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Karan Kumar Saw karansaw8194
I'm a freelancer.


vtange vtange
Self-taught Web Engineer - JS/TS, NodeJS, BabylonJS, etc. Twitter: @vtange

Google, Inc. Mountain View, CA

ENKR | Jing Hui PANG | 彭竞辉 enkr1
Software Engineer @ ByteDance - "Code with clarity, design with purpose."

@bytedance Singapore

Wookjae Maeng sociengineer
Prototyping Engineer @ AWS.

Amazon Web Services Seoul, Republic of Korea

sokhib BaratovSokhibjon
Inha Univ' 26

codeinsnipps South Korea

El HATIMI Zakaria Zack4DEV
DevOps Developer

@Zeh4DEV Rabat ,Morocco

PhD Candiate at UC Berkeley and Graduate Student Researcher at LBNL, Member of Transportation Research Board: National Academies of Sciences, Engineering…

UC Berkeley | Lawrence Berkeley National Lab Berkeley, CA, U.S.

Dani Massaguer danimass
Site Reliability Engineer at Google
Anuja Patil anujapatil0811
Data engineer

Persistent Systems Pune

Konain Mukadam konainm
Digital Accessibility Engineer

Google New York, NY

Shubhanjali Shubhanjali801
I'm Shubhanjali, Currently persuing B. Tech. from Indian Institute of Information Technology Allahabad department of information Technology

IIIT Allahabad

Benson Leung bleungatchromium
Software Engineer on the Chrome OS Kernel at Google. Interested in USB-C development.

@Google Mountain View, CA

Nickolas Schiffer nickschiffer
Embedded Software Engineer

San Jose, CA, USA

hyperbola wdzeng


Casper CasperN
Just a person.
Brian McHugh Brian-McHugh

Google New York, NY

Feryal Behbahani Feryal
Research Scientist @ DeepMind


Daoyu Tu DaoyuT

New York City, NY

Naseer Ullah Awan NaseerUllahAwan
Web Developer, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, PHP, Laravel, MYSQL, Blogger, Flutter. Pakistan

Dennis Heinrich cloudmaker97
Hey there! I am a software developer for more than 10 years and live in germany.

Hamburg, Germany

Alexandre Santos sans-script
Hello World!!! I'm a Front-End Web Developer
Jasur Mirboboyev MirboboyevJasurjan
I'm a Javascript Frontend Developer

Ustoz AI Uzbekistan

Şimal Çubuk simalcubuk
Koç University Electrical-Electronics Engineering & Computer Engineering
