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Toby Boulton cosmictoby
Software engineer with expertise in React, TypeScript, etc. Passionate about building scalable and efficient full stack applications. Personal at @dexxiez

Cosmic Tiger Pty Ltd Melbourne, Australia

Sasank Desaraju sasank-desaraju
MD/PhD student building neural network solutions to biomedical problems

University of Florida

Douglas Soares de Andrade douglas

Doximity Montréal, Québec



とんとんぼ KaitoMuraoka
I'm an iOS and Android engineer with limited development experience. I'm not good at English😓

Tokyo, Japan

ws ws2vs

ShangHai China

15 yo dev:C++,Rust.
Alex Strand ajstrand
Frontend Software Engineer. Sometimes backend. he/they
Ott Lontra lontrafag
Nem sei porque eu fiz esse perfil lul
Aaron Gearheart AaronGearheart
Just a random guy making random stuff

Gearheart Studios Dallas TX

Alice Benatti ali-benny

@csunibo Bologna, Italy

Saahil NeonGamerBot-QK
i like coding

@FNBD-Development USA

Aleš Lončar loncarales
Daytime maker of code | Midnight baker/cook | Analog photography enthusiast | Slovenian expat

Freelance Munich

cherry cherryceri
i come here when the boredom kicks in


Maciej macpli
Student of Applied Computer Science Intern Software Developer at Abis

Abis Poland Cracow

Piako PiakoCode
A normal student
ash gitlimes
Occasional web dev for @PretendoNetwork. Definitely not a furry.


David Hernández daht-x
Software developer

Bogotá - Colombia

harley TheHCJ

United Kingdom

Barra barraIhsan
Just another human being who loves technology


🦉枭 owliao

@RedrockMobile @Tencent | now Beijing | CQUPT| 雾都 |

cattyn cattyngmd
cat teen

@plutosolutions r

JesseBot jessebot
I'm an expert in being mediocre at all sorts of things. Talk to me about Linux, k8s, CI/CD, Python, DevOps, Neovim, or FOSS generally.

Open Engineering Amsterdam, NL

Aiko pwaillette
French dev, make things that works sometimes ✨

@Karl-Lang @St-Mary France

Oscar Arzola arzola
Eclectic Developer

code at @pressbooks Montréal, Québec

Damiano Dam2210
Computer Science student at the University of Tor Vergata.

Rome, Italy