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GagandeepBajwa GagandeepBajwa
Software Developer and Machine Learning Researcher


James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@aruba The edge of knowing

Roni Boukheir roniboukheir1
Computer Science Student at the Lebanese American University
schaefchen schaefchenn
Automotive Engineering Student, with focus on chassis
Plamen Nikolov pgnikolov
Welcome to my GitHub profile! I'm Plamen Nikolov, I am interested in programming, new technologies and innovations.

Oosterhout, Netherlands

mindthink mindthink
stay hungry,stay foolish


李洪锋 kikajack
机械工程师,程序员,电商选品 设备开发公司、软件公司、保险公司、电商公司


Luís Calçada luiscalcada

Arcos de Valdevez, Portugal

Charl Cilliers cillierscharl

Foci Solutions Ottawa, Ontario

Benedikt Fuchs FuchsBene
Hi, I'm Benedikt. I am a Python🐍 and web developer and work on cool projects here.


Omkar Kabde omkar-334
Feel the AGI.


Viktor Eliasson villeboy

Diadrom Software AB Sweden

Nazmican Çalık nazmicancalik
Computer Vision Engineer @FutureInLogistics | MSc. at TU Munich | BSc. Computer Engineering at Bogazici University

Filics GmbH Munich, Germany

Amir Amine iamamiramine
Generative AI Computer Vision and Deep Learning

Lebanese American University Lebanon

Krutie Patel Krutie
#Nuxtjs👑 #Vuejs✌️#Laravel⚡️2D Illustrator✏️ 🎧 @nuxt_js Ambassador - @_pariksha 🦉

Krutie Patel Australia

Thomas Boe tomboe311
Software Engineer

CHECK24 Germany

mostafakataya mustafakataya00
software engineer (4/5)
Aspiring Data Scientist | Machine Learning Enthusiast |
Brice Kamhoua bricekams
Backend & Tools - Mobile Eng

Open to work Yaounde, Camerooon

9nehS 9nehS
Test Automation


Evgeny Doros edorosh
Software Engineer

BMW AG Munich, Germany

Jean-Baptiste Maillet jbmaillet
PSIRT technical leader, embedded OSS

Paris, France

poweron // software euroblaze

Simplify-ERP® – Wapsol GmbH Stuttgart – Germany

Nils Melchert nilsmelchert

Institute for measurement and automatic control, Leibniz University Hannover, Germany Hannover

Hussein Cheayto CheaytoHussein
18, I like to work on cool stuff.


Adnan Abdallah adnanO999
Mechatronics Engineering Project enthusiast developing knowledge in software and hardware.

Lebanese American University

Benjamin Otto otjamin
CS student

@idealworks Munich, Germany

Dani Azzam daniazzam
Computer Vision & Generative AI Engineer @ BMW Group

BMW Group Munich, Germany

Niranjan AU-DEN
I am an Emerging Computer Scientist . I am eager for opportunities , to build my practical experiences both within as well as outside the industry.
Richard Mlambuzi bed-com-29-19
University of Malawi student pursuing Education in Computer Science

University of Malawi Zomba