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Matheus Rosmaninho matheusrosmaninho
Devops Engineer

@educbank Viçosa - MG

Sumit Dethe sumitdethe27
Devops Engineer


Nehemiah I. Dacres dacresni
Nehemiah relishes in tackling new challenges. Leveraging his vast knowlege of various software and their communities, he can asses the right one for the job

City of St. Paul MN @stpaulmn Saint Paul Minnesota

AxelDlv axeldlv
Always looking for acquiring new skills, i'm everyday training myself.


Herman Travis IV herm95
Life's like a box of tech debt, never know what ya gonna get


Octavian Predusca tavy121
Hello, I'm Tavi, a 26 years old guy passionate about programming.


Alexandre Dias de Souza alldias
Sou Analista Desenvolvedor de Sistemas, com alguns anos de experiência e apaixonado por tecnologia

FabSoft Soluções em Informática Sumaré/SP

Ismael 7il ismaely
Full Stack Software | important is to share what little you have, for the good of many .!

Luanda - Angola

Sergio Suarez SergioSuarezDev
Full stack developer & SysAdmin

Valladolid / Santiago de Compostela


Itron, Inc. Budapest

vomw vomw
quiet quitting


Alex dwarfcoder

Mississauga, ON, Canada


Petrified Labs, Inc

Cioclea Doru Octavian dorucioclea
Tech enthusiast

@CoreBuildSoftware Cluj-Napoca

Chikita Isaac chikitai
New developer

Cash app United States

Zayne zayne1

South Africa

sofubi sofubi
Passionate Python developer who finds the most reward from breathing life into decaying code.

Cambridge, MA

Gregory-JP Gregory-JP
Information Systems Student (FURG), AI/ML Developer at Compass UOL. 🍀

Compass.UOL Carazinho, RS - Brasil

Carlos Lazarte carlos-lazarte
SysAdmin DevOps Solaris Sparc Linux OCI Docker Kubernetes Terraform Ansible.


Lee Peterson leepeterson
Full-Stack Human

Buffalo Groupe Charleston, SC

Rob Cecchini robcecc27

JR3S Corp. Wimberley, TX

Vitor Silva mvvitorsilvati


natemollica-dev natemollica-nm
consul support engineer

HashiCorp San Diego, CA

Eduardo Cortecione Gouvea ecgouvea
Developer and Architect

São Paulo, SP, Brazil

oleh olehone
Try to create
Cross dillfrescott

Coffee Drinker Earth


DMG Sistemas

Oussama EL GHANNAMI iamoeg
Just a nerd doing nerdy things 🤖
