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Ali Hamza Sarwar Ali6114

Information Technology University Lahore

[zer0x0] zer0x0
Cyber Security Lover Blockchain enthusiast Unix is my only love


Anthony Kava anthonykava
hacker ║ speaker ║ chaotic good ║ LE but EFF ➡️ cyber crime, infosec, digital forensics ║ not my employer’s ║ (he|him) 🕵️⚖️

Council Bluffs, Iowa, USA

Pentester. White Hat Hacker. Radio Amateur f1lby
Hacker, Pentester, CISO, CyberSecurity, Radio Amateur. Living somewhere in Mid Wales where my neighbours are sheep.
Kiavash khodekia
Applied Mathematics @ Tabriz University Archer, L33t CLI Cowboy

Tehran | Tabriz

Memory Adomnr
Programming for fun.
yichen yichen115

Mark Anderson markemer
Electrical Engineer, Computer Scientist, and Mobile Developer

@ionic-team at @OutSystems Fairfax, VA

Nevin Sheehan Nevin135S

Utah, United States

Ukah Elijah Ukahelijah
Hi there

Ej teach tech Nigeria

Alfredo Savi Alfredosavi
Student of computer engineering UTFPR-PB


Vishnu T S vishnutskumar
Member of Technical Staff - Science Corp

Science Corporation Alameda

Ahmed Elmayyah Satharus
HW&FW threat researcher @HPInc, GCFA, eCRE, Purple Teamer, Tinkerer, CS graduate, and a huge tech and open source enthusiast.

Bristol, England

Hcamael Hcamael


tomwei7 tomwei7

@bilibili Shanghai

John Nunley notgull
All opinions shared by this account do not reflect my employer