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Deflecta RushanM


FukiOnline fukionline
Dumb kid that likes to code in PHP. Also has an odd obsession with the old internet and cloning websites.
SneakyMthrFckr turdfurgeson78
Never underestimate the sneakiness.
João Dias retrozinndev
👋🏼 Hi!! I love the open-source community! Interested in Linux and programming. OS: Arch Linux; WM: Hyprland.

@notestudios Brasil

Dana Triz danatriz
Indie Game Dev .

PT Data Andalan Utama Semarang

r00ph r00ph


#Guigui HastagGuigui
local french nerd - Discord: _guigui

Dijon, France

Raphael Caires raphaelcaires
I'm software engineer at @dynatonhub. Always learning! 🚀

@dynatonhub @nullstack Rio de Janeiro

UberPolice UberPolice
I like computers and gaming.
Stepan Samutichev Samutichev
BaseALT LLC • ALT Academy 🦭

BaseALT LLC Worldwide

chillin like a villain since 1862


crimeraaa Crimeraaa-S1GMA
I make cute games for you, your friends, and your family

Crimera Games Poland

adenpun aappaapp
A bad web developer, and a bad game developer.

@meliyn Hong Kong

i make websites with limited knowledge of HTML and CSS


Henrique TheHENOOB
I like to make games and small software, not interested in jobs right now. Putting your email account public on GitHub is a mistake.


Pixel Pike gaminggalaxy404
Open source projects and samples from 64 GAMES
Artem artemch111
I can make a website in HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP.
Michael Amudeshnikov misha99fr
15 Years old bear(coder)"Cackemc!");

cackemcthecat Russia, virtualbox town

Jordan Bourbonnais internetbuilder
Internet Builder - Full Stack Web Developer & Multi-platform Systems Integrators

chiefwebofficer Montréal

Vri vrifox

neuedev IT Leipzig, Germany

I'm a student working on my high-school diploma, as well as learning graphic design and programming.

Los Angeles, CA

Roy The Arsonist roythearsonist
Half stack dev who likes retro games
Just a dog, doing some coding.

United States

Opola Diamond Tricky OpolaDiamondTricky01

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