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Curiousity mentordotgit
Eternally curious | Effortlessly trying | Endlessly learning

@VectorDBCloud @ReguNav

Mateus Epifanio Linhares MateusLinhares-Dev
Estudante de ADS na Unisociesc

Softexpert Joinville

Mohsen Hashemi memorycircles
Language Researcher

APLL Tehran, Iran

Nikil Patel nikilpatel94
Jersey No: 42 | Team : Random seeding

Birla Vishwakarma Mahavidyalaya | University of Strathclyde In some hidden Layer

Amir Hossein Kargaran kargaranamir
Engineer/ CS PhD student at @cisnlp working on natural language processing.

@cisnlp Munich, Germany

Sam Morozov sammorozov
Data Scientist / Web3 dev / ex-Analyst in fintech 🇷🇺


이준헌 leejoonhun


Aman Gaurav Amg9794
M.Tech in Signal Processing and Machine Learning
Zhuo Chen hackerchenzhuo
Ph.D. Candidate@ZJU

Zhejiang University Hangzhou, China

KuangJun CrisJk

East China Normal University -> NLP, Meituan Shanghai,China

Jinluan Yang Yangjinluan
student of Zhejiang University

Zhejiang University

Yu Zhao yuzhaouoe
PhD Student at UoE, CDT in NLP.
dangerous 2391134843
Ph.D. student at PKU
Aoife aoifeml

Cambridge, MA

Dhruv Karan unography
Data Scientist / ML Engineer AI x Art

London, UK

Shengchen Zhang shaunabanana
PhD student at Tongji University. HRI researcher, designer, developer.

Shanghai, China

Prithvi p-r-i-t-h-v-i
A normal Joe who knows well that he's all but a temporary manifestation of energy (and a decent programmer too). 📖✨

Sauntering in the Milky Way Galaxy

AI, NLP, CV, CN, KG, Semantics


Hanxu Hu hanxuhu
Research Assistant in Westlake University, MS student in University of Edinburgh
hejieprobe probe2
Welcome everyone talk with me


Machine Learning Engineer

ITMO University

Ahmed Salem Muhammed Elhady ahmedselhady
Ph.D. @ Universidad del Pais Vasco. ex Microsoft. Interested in Combining LLMs, Summarization, and Knowledge Graphs

University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain

Ke Yan 0x1DA9430

UoE AI Edinburgh

learning machine

University of Oxford Earth

Jiaxin Zhang jxzhangjhu
AI Research Scientist on LLM reliability, evaluation, fine-tuning, and optimization

Intuit AI Research Mountain View

hedges jom-hedges

a forest next to a lake

Enting Enting-Chen
Computer science major. Specialized in artificial intelligence and big data. Interested in everything machine learning related.

University of Edinburgh, previously Sun Yat-sen University, @bytedance Edinburgh, Scotland, UK

VHT vhientran
NLP Researcher

Kyoto, Japan

Andrea Bacciu andreabac3
Hi, I'm Andrea Bacciu a PhD student in NLP under the supervision of Professor Fabrizio Silvestri. Previously Applied Scientist @amazon Google DSC Lead @googl

Sapienza University of Rome Italy, Rome