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Risshi Kudeshia codrrk08
I am a Junior year CSE student at VIT University. Looking forward to new opportunities in Web Dev and Blockchain Development.

Lucknow,Uttar Pradesh

student of 42málaga


Augusto Cedric AugustoCedric
Apaixonado por tecnologia, focado como dev. 👊🔥

João Pessoa - PB

Aline Serafim AlineSerafim
Estou ciente de que o caminho pela frente pode ser desafiador, mas estou comprometida em aprender e crescer constantemente.


Bandele Olutosin gw-dele
Developer. Ethical Hacker. Chess Player. Mac 'n' Cheese Enthusiast. May have a slight obsession with Arsenal Football Club.

Chicago, IL

Alejandro Marcos Alexma03
Full Stack Developer: Android ( Jetpack Compose ) | Java | Kotlin | HTML / CSS | JavaScript | React | Python | MySQL | Solidity |

Full Stack Developer Madrid

Rifki Krisna Maulana Rifkikrsna
Be Patient

nothing Kamal Muara, Penjaringan, Jakarta Utara. 14470 DKI Jakarta

Ashish ashish2024
Passionate CSE student eager to launch my career in software development to apply academic knowledge, skills, and a strong passion for technology.
Carlos Hernandez carloscoding925
Computer Science Major

Reno, NV

Luan Analista de TI </> UX/UI Designer LuanDesigner
🛡️ Analista de Segurança da Informação 👨‍💻 Ethical Hacker 🔒 Cyber Security 🛠️ Software Developer ☕️ Coding • Tech • Hacking • Design

Salvador - BA

Bayu Setiawan bayu275
Learner, making the change from Admin to Fullstack Developer.
duriskifeb duriskifeb
Don't do too much or your life will be a hassle. ~Gdr

Universitas Telkom Surabaya East Java, Indonesia

StevenPapasot StevePapasot
🖥 Web Developer. ✒ UX/UI Designer. 🧑‍💻 Cybersecurity Enthusiast #HTML #CSS #Bootsrap 5 #JavaScript #React.js #three.js #PHP #SQL #PYTHON

Freelancer Athens, Greece

Dylan Friedman MrFriedman
BSC Computer Science, Business Computing UCT
Ali Havizni aviz99


NdumiaNderson ANDERSON254KE
I love to code because I love to build and create