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Alessandro Lenzi alessandro-lenzi
Full Stack Web/Mobile Developer currently focused in React.JS, React-Native and Node.js. Also loves working with GIS/Map interfaces (with Leaflet.js, MapBox).

Curitiba, Paraná - Brazil

Rosamaria rosamariamello
Product Designer - UI/UX

Brasília, DF

Wilmy Danguya Danguya

OCTOPLUS Luanda, Angola

Kind dev fulldev1023
Full stack Developer. React Next Python Django Golang Ruby on Rails

Freelancer In the World

Mateus Moutinho Queiroz mateusmoutinho
yet another guy

Guarulhos São Paulo Brazil

Lussati Santos lussatisantos
Software Engineer

Luanda - Angola

Renaldo Mateus renaldodev
Making good stuffs

Luanda, Angola

João Santos jocaetano1
Software Developer & Entrepreneur. I have a degree in Telecommunications Engineering, but I love to learn, teach and program 😍 🤪.

ZAFIR Angola, Luanda

Wendy Hemlock PvtWendy
Front-End Developer and Software Engineering Student


Victor Lucas Santos Gonzaga Guedes VictorLucasSantos
Cursando Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas, Delphi, SQL aprendendo sobre Full Stack Python


David Junior David-Jr

Maputo, Mozambique

Ussumane Momade Uss-Momas
Hi There! Welcome to my profile :)

Maputo, Mozambique

Pedro Magno PedroMagno11
Desenvolvedor HTML | CSS | JS | Node.JS | C | C++ | C#

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Osvaldo de Sousa Osvaldo943
Frontend developer (Web: {ReactJS, NextJS, Typescript, Styled-Compeonent, Sass}, Mobile: {React Native}, API {API Rest}).

DLine-Code Angola, Luanda

Mário Varela trupakufi
Software Developper

@angolaosc Luanda, Angola

Leandro Costa leandroncosta
Desenvolvimento web | 21 anos

Espirito Santo - Brasil

Wesley Santana WesleyBSa
Wesley- 25 anos. Estudante do curso de Sistemas de Informação e entusiasta da programação.

Alagoinhas, BA, Brasil


namespacedevs Brazil

António Pedro antonio-pedro99
Android Developer | Flutter | Kotlin | Java | Firebase | Undergraduate Researcher at IIITD's MIDAS Lab | LFX mentee'23 at CNCF working on Strimzi | OpenHack'22

Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology Delhi Delhi, India

Elender elenderg

INFRAERO Altamira-Pará

Alves, O. de C. C. orionalves
Fullstack Developer.


clauber-DEV Clauber-DEV
Graduado em análise e desenvolvimento de sistemas.

Volta Redonda RJ

Rafael Lindemann Duarte rafaellindemann
Técnico em Eletrônica; Bacharel em Ciência da Computação; Mestre em Mecatrônica; Focado atualmente em desenvolvimento web e mobile :D

Floripa, Brasil

NerDoca nerdoca-tech
Analista e Desenvolvedor de Sistemas Engenheiro Electrónico e de Telecomunicações ** C++ | JAVA/Spring Boot | Dart/Flutter | SQL

Binsys IT Huambo, Angola

Vinicius Suburbanno
I try write the words that computers like.

@OpenStreetMap Foundation Pernambuco, Brazil

Henriik hernique33comiitei
Web developer, Back End.

Sergipe, Brazil

Klaus Ferreira KlausEverWalkingDev
Software Developer | Angular | TypeScript | Git | Linux | Java | SQL | Creator and Community Manager at @DevCaminhante

@DevCaminhante Blumenau, SC, Brazil

Cody Nicholson CodyNicholson
I am a Software Engineer and this is an encyclopedia of all my skills

Chicago, IL

Eduardo Braga educbraga
Frontend | Vue | Nuxt | JavaScript | TypeScript | Figma | Tailwind | React | Next | Rails | Hotwire

@pcm-solucoes Bela Vista de Goiás, Brazil

Samuel Renan Gonçalves Vaz samuelrvg
Full Stack Dev - C#, Js, React, React Native, Python, Vue, Angular

@CWISoftware Cuiabá - MT

Adam Almeida Adam-Almeida
Apaixonado por Programação Orientada a Objetos, eterno aprendiz e um louco por soluções BackEnd, atualmente estudando NodeJs na Rocketseat.

Curitiba/Fazenda Rio Grande - PR

Rômulo Rodrigues romulormj
Internet Computing student at the Federal Institute of Pernambuco, Igarassu Campus.

IFPE - Igarassu Pernambuco