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Godly Godly-GM

Gieom Labs || Billion Lives Ernakulam

Afrim Besten Afrim124
Starting Java- and C#-programmer.

ICT Academie Rotterdam

Brandon Winston calrizien
Developer, Attorney

Los Angeles, CA

Abu Tyeb Azad mausulazad
Doing MS in CS

Kansas, United States

Stephen Abbott Pugh StephenAbbott
Head of technology, Open Ownership

@openownership Harare, Zimbabwe

Michael R. Kirchner mkirch
AI Research Scientist

PwC Artificial Intelligence USA

SaraiQx SaraiQX
Self-made "coder" with passion for AI-aided drug discovery and more, from an EN-CN translator. 多学科学渣,手工智能自修中.


21 y.o, student

Kyiv, Ukraine

Moteesh moteesh-reddy
I love coding and designing tools that make people productive
Zhe Ren wtbxsjy
Bioinformatics/Data Analyst

BGI-Shenzhen China

Denys Lazarenko denyslazarenko
AI Engineer @ | ex-Microsoft | CDTM | MSc in Data Science @ TUM


marlon mt marmonto
Expert Database Administrator + Architect | SLCD: UML, US | SQL, ETL | Rusty OO Dev: .Net, Java, JS | IT-Ops | Aspiring Dev.Sec.Ops, PM, Scrum Master

Open to Projects Medellín, Colombia

Tonic Josephrp
Working on machine learning for back office admin and finance + software for biofabrication and research - contributing to collaborative datasets

@Tonic-AI territories of north america

Quinn McHugh quinn-p-mchugh

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Michel SEBAG Micseb


Wizard of FullStack code-wizard21
Behold, I am a mighty wizard of the digital realm, a master of the MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js) stack! I possess the power to conjure extraordi

Freelancer House

Kirk Gosik kdgosik
Postdoctorate Associate at the Broad Institute

Broad Institute

Λlisue (Ali sue・ありすえ) lambdalisue
Vim, Python, Rust, Deno

Fixpoint, Inc. Tokyo, Japan

Jon Sundin jmsundin
Software Engineer | UI/UX | graphs

Culver City, CA

Daniel Starns danstarns
Working with people and companies in open source.

@rocket-connect Earth

Fraser Hore fraserhore

IFRC Geneva, Switzerland