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Arjun Prasad edited this page Jan 7, 2021 · 76 revisions

NCBI Antimicrobial Resistance Gene Finder Plus (AMRFinderPlus)

See Version 1 documentation for the old AMRFinder version 1 software

Overview for AMRFinderPlus 3.9

This software and the accompanying database are designed to find acquired antimicrobial resistance genes in bacterial protein or assembled nucleotide sequences as well as known resistance-associated point mutations for several taxa. With AMRFinderPlus we have added select members of additional classes of genes such as virulence factors, biocide, heat, acid, and metal resistance genes.

By default the results returned by AMRFinderPlus will be similar to those returned by the original AMRFinder with some additional data on function. See Running AMRFinderPlus for information on how to get the additional hit types.

Version 3.9 (AMRFinderPlus)

This release is incompatible with previous versions of the database. Run amrfinder -u to get the most recent release version of the database before using.

See New in AMRFinderPlus for more information.

A note about ABRicate

Many people are using ABRicate with the default "ncbi" database, and it has come to our attention that at least some users are confused that they are getting the same or similar results to what they would get from AMRFinderPlus. ABRicate uses a subset of the AMRFinderPlus database to do AMR gene detection, and while we love Torsten and ABRicate, the results are not the same as those you would get by running AMRFinderPlus. To identify AMR genes from assembled sequence we recommend using AMRFinderPlus to get the full value out of the NCBI compiled database, including correct allele symbols for families we curate, named allele vs. novel allele determination, protein-based search/naming, curated cutoffs, HMM searches, etc.


AMRFinder requires BLAST and HMMER. We provide instructions using BioConda to install the prerequisites.

Installation Instructions


AMRFinder can be run in multiple modes with protein sequence as input and/or with DNA sequence as input. To get maximum information it should be run with both protein and nucleotide. When run with protein sequence it uses both BLASTP and HMMER to search protein sequences for AMR genes along with a hierarchical tree of gene families to classify and name novel sequences. With nucleotide sequences it uses BLASTX translated searches and the hierarchical tree of gene families. Adding the --organism option enables screening for point mutations in select organisms and suppresses the reporting of some that are extremely common in those organisms.

Running AMRFinderPlus
AMRFinderPlus database
Interpreting results

Related Resources

amrfinder-announce mailing list

Subscribe to the amrfinder-announce mailing list to get updates when we release new versions of the software or database. This is a low-traffic list.


If you have any questions about or experience problems running AMRFinderPlus, please contact [email protected].

License / Public Domain Notice


See our our AMRFinder paper for more details.


Feldgarden, M., Brover, V., Haft, D.H., Prasad, A.B., Slotta, D.J., Tolstoy, I., Tyson, G.H., Zhao, S., Hsu, C.-H., McDermott, P.F., Tadesse, D.A., Morales, C., Simmons, M., Tillman, G., Wasilenko, J., Folster, J.P., Klimke, W., 2019. Validating the NCBI AMRFinder Tool and Resistance Gene Database Using Antimicrobial Resistance Genotype-Phenotype Correlations in a Collection of NARMS Isolates. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 63 no. 11 (November 1, 2019): e00483-19

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