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yaofei zheng qwerty258

DELL Technologies Shanghai

Guilherme GuilhermeSilva3176
Hello, i'm am 20yrs old, searching for new oportunities :D
Lukas R. Jackson LukeTheEngineer
Defense industry nerd, computer science researcher and Jr. Embedded Software Engineer at Limitless Aeronautics

Limitless Aeronautics LLC Birmingham, Alabama

Xiang Shin Wuu xiang-wuu
AI Enthusiast | MLOps | Applied Deep Learning & Computer Vision | AI Research | Specialization in Optimizing & Deploying Complex NN/ML Algorithms.

Vicon-Security LLC.

André Machado machaddr
Software Programmer

@liberolinux /dev/earth0

Brian Abbott briancabbott
Software Engineer. I currently live in Bellevue, WA. My focuses are on Systems Programming, Mathematics and Deep Learning.

Bellevue, WA

Armin W. Wer-Wolf
I am a student from Dresden, Germany, with a passion for microcontrollers and the linux kernel. I am also supporting the idea of FOSS.

TU Dresden Dresden, Germany

Paulo R. A. Sales salespaulo
Desenvolvedor desde 2002, amante de desenvolvimento, matemática, física, filosofia, antropologia e espiritualidade! Tudo de bom neste mundão!! :)

Freunde Von Ideen São Paulo

David A. Aguirre M. daguirrem
Electronic engineer focused on embedded firmware/software development.


Pratik Raj Rajpratik71 , Linux @Semicode-OS , Virtualization , Networking , Cloud , Telecom, Stroage, Security & Observability (Monitoring,Logging)
e665106 e665107

china beijing

Nathann Morand nathmo
Electronic geek, Improvised sysadmin, fond of robotic, software development and cybersecurity enthusiast

Aperture Science Switzerland

Behaylu Be-haylu
I’m currently working on Data science and AI
Léo Zambone LeoZamboneNeto
Estudante de Engenharia da Computação, na Universidade Salesiana de Campinas - Unisal.
David Dennison davidldennison
I'm an SEO and Content Marketer!

David Dennison SEO Las Vegas, NV

GAF LegendGaf
Well let fix this
Michael Orr Orrmj
Project Manager, Transportation Systems - Rail and Transit Canada

WSP Canada Inc. Toronto, CA

Sliverk Sliverk


Nhan Vu nhanvu327
I am a software engineer @workyard Sydney, Australia. Also a postgrad student at University of Technology Sydney studying computer science

@work-yard Sydney, Australia

Vladyslav vlady5lav
Science & Tech Enthusiast

Hobbyist Developer & System Administrator Andromeda Galaxy, Local Group, Virgo Supercluster, Laniakea Supercluster

Neko Prog nekoprog

@petanisugeh Mersing, Johor, Malaysia

Hal-Simov halsimov
PhD. Student at CITI Laboratory (INSA Lyon) on Ultra Low Power Ambient Intelligence
xiangxudong xiangxud
old programmer,like full stack c ,go ,js,java,study in all lifecycle
wwhai wwhai
