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Sam Morozov sammorozov
Data Scientist / Web3 dev / ex-Analyst in fintech 🇷🇺



Palermo, Italy

Martin H. cype

@SFOE Switzerland

Henning Lorenzen HenningLorenzen-ext-bayer

ClinStat GmbH on behalf of Bayer AG

Oualid Lamrini oualidlamrini
Data science Student

Montpellier University France

Amarin Siripanich asiripanich
I develop and maintain strategic transport models for Victoria, Australia. 🚶‍♀️🛴 🚴🏻‍♀️ 🚙 🚌 🚃 🚈

Victoria Department of Transport and Planning Melbourne, Australia

Moritz Hennicke AAoritz
PostDoc in Political Economy & Industrial Eonomics
Jacob Scott wurli
UK-based software developer / data scientist / R enthusiast

@DfE-R-Community Cardiff, United Kingdom

Janick Müller jmbizkit

@cynkra Zurich, Switzerland

Patrick Howard phoward38
Co-Founder @noclocks | Full Stack Developer

@noclocks Atlanta, GA

Buğra Balkaç bugrabalkac

Trendyol İstanbul,Turkey

Marcism markkinuthia
R fanatic Excited about data science and all the emerging trends machine learning , deep learning and artificial intelligence

Toronto , Canada

Nick Giangreco ngiangre
Precision medicine scientist and developer

Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Buffalo

wang minjie perlatex
R, Tidyverse, Tidymodels and Stan

sichuan normal universtiy

Alessandro Gasparini ellessenne
Biostatistician, data scientist, #rstats developer, research software engineer, data aficionado, outdoor enthusiast, pizza fanatic, and everything in between.

@RedDoorAnalytics Stockholm, Sweden

Joe Thorley joethorley
A computational biologist who performs Bayesian analyses using R, STAN and JAGS.

@poissonconsulting BC, Canada

vonSkopnik Close-your-eyes

Charité / German Research Center for Rheumatism Berlin

Just doing stuff for fun! ps. I don't like AI
cswaters cswaters

West Palm Beach, Florida

James Azam jamesmbaazam
Research Software Engineer, working on the Epiverse Initiative at LSHTM. Mostly work with/in R.

London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine United Kingdom

CJ Yetman cjyetman
Data wrangler #rstats #r-pkgs #dataviz #d3

RMI Berlin, Germany

Lincoln Colling ljcolling
Cognitive scientist based at the University of Sussex

University of Cambridge Cambridge UK

Michael Pascale MichaelPascale
Doctoral student at Boston University 🥼 🤝 🧠 🎓 🇷 💾 🌈

Boston University Massachusetts, United States

Elian H. Thiele-Evans ElianHugh
I mostly write R (and a little typescript)

Melbourne, Australia

Cong Liu the8thday
Bioinformatics & MedicalStatistics

Kintor suzhou

Sarah Jones sjone128
Data Analyst specializing in R statistical analysis and Tableau visualizations. Experience in data validation audit, market segmentation, and survey analysis


Oluwafemi OYEDELE BB1464
📊 🌐 🧑‍🏫I am an agronomist and data scientist with an interest in bayesian statistics, machine learning, crop modelling and geospatial analysis.

Research Assistant at International Institute of Tropical Agriculture Ibadan

Lluís Revilla llrs
Bioinformatician, data scientist/engineer making data accessible & useful, be it in pharma, research, open source or government data.

@irsi-tiv Spain

Medical Data Scientist.

Erlangen, Germany

Jero Rm TheHakoDrako
➥ Developer (Frontend / Backend) ⚙️ . ➥ Economist (Data Science) ⭐ .

@jero.rm Colombia

Santiago Mota santiagomota
Freelance Data Scientist | Big Data Professor at UCM and UNED | Kaggle Master

Freelance Madrid (Spain)

EconMaett EconMaett
Master in Economics - Specialization in Digitization and Data Analytics

Swiss National Bank Switzerland

Andrew Allen Bruce andrewallenbruce
Healthcare Data Analyst
