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Sam Morozov sammorozov
Data Scientist / Web3 dev / ex-Analyst in fintech 🇷🇺


shintaro ono shintaroono
creative developer


DonkeyDDDDD DonkeyHang
Audio Effects / DL
Tarun S TARUN1354
I am having good passion in coding , i need to become a strong person in AI technology . python is comfortable language . I am passion in UI/UX to
songyuncen songyuncen
Code Typist in Computer Vision


Alena alenaliu
Deep Metaphysics
Sihab Sahariar SihabSahariar
Co-Founder - @Roboway-Labs | Software Engineer - @Lynkeus-ai | Former Team Lead - @BRACU-DICHARI

린케우스.ai Dhaka

Bui Minh Cuong kyoo-147
AI | Embedded | Computer Vision | Machine Learning | LLMs

NaVin VietNam

Shreejan Shrestha Shreejan-git
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning practitioner. LinkedIn:


Matt Shaffer wx-b

RIOS Palo Alto, CA

Md. Aslam Miha freelancermaruf579
Hi, I’m Aslam Miah I'm an SEO Specialist and Affiliate Marketer. I would like to help grow up companies & business revenue.

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Stoney Kang sikang99
TreamGRIT member, Multimedia & Blockchain System Design & Development, Gopher

TeamGRIT, Inc. 대한민국

Zeeshan Hyder Zeeshann1
AI Algorithm Engineer I Computer Vision I Machine Learning I Embedded Engineer

Shanghai, China

yosof omrani Ali771025
Electrical Electronics Engineer and Master of Telecommunication Systems in Artificial Intelligence
bill aidlearning
Build Linux running on the Android with GUI ,Python and AI toolchain support


I Gede Teguh Permana TeguhPermana666
Kaggle: Linkedin:

Unify Bali

arutan arutan400
Hello! I'm a third-year Information Engineering student, constantly striving to learn and grow. I believe that "stagnation is regression," and I am always looki