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Bill Kremer billkremer
Software Engineer. Former occupational safety engineer.

Duluth, Minnesota, USA

Software Engineer at JPMorgan Chase; Also: @wharton, @StanfordEng, @eldarion, @pinaxproject, @defnado, @thePsf, DSF, @LancasterManage ✨👩🏼‍💻🎵🍨🛩️🌻

JPMorgan Chase

Mariatta Mariatta
I am not open / Parts of me are broken

@CMDLimes Canada

Rafael Sardenberg rsard-ckt
Software Engineer

Caktus Group Brasília, Brasil

Candace S csseu
Frequent hopper, sometimes cyclist.
Scot Hacker shacker
Djangonaut at Energy Solutions. Founder, Former webmonkey at UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism, Center for Investigative Reporting, CCA.

Birdhouse Arts Bay Area, CA