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Sebastien Michaud smichaud

Independent Software Developers and @Can-ExploreInc Canada

Soli Tsaagane soli-rsa
Content Creator, Web Developer & Audio Technician

@eland-io Ekurhuleni, South Africa

Only by falling can one continue to be pure

SJTU Shanghai

Rainer Borene rainerborene
Founder of Memberkit. Love Ruby, GNU/Linux and Vim since 2009.

Memberkit Brazil

Oliver Tzeng olivertzeng
🇹🇼 Taiwanese Arch User


Fudzer M Huda naranyala
in journey of modular && reusable code // lua > c < zig


百里(barry) kooksee
happy coding


Mani Movassagh manimovassagh
Software Developer and Ethical Hacker, Tester, Lead Consultant at CGI, AWS certified, ISTQB certified

CGI Germany

Santoso Wijaya santoso-wijaya
A software engineer in Irvine, California.

Alphabet, Inc Irvine, CA

Nguyen Vu Loc locnguyenvu
Software Engineer


Hemant Thapa AnalyticalHarry
"Life is an equation incapable of solution, but contain known factor, loyalty, and firm determination"

Demola Group Glasgow

Matthew Bub matthewbub

mPulse Mobile California, US

zenk zjykzk

bytedance china shanghai

Timon Its-treason
There's so much left to code


Spenser Black spenserblack
I write everything correctly. It's the compiler/interpreter that's wrong.

South Carolina, US

David Gao davidgao7
BSCS major at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Master of Infomatics in Northeastern Univeristy; Interested in AI agent, Cloud Natives, CICD and fullstack app




Pablo P Varela pablopunk
Remote. Building stuff with Typescript, Lua, and Swift.

@mazedesignhq Pontevedra, Spain

Gustavo Joaquin GustavoJCL
Hi, i'm a student of computer science and I like Rust btw. I use Arch btw


Frontend Developer ⚡️


Stéphane P n3wborn
Currently web developper, mainly playing with @symfony. Love linux/OSS philosophy. Always eager to improve my skills and learn new ones.


Finley Ge FinleyGe
Student in ZJUT. A lover of STEM.

Zhejiang University of Technology Hangzhou, China

Chenxu Zhou cxzhou35
Undergraduate student in ZJU.

Hangzhou, China

Masum Ehsan Lemon msm0x
I like to learn new things :)
