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Repository Description
Last Edited: May 28, 2024


Github repository for hardware and software interfacing of the smart system used by the Hussein Ultrafast Plasma Science group at the University of Alberta for 15 TW laser experiments.

The smart system aims to interface a collection of hardware components necessary to perform high intensity laser-plasma interactions including FLIR Blackfly CCD, Newport XPS-D8 Motion Controller, Agilent XGS-600 Vacuum Controller, Andor iKon-M Vacuum X-ray CCD, and more. The various equipment will be controlled using Python code, and be designed in a modular structure to allow for quick changes in experimental setups.

15 TW Laser System

The Amplitude Arco X laser system is a 500 mJ, 30 fs at spec laser system firing at a repetition rate of 10 Hz. This laser system will be used by the Hussein Lab for relativistic laser-driven plasma acceleration experiments.


  • Branches
    • Branches must change or implement one feature
    • Branches created from branches must be merged in the order they are created
  • Branch Naming
    • Branches are named as follows: <name_of_author>/<branch_type>/<description_of_branch>
    • Branch types may be one of the following: {hotfix,bugfix,experimental,feature}
  • Commit Messages
    • Do not assume your code is self explanatory
    • Do not assume everyone else knows what you are working on
    • Use the imperative mood in the subject line
    • When in doubt, use the KISS method: Keep It Simple, Silly