQL and various tools on development.


Aaron Cohen avcohen
Founder, CTO @ CEMENT

CEMENT Richmond, VA

Nikolay Kolev nikolay
A hacker, not a script kiddie. Opinions are my own. Code is all yours. 🇧🇬🇺🇸

@withcodery Irvine, CA, US

Vaibhav Awachat awachat

Almabase, Inc. Bangalore, India

Rodrigo Galhardo rodrigogalhardo
Advisor | Entrepreneur | Quantum Computing Advocate | RD&I Technology | Innovative Solutions for Business Challenges

O universo é o meu negócio!! Brasil

Adham Nasr AdhamNasr
DevOps Enthusiast | IT consultant | Front End Developer | System Architect

The Geek Tweax Earth

Ahmet AKŞİT ahmetaksit

İzmir Yüksek Teknoloji Enstitüsü İzmir

Aarmn the limitless aarmn
I love feeling and making and feel of making. Singularity is near, to Infinite to Infinite.

Our Home Up to now, Earth

Contacts ........................................ BlondePeach -at- pm -dot- me
OZeidi Ozeidi
Data Enthusiast. Using data to understand the world. Python, R, JS.
G2 sirgawain0x
Entrepreneur/Buidlr/Crypto Enthusiast

@creativeplatform Worldwide

NikolasKMX nikolaskmx
Director of Managed IT Services

Kaimetrix, LLC Philadelphia, PA

Luiz Gustavo S. Matos luizsmatos
Back-end Developer

Back-end Developer | Alliança Betim, Minas Gerais.

Christoph Digwa digwa-ing
Engineer, Business Economist and Full Stack Developer Hannover, Germany

Nirmal nk-gears
A Polyglot, ❤️'r of Cloud Computing & Web. @nirmal_kumar

Independent Freelancer Chennai

Jonathan A. McCormick, Jr. LiberlandHacker
Computer Science student


Cape Sepias | Martijn CapeSepias

CapeSepias Apeldoorn, Netherlands

Quint quiint
14 yr old founder and freelancer - current project @FramedLabs

@FramedLabs North Carolina

Brian Roach itsbrex
Technical PM + LLM Model collector 💅 curr. exploring ML Audio with ONNX + Deno/Bun, and local AI via @ollama ♥️

San Diego