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Sam Morozov sammorozov
Web3 dev / Data Scientist / ex-Analyst in fintech 🇷🇺


Roman Prilepskiy rprilepskiy
Lead ML Developer @ MTS AI

MTS AI Moscow

Georgiy Lebedev CuriousGeorgiy
Software Engineer at @tarantool RnD Core Team led by @alyapunov, Maintainer and ex Research Intern at @vhive-serverless Lab NTU supervised by Prof. @ustiugov

@tarantool Moscow, Russian Federation

Godson PEYA ESSONGA codemossaka
Java/Kotlin Developer

Sber Moscow

Dmitry Balabka dbalabka
M.Sc. in Computer Science, +10 years experience in Web development, Software Architect with a focus on AI/ML projects in medium-size e-commerce US company

Ecentria Group Latvia, Riga

Computational physicist and computer vision engineer. Programming languages enthusiast. Mail: [email protected]
Anastasia Voznyuk natriistorm
Passionate learner and LLM researcher

Neural Networks and Deep Learning lab / DeepPavlov

Nikita Kiselev kisnikser
Data Scientist

MIPT & Sber AI Moscow, Russia

Kreinin Matvei kreininmv
Applied Math student, ML Researcher

MIPT & IAD & AI Diagnostic Moscow

Eduard Vladimirov Edyarich
22 yo student at DAMCS MIPT

Tinkoff Russia