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136 lines (135 loc) · 5.88 KB

String functions

  1. Left(<Line>, <CountOfCharacters>)
  • Selects first characters of the string from left.
InitialName = Left(Employee.Name, 1);
InitialPatronymic = Left(Employee.Patronymic, 1);
FullName = Employee.Name + " "
    + InitialName + "." 
    + InitialPatronymic + ".";
  1. Right(<Line>, <CountOfCharacters>)
  • Selects first characters of the string from left.
// Let the automobile number is set as x999xx99 in the fixed assets catalog,
// where two last numbers represent the region code.
// Let's receive the region code from the number.
RegionCode = Right(BasicMeans.StateNumber, 2);
  1. TrimL(<Line>)
  • Removes insignificant characters spaces to the left of the first significant character in a string.
Name3Print = TrimL(Article.Name);
  1. TrimR(<Line>) +Removes insignificant characters to the right of the last significant character in a string.
Name4Print = TrimR(Article.Name);
  1. TrimAll(<Line>)
  • Removes insignificant characters to the left of the first significant character and trailing spaces to the right of the last significant character in a string.
Name5Print = TrimAll(Article.Name);
  1. StrLen(<Line>)
  • Obtains the number of characters in a string.
DescriptionLength = StrLen(Article.Name);
  1. StrFind(<Line>, <SearchSubstring>, [<SearchDirection>], [<StartIndex>], [<EntryNumber>])
  • Return the position of the first character of the found substring. Character numbering in a string starts from 1. If a string does not contain the specified substring, returns 0.
  • Optional parameters:
    • <SearchDirection>: FromBegin, FromEnd
    • <StartIndex>: 1 by default
    • <EntryNumber>: Specifies the entry number of the substring being searched for in the initial string, 1 by default
If StrFind(Employee.Name, "John") > 0 Then
    Message(Employee.Name + ", code = " + Employee.Code);
  1. StrReplace(<Line>, <SearchSubstring>, <ReplaceSubstring>)
  • Finds all occurrences of the search substring in the source string and replaces them with the value of the Replace substring.
Result = StrReplace(Nomenclature.Name, "_", " ");
  1. StrStartsWith(<String>, <SearchString>)
  • Determines that a string begins with the specified substring.
StrStartsWith("hello", "he");   // True
  1. StrEndsWith(<String>, <SearchString>)
  • Determines if the string ends with the specified substring.
StrStartsWith("hello.", ",");   // False
  1. StrLineCount(<Line>)
  • Counts the number of lines in a multiline string. Lines of a multiline string are separated by line break characters (Chars.LF). If there are no characters after the last line break character, it is ignored.
For X = 1 To StrLineCount(SourceText) Do 
  1. StrGetLine(<Line>, <LineNumber>)
  • Obtains a line of a multi-line string by its number.
For Counter = 1 To StrLineCount(InitialText) Do
    CurRow = StrGetLine(InitialText, Counter);
  1. StrCompare(<String1>, <String2>)
  • Returns:
    • -1 - the first string is smaller than the second one.
    • 1 - the first string is bigger than the second one.
    • 0 - the first string is equal to the second one.
  1. StrSplit(<String>, <Separator>, [<IncludeBlank>])
  • Splits a string into parts according using the specified delimiter.
  • <IncludeBlank>: Shows if it is required to include the empty strings which can result from a separation of a source string while calculating the result. By default, True is set.
  1. StrConcat(<Strings>, [<Separator>])
  • Merges an array of strings passed into a single string with the specified delimiter.
  • <Separator>: The string that will be inserted between merged strings. If no parameter is set, the strings will be merged together.
  1. Mid(<Line>, <InitialNumber>, <CountOfCharacters>)
  • Selects a character string beginning with <InitialNumber> character, <CountOfCharacters> characters total.
// let the automobile number is set as x999xx99 in the fixed assets catalog,
// where two last numbers represent the region code.
// Let's receive the numeric part of number.
FiguresOfNumber = Mid(BasicMeans.StateNumber, 2, 3);
  1. Upper(<Line>)
  • Converts all characters in a string to upper case.
StateNumber = Upper(BasicMeans.StateNumber);
  1. Lower(<Line>)
  • Converts all characters in a string to lower case.
StateNumber = Lower(BasicMeans.StateNumber);
  1. NStr(<InitialString>, <LanguageCode>)
  • Gets a string in the current user language or in the specified language from a set of strings in different languages available in the configuration.
Message(NStr("en = 'Good evening!'; ru = 'Добрый вечер!'"));
  1. StringWithNumber(<SourceString>, <Number>, <NumericValueType>, <NumberFormatString>)
  • Generates a number presentation for the specified locale code and number parameters.
  • <SourceString>: A string that contains 6 word forms for each numeral, separated by semicolons.
// This example displays the number of days left until the New Year.
String = StringWithNumber("; %1 day; ; ; ; %1 days",   
String = String + " left until New Year's Day";    
// Results:
// "1 day left until New Year's Day" 
// "8 days left until New Year's Day"
  1. StrTemplate(<Template>, <Value1-Value10>)
  • Inserts parameters into string by number.
    • If the string contains two % characters in a row (%%), they are regarded as a single percent character, no matter if there is a number immediately after the characters or not.
    • The "Insufficient actual parameters" exception is generated if the parameters are not sufficient to fill in the %N parameter template.
    • The "Too many parameters" exception is generated if there are too many parameters to be inserted into template.
StrTemplate("Data error in line %1 (%2 type required)", 2, "Date");