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1418 lines (1329 loc) · 72.4 KB



Major Changes

  • Completely changed the vision of the game to focus on extreme customization, personalization, and exploration.
  • Completely deleted and started remaking the universe.
  • Completely deleted or replaced most factions. (New factions will be added as development progresses.)
  • Started writing an entirely new plot, with some elements kept.
  • Completely gutted CPU from the game; the only hard limit is now number of slots.
  • Removed several missions and events.

Other Changes

  • Changed IJKL layout to use Semicolon for secondary weapon.
  • Removed the large stars from the background.
  • Moved the listener Z axis position further away (which fixes an issue where large ships could lead to stereo audio getting separated in a weird way).
  • Adjusted sound balancing and changed default volume levels to match.
  • Renamed several stats.
  • Changed the default Ship Computer control to F1.
  • Renamed bioship brains to hearts (reflecting the removal of CPUs).
  • Renamed core systems to APUs (auxiliary power units).
  • Removed planet and bar descriptions.
  • Added a date display to the Spaceport tab of land windows.
  • "Empire" versions of ships now instead use the word "Imperial" (e.g. "Imperial Shark").
  • "Melendez Corporation" and "Unicorp" (in ship fabricator designations and outfit names) merged and renamed to "Exacorp".
  • Improved the method for selecting cargo missions (which should reduce the occurrence of odd scenarios like a desert world shipping water to a water world).
  • Removed NPC "importance" markers; how important an NPC is now has to be determined by context.
  • Removed randomly generated generic NPCs.


Major Changes

  • Added the Elephant, a bulk freighter which is essentially an upsized variant of the Mule.
  • Overhauled lots of the coloring to improve colorblind accessibility and better unify the coloring schemes.
    • Text colors on screens related to outfits and ships now generally indicate something "good" with blue, something "bad" with yellow and an asterisk, and something "dangerous" or "critical" with red and a pair of exclamation points.
    • Weapon sets shown in the Ship Computer are now colored black for irrelevant slots, dark red for relevant but unused slots, and blue at two separate brightness levels for used slots.
    • The borders around slots which indicate that an outfit is required, exclusive, or has a special type (like core slots, fighter bay slots, and bio-weapon slots) are different colors, and the slot indicators in the shipyard are now drawn in the same way rather than with colored triangles. The color for required outfits is unchanged, but for otherwise exclusive or special-typed slots, the coloring is a 2-color blue gradient. (With full color vision, they just look like brighter shades of blue or cyan.)
    • The selected ship slot in the Equipment tab is now indicated with an outline, rather than replacing the color of the entire slot.
    • CPU bar is now orange with a black background, while mass limit bar bar is now blue with a black background.
    • Hidden jump hyperspace lanes on the starmap are now indicated as orange instead of red.
    • The selected autonav path on the starmap is now colored two shades of blue and a shade of orange, rather than the previous green, yellow, and red coloring.
    • Standard jump points are now a blue-green color, while hidden jump points are a slightly yellow-shifted red color.
    • Jump trails are now green instead of magenta.
  • Added a proper hidden tutorial demonstrating weapon heat and Active Cooldown: the Llama's stats have been modified so that its forward weapons heat up much faster than most ships, and the asteroids in Hakoi have been given much more health, pretty much guaranteeing that the player's weapons overheat during the mission. When they do, Ian Structure gently suggests engaging Active Cooldown to get your weapons to start working better again.

Other Changes

  • Added several more possible randomly-generated pilot names.
  • Yachts are now generally equipped more lightly.
  • Split the Fighter class into Fighter and Light Fighter classes.
  • Split the Cruiser class into Cruiser, Light Cruiser, and Battleship classes.
  • Adjusted the way AI ships are equipped.
  • Afterburner outfits now properly display their heat up stat.
  • Lowered energy cost and increased heatup time for afterburners (making them more widely usable).
  • Reordered stats on ships for better consistency.
  • Fixed an issue where a beam turning off would stop the sound effect from playing on any beam at all which uses the same sound effect.
  • Renamed "wrist computers" to "palmtops".
  • The type of colorblindness simulated can now be configured via the Options menu rather than having to edit the shader file.
  • Changed TC display to be relative instead of absolute (meaning e.g. a doubling of time passage rate is displayed as "+100%" instead of "200%" as it was previously).
  • Energy regeneration is now simply linear, just like shield, armor, and fuel regeneration, which also brings it in-line with the way energy costs of weapons and activated outfits work.
  • Derelicts now award less credits on average, but can rarely give very large rewards.
  • Increased mass limit of Hellburner a bit.
  • Emergency Shield Booster is now a medium outfit and has been made a bit stronger.
  • Ship Computer embedded maps are now centered on the current system when navigating to the tabs they're in.
  • The first derelict boarded is now guaranteed to give a large sum of credits.
  • Amount of deposit for hired escorts which is eligible for refunding is now displayed in the escorts' credentials.
  • You can now board hired escorts to rescue them if they are disabled.
  • Made jammers use a bit less energy.
  • Doubled all weapon energy costs. (This is to correspond with the move to linear energy regeneration.)
  • The Empire Recruitment mission is now always guaranteed to spawn after you fulfill its condition (i.e. Lieutenant Chesc now follows you around everywhere you go in Empire territory).
  • Added an event following the Big Time mission where Commander Soldner scolds you for going off on your own.
  • Added a master volume knob to the Options menu.
  • Teddy Bears From Space now guarantees a bit more for its reward.
  • Jumps that you only know one direction of are now displayed in the starmap as if they were one-way jumps.
  • Shrunk the blinker on selected pilot to its original size.
  • Replaced the extra blinker on hilighted pilots with the animated circle which is used for hilighted planets and jumps.
  • Derelict, distress, and shipwreck events can no longer spawn on top of or extremely close to planets or jump points.
  • Modernized the way the position of the Shipwrecked August is determined. (The way it was previously determined was a leftover from Naev's very early days, where systems were small and centered around singular planets.)
  • Renamed the "Defaults" button in the Input tab of the Options menu to "Presets".
  • Added hotkeys for buttons in the Options menu.
  • Adjusted wording of text in some missions.
  • Made Turret Conversion Module medium, and took away most of its downsides.


  • Fixed a bug that caused text in the second Ian Structure mission's OSD to get cut off.
  • Fixed a mistake in the text of the race missions that caused racer names to display as "nil".
  • Fixed and touched up text explanations for map trade modes.
  • Fixed a bug where you couldn't get trade information for a system while landed on a planet without commodities.
  • Fixed a bug where one planet's hilight could obscure another planet on the radar and overlay.
  • Fixed a possibility of the time compression display showing "TC +0%" or "TC -0%".
  • Fixed asteroid mining and boarded ship looting not updating the OSD of the Commodity Run mission.


Major Changes

  • Added a trio of outfits called "Thrust Bracers" (one for each slot size). These outfits boost engine mass limit in exchange for use of a structural slot.
  • Added a map to the Cargo tab in the Ship Computer which works the same way as the map on the Commodity tab in the land window.
  • Added an event where a pilot is in distress and needs rescue, following the Space Family mission (but these follow-up rescues have a less strict completion requirement of just needing to land on an inhabited planet).
  • Removed the "Buy Local Map" button which was previously found on every planet. This means you can now only buy a local map at planets with an outfitter.
  • Increased the power of less-than-lethal weaponry; damage output of Heavy Ion Cannon, Heavy Ion Turret, and Medusa Missile outfits has been substantially buffed, and damage penalty when using Weapons Ionizers has been decreased from -70% to -20%.
  • Added more missions to the Hakoi Pirates campaign.
  • Touched up the way reputation loss from combat is handled in an effort to avoid punishing the player for self-defense.
    • Killing a faction's ships alone now only drops your standing down to as little as -20%. (Your standing can still go below that as a result of distressing, so this only protects against further standing loss for self-defense.)
    • Attacking civilians now causes standing losses to all main factions present in the current system, in a manner similar to standing losses that happen when you attack a faction's allies.
  • Increased the speed penalty for going over the engine mass limit. Going slightly over will still be fine in general, but the situation where the wrong engine was often ideal has been substantially mitigated. It's also now virtually impossible to fly a large ship with medium or small engines without the help of thrust bracers.

Other Changes

  • Enabled the teleport event which can happen when a Za'lek test engine is equipped. (The code was there, but it was turned off.
  • Touched up the way audio volume and "brown noise" is handled during time compression. Now, in nearly all cases, maximum time compression leads to regular audio getting muted and the compression "brown noise" playing at full volume. (Previously, this was highly dependent on the TC Velocity setting as well as the speed of your ship, which could lead to situations with some ships and with some TC Velocity values where maximum time compression would come with an obnoxious, continuous high-pitched screeching noise coming from the engines.)
  • The Nexus campaign now follows the Baron Prince mission and is more directly tied into the Baron campaign.
  • Removed the third Nexus mission.
  • Added a portrait for Baron Dovai Sauterfeldt and adjusted the initial description of his appearance to match. The portrait is used in the Shark mission.
  • Lowered risk reward for cargo missions (which means their rewards don't shoot quite as high in areas with high pirate presence).
  • Jump transition shader is now black instead of white.
  • Board key now auto-targets a boardable pilot if none is selected (like the land and hyperspace keys).
  • Distance you can gather gatherables from is based on the size of your ship, rather than a constant.
  • Adjusted the AI refueling code so it's a bit more reliable when the pilot it's trying to refuel is moving.
  • Changed the explanation of what a "skate-board" is in the Prince mission.
  • Removed the "Ian's Courage" mission (since its purpose is outdated and it contradicts the direction we're now taking Ian Structure's character).
  • OSD entries will now abbreviate themselves if there is not enough room to show all OSD entries of every mission.
  • Reworked the way reputation gain and loss from combat is calculated. The effect is fairly subtle, but it should make these reputation changes feel less static.
  • Removed the "visible messages" option; maximum visible messages is now controlled by the GUIs.
  • Reorganized the Options menu to make it more compact and intuitive.
  • Removed pirate maps from standard pirate outfitters and instead added them as possible offerings from black market dealers on pirate strongholds.
  • Introduction mission ("Point of Sale") now hilights the planet it tells you to land on.
  • Added an explanation of what "TC" means in Ian Structure's second mission.
  • Removed the "Hitman" missions in Alteris.
  • The OSD now hilights missions in the current system orange instead of white (so you can see at a glance which entries are most immediately relevant).
  • Added a new Ragnarok Beam shop graphic recently added to Naev.
  • The sub-entries in the OSD used by the second Ian Structure mission now get hilighted alongside the main entry.
  • Slightly changed some of the UI colors: text entry boxes now display white text instead of green, the Lua console now prints gray text instead of green, the list hilight color has been changed from green to dark blue, the news feed is now white instead of green, and the dots indicating full knowledge of a system in the discovery mode of the starmap are now gold instead of green. (In short, there's a lot less of the color green.)
  • Dvaered reputation is no longer gained when you do Empire missions.
  • Increased the time the game will wait before spawning the Baron mission after declining it.
  • Progress toward gaining Dvaered standing is now displayed in the OSD for the fourth Hakoi Pirates mission.
  • Changed default value of TC Velocity from 5000 to 2500.
  • Dvaered pilots from the warlords battle event are no longer used by other missions and events. (This fixes a bit of weirdness when it interacts with the Seek and Destroy mission.)
  • Improved the visibility of the filled dots in the travel and discovery modes of the starmap; they are now smaller, but with black outlines.
  • Changed the "friend" and "hostile" colors to make them more colorblind-accessible, particularly with protanopia and deuteranopia. (The previous colors weren't entirely terrible, but they weren't the most ideal choice.)


  • Fixed an issue with radar clicking in the Legacy GUI.
  • Fixed a regression which caused speed limitation to not work correctly at very small values.
  • Fixed image arrays (e.g. outfit lists) causing mouseover alt-text to show up when keyboard navigation was used even if the mouse wasn't over the image array.
  • Fixed player selling fuel getting counted as mission earnings for the purposes of hired escorts (which caused them to take a cut from the sale).
  • Fixed an issue where some fighter bay shop graphics would get stretched in certain contexts (such as the GUI's weapon display).
  • Fixed Shipwrecked August staying hilighted after you rescued its occupants.
  • Fixed a bug which caused autonav actions to not successfully supersede and cancel auto-hyperspacing.
  • Fixed the Credence in the Teenager mission spawning with empty shields and battery.
  • Fixed the Credence in the Teenager mission coming with credits and cargo that you were able to loot.
  • Fixed some repetitiveness in the text of the third Hakoi Pirates mission.
  • Fixed Laser Turret MK1 mistakenly having twice as much mass and damage output as intended.
  • Fixed the Seek and Destroy mission not spawning an informant at load time.
  • Fixed an issue where the Seek and Destroy mission could refer to bar informants as "the pilot".
  • Fixed a bug where attempting to clear target while Autonav is attempting to board would lead to the nearest boardable target getting immediately selected. (Clearing the target while attempting to auto-board now aborts Autonav.)
  • Fixed a grammar error in the Power Overdrive Module description.


  • Fixed a bug which could cause speed-restricted AI pilots to be unable to jump.


Major Changes

  • Planets you need to land on and jump points which lead you to systems you need to go to are now hilighted (similar to the way Naev does it, but a little better).
  • Added the "Turret Conversion Module", which enables turning all of a ship's weapons into turrets.
  • Completely overhauled the race missions: instead of boarding randomly placed stationary pilots, you now pass thru a random set of planets and/or jump points for a certain number of laps.
  • Traders will now sometimes broadcast requests for fuel, which the player can answer by hailing them.

Other Gameplay Changes

  • Reduced the number of hidden jumps given to the FLF.
  • Removed "hypergates" (which were really just glorified jump points to a hub system), since they don't really seem to be all that useful in gameplay and don't make much sense lore-wise.
  • Warlords battle no longer sets the faction of the winning side to the standard Dvaered faction (which means you don't risk e.g. reputation loss if you find yourself on the losing side).
  • Added a garbage dump location to Empire space.
  • Slightly improved the waste dump mission.
  • Adjusted some hyperspace connections in the universe.
  • Removed the randomness from the Drinking Aristocrat mission which could lead to needing to make as many as nine stops. The total number of stops (including the correct one) is now fixed at exactly four (three wrong ones plus the correct one).
  • Forward-facing beams now rotate in the same manner as turret beams, rather than instantly facing their target.
  • Changed the balancing to give large turrets an inherent advantage over large forward-facing weapons, now that forward-facing weapons can be easily converted into turrets.
  • Civilian NPCs are now smaller in number, but much more likely to give rewards.
  • Reduced the number of services on introductory worlds, to more gradually introduce planetary services to new players.
  • Generic planets can now always be bribed, even with minimum standing.
  • Bribe price for "low-class" planets is now lower.
  • "High-class" planets can now be bribed as long as you are not enemies with their faction, but at a very high bribe cost.
  • Different factions now have different landing bribe costs.
  • The Derelict event is now less common, but hilights the derelict so it's more visible.
  • The Derelict event no longer spawns in systems with volatile nebulae (since the nebula would destroy them, which would be a bit weird).
  • Mercenaries no longer protect civilians and other peaceful AI pilots.
  • Larger and factional derelicts are now rarer than smaller and non-factional derelicts.
  • Quicksilver, Koäla, and Mule now all have three weapon slots.

Other Changes

  • Replaced the cross display of system position markers (as used by e.g. patrol missions) with a shader based on the one Naev uses for the autonav go-to position indicator. This makes these markers much easier to see especially when they happen to be on top of planets (as is the case for patrol missions).
  • Removed the superfluous "TARGET" text next to the autonav go-to position indicator.
  • Aiming helper crosshair now has an outline.
  • The target clear control will now clear an asteroid target as well.
  • Relaxed some of our eccentric usage of diaereses. It's no longer used on "ao", "ei", "eu", or "ea". This also means that the subtitle is now "Eye of Chaos" instead of "Eye of Chaös".
  • New saves now include information about what system they're landed on in the load screen.
  • Removed use of system claims for some missions.
  • Autonav resets speed less aggressively, and by default (togglable with an option in the Options menu) does so even less aggressively by ignoring passive (not actively hostile) enemies entirely.
  • Land and Jump keys will now cycle thru targets if already in the process of auto-landing / auto-hyperspacing.
  • Hilighted pilots no longer come with a text label.
  • Clicking on empty space now clears the current target.
  • The Mission Computer now centers the newly selected mission again when you click on a mission in the list.
  • The map in the current missions list in the Ship Computer can now be interacted with just like on the Mission Computer.
  • The letter on outfits in the outfitter now indicates outfit type (weapon, utility, stucture) again, instead of size.
  • Adjusted text colors to make colored text easier to read.
  • Changed the autobrake key to make it engage active cooldown without a second press (as in Naev).
  • Added some more pilot names.
  • The first Ian Structure mission now tells you the reward up-front and explains credits conversion instead of the second Ian Structure mission doing so.
  • AI ships now have an amount of fuel which is matched to where they spawned from (i.e. they always have full fuel when taking off, and they always have no more than their max fuel minus their fuel consumption when jumping in).
  • All ships in the Warlords Battle event are now hilighted, rather than just hilighting the leaders.
  • Simplified and fixed the way near zoom is chosen (it was previously based on velocity and didn't really follow the Zoom Near setting in practice; now, the near zoom level is static).
  • Setting zoom levels no longer "requires" a restart. (It wasn't entirely necessary before, but the options menu told you that it was and changing the settings messed up the stars in the background temporarily).
  • CPU usage for outfits is now displayed as a positive "CPU Usage" value instead of a negative "CPU" value.
  • Salvador now has no Empire presence (to match the Hakoi Pirates storyline).
  • Adjusted some wording in the third Hakoi Pirates mission.
  • Removed mention of Arnold Smith's "boss" in the Shark mission.
  • Renamed the second Nexus mission to "Nexus False Flag".
  • Changed the word "steal" to "loot" in the boarding window (since it fits better with boarding derelicts).


  • Text of system position markers is now "optimized" to avoid collision with planet/jump overlay text.
  • Fixed player and asteroid radar icons being allowed outside the overlay boundaries.
  • Fixed some potential for conflicts with the Hitman missions.
  • Fixed a typo in the Emergency Shield Booster description.
  • Fixed a potential for inconsistent text in the Love Train mission.
  • Fixed a design oversight which meant player fighter bay escorts did not escape jump as intended.
  • Fixed dust amount not being recalculated on resize events.
  • Fixed Dolmen missing common outfits.
  • Fixed an issue where the Credence in the Teenager mission could get stuck flying around in circles.
  • Fixed a mistake in the code which could lead to combat music playing when it shouldn't.
  • Fixed the Credence in the Teenager mission not being given bad cores as intended (which is meant to slow it down and make it easier to catch).
  • Fixed mass limit of afterburners being listed as tonnes rather than kilotonnes.
  • Fixed failure to update the hilighted OSD objective in the Shark mission if a Shark was acquired via trade-in.
  • Fixed the Hakoi Pirates missions not generating portraits when loading the game while landed at the destination planet.
  • Fixed Empire ships interfering in the Dvaered warlords battle event and attacking the player.
  • Fixed a rare bug that could cause fighter bay fighters to enter a limbo state when changing systems (which would continue until the clear orders command was given).
  • Fixed display when gathering from asteroids to show kilotonnes rather than tonnes.
  • Fixed derelicts giving reputation changes and kill rewards when you blew them up (which didn't make much sense as they're derelicts with no living occupants).


Major Changes

  • Added the Neo GUI, a new GUI intended to combine the strengths of the Brushed and Slim GUIs, as the new default GUI.
  • Redesigned the Commodity tab of the land window:
    • Selected commodity information now sits below the commodity list, and does not include the commodity graphic.
    • Where the selected commodity information previously was, it now displays a map showing the "cost" view for the selected commodity.
  • Redesigned the mission computer:
    • The positions of the mission description and the map have been swapped, giving the map more space.
    • The map now shows the markers for all unaccepted missions, not just the one you happen to have selected. The one you have selected is hilighted so you can still easily see where it is.
    • The mission list now hilights missions whose destination is your currently selected system.
    • The map is now displayed in minimal mode by default; this can be toggled with a "Minimal Mode" checkbox.
  • Completely overhauled the trader escort mission: it now puts trader pilots under your wing (like escorts), with the caveat that you cannot issue orders to them. Completing the mission now only requires landing at the designated planet with the convoy intact. (The plan is to extend this change to unique escort missions as well, but this work hasn't been done yet.)
  • Added some more missions to the Hakoi Pirates campaign.

Other Gameplay Changes

  • Hypergates event now adds knowledge of the hypergates.
  • Sirius ships no longer refuse to run away from combat by default. (They now run away with the same amount of damage as Empire and Soromid ships.)
  • Patrol missions now cause marked hostiles to never run away.
  • Most AI pilots will now stop shooting a target once it has been disabled.
  • Added a simple derelict event that randomly disables some pilots when entering a system.
  • Fuel request event is now more likely to appear.
  • Tweaked capital-class weaponry to make the different weapon types more differentiated (to bring them in-line with their smaller counterparts).
  • Doubled the disable amount for all lethal weapons (which makes the Heavy Razor Turret and Enygma Systems Spearhead Launcher a bit better and should also make pilots getting incidentally disabled during a fight a bit more commonplace).
  • Baron Prince now spawns artifact hunters in any system you enter, but is less likely to do so until you confirm you found the real artifact.
  • Removed the restriction that disallowed boarding a pilot multiple times.
  • Pirates will now steal cargo in addition to credits from the player.

Other Interface Changes

  • Exposed TC velocity via the options menu (which controls how much faster the game gets during time compression).
  • The map no longer fades between modes and instead just instantly switches to the new mode. This also fixes a problem where it would always start in the default mode and then fade into the selected mode when you opened the map.
  • The map trade views now explicitly include the unit (¢/kt) instead of just displaying raw numbers.
  • Inverted the "high" and "low" colors for the map trade displays: orange is now used for high prices and blue is now used for low prices.
  • Improved the System Info display, improving the description text's coloring and adding information that was previously missing.
  • Whether or not right-clicking on a pilot causes you to follow them is now a togglable option. (Previously it was context-dependent.)
  • Made cargo mission description headers gray (the same as most headers).
  • Added a display of bolt weapons' "optimum range" (maximum range at which they inflict their full damage amount).
  • Changed the mission failure messages for cargo missions to match other missions better.
  • The options menu no longer (falsely) tells you that you need to restart the game to change the scale factor, and it now always properly updates after changing the scale factor setting.
  • Made the FPS Limit textbox in the options menu a bit bigger.
  • Moved the Reload Time stat in launchers' stat lists to a more logical place.

Other Changes

  • Fleets are now organized centrally such that if a pilot has a parent, any of its own followers will go into formation with said parent. This makes fleets look sleeker and more organized when some AI pilots in said fleets are equipped with fighter bays.
  • Moved things around in Gamma Polaris to reduce conflicts in the overlay.
  • Anglicized the spelling of the name of the Empire lieutenant you are recruited by, changing "Czesc" to "Chesc".
  • Changed the spellings used for some words:
    • "Minuscule" is spelled "miniscule".
    • "Pursue" is spelled "persue".
    • "Though" is spelled "thô".
    • "Through" is spelled "thru".
  • Added and updated several NPC portraits.
  • New games now always start with the same music track playing.
  • Improved the way no-run behavior (used by some missions) is implemented.
  • Started changing the way missions and events prevent conflicts away from strict system claims and toward other methods that still allow multiple missions and events to have in one system. (This is still a work-in-progress.)
  • Made some optimizations to the code which should help a bit with performance in busy systems.
  • Made some small improvements to the way the AI works.
  • Removed the Sirius Preach event.
  • Za'lek Test mission no longer refuses to spawn if another Za'lek Test mission is active.
  • Trader pilots now only form groups using the standard formation; they don't also randomly sit next to each other anymore.
  • Made the different factions' weapon use a bit more distinct.
  • Removed the "Baron Flintley" event which showed up after the Prince mission.
  • Collective drones are now universally unresponsive again.


  • Fixed the Commodity tab showing "¢" for the purchase price indication instead of the correct "¢/kt".
  • Added a proper guard against a situation that could invisibly switch your weapon set to an empty one (althô this was unlikely to actually happen due to Naikari's default weapon sets).
  • Fixed an issue where pressing the Starmap key to close the starmap would fail to run code that was supposed to run when the starmap closed (and thus caused some display oddities).
  • Fixed land window tabs other than the commodity tab not updating when cargo was added to or removed from the player's ship.
  • Fixed an issue in Baron Prince where exiting and reloading the game while landed at an artifact seller NPC's planet would cause you to have to takeoff reland to spawn the NPC again.
  • Fixed cinematics mode messing with the GUI viewport when it shouldn't (which caused the Slim GUI to be messed up during cinematics).
  • Fixed AI not being able to behave properly when out of fuel.
  • Fixed a long-standing bug where AI pilots could get stuck spinning around in circles while trying to land and a similar bug when trying to hyperspace.
  • Fixed filtering for outfits always checking against English names even when another language is the current language.
  • Fixed the class of Marius Station.
  • Fixed the Empire Recruitment mission sometimes choosing Hakoi as its destination.
  • Fixed Aillis not having common outfits available.


  • Improved generic NPC messages.
  • Dvaered Vigilance is now slower than the standard Vigilance.
  • Increased the number of generic NPCs that spawn to 4–14.
  • Added black market dealers to black market planets; they sell you a randomly chosen high rarity outfit.
  • There are now three different variants of the Za'lek Test Engine: small, medium, and large.
  • Sound engine now avoids playing the same sound multiple times at once.
  • Positional audio is more accurate to what you see on the screen and more headphone-friendly.
  • Hopefully fixed an uncommon but not entirely rare crash on Linux release builds.
  • Removed ammo stealing from the boarding window, since ammo stealing has never really been useful. You can now only steal credits, fuel, and cargo from boarded ships.
  • Added a "Steal All" button to the boarding window which attempts to steal everything that can be stolen.
  • Added an IJKL layout option as one of the defaults.
  • Added hotkeys to several dialog boxes.
  • Removed a nebula background which had sharp edges.
  • Improved several NPC portraits.
  • Made use of the old-fashioned diaeresis in English text.
  • Fixed a bug where dialog boxes could cause the game to register unpressed keys as pressed.
  • Slightly modified introductory missions' appearance times to improve the new user experience and in particular to avoid overloading new players early on.
  • Standard ES cargo missions are now more common than long-distance, and long-distance ES cargo missions now require 5% Empire reputation.
  • Bar NPCs will now sometimes give you a small amount of cargo when you approach them.
  • Fixed a bug which could cause the Hyperspace key to incorrectly perform an escape jump if you had performed an escape jump recently.
  • The special revered class of Siriusites is now referred to as the "Touchèd", rather than the "Touched" (indicating that the "E" is pronounced, as in "learnèd" and "blessèd").
  • Bribing a pilot now bribes their followers as well, most notably affecting launched escorts (which previously couldn't be bribed).
  • Added measures taken after bribing a pilot to ensure the fight doesn't resume due to stray shots in most circumstances.
  • Changed the subtitle from "Imperial Storm" to "Eye of Chaös".
  • Improved handling of conflicting keybinds; previously, only one of a pair of conflicting keybinds would register, and which one it was wasn't deliberately designed in any way (for example, the "hail" key would always jam the "autohail" key). Now, most conflicting keybinds will cause both actions to happen, and where it doesn't, which action is taken is more deliberate (for example, the "autohail" key now takes precedence over the "hail" key).
  • Environmental damage (such as the nebula) can no longer "kill-steal" from the player.
  • Fixed an issue where using the Load button while landed could cause loss of data (as it didn't save before loading).
  • The game now auto-saves normally on planets with no refuel service. (It previously did not do so as a measure to protect against getting stranded, but this is no longer needed in Naikari.)
  • Nerfed the Photon Dagger's damage, making it equal to the Banshee Rocket.
  • Removed the time limit from the Shadow Run mission.
  • Improved the Shark mission's handling of the OSD and markers.
  • Fixed a bug which caused escort kills to never count for the player like they were supposed to.


Major Changes

  • Engines now come with fuel regeneration as standard.
  • Replaced the Sightseeing mission with a new "Cruise" mission, where you take passengers to a destination and can stop by at attractions along the way.
  • Replaced the Empire Shipping campaign with a new campaign investigating the appearance of pirates in Hakoi. (The first two missions in this new campaign are finished as of this release.)
  • Rewrote the story for the Coming Out campaign and removed the fifth and sixth missions in it (to be replaced by missions that relate to the story we're building up). The story always had some level of focus on bigotry, but it's been made more central to its plot, and now involves the Soromid government. This modified Coming Out campaign will serve as a path to join the Soromid.
  • A limited selection of AI pilots will now perform the Escape Jump maneuver if their armor drops to a certain threshold in battle. The AI pilots that will do this are: the player's escorts, civilians, traders, and miners. (All other AI pilots intentionally will never perform the maneuver, since this could be annoying to a player trying to do things like hunt bounties.)

Other Mission Changes

  • Changed the OSD titles of Cargo and Rush Cargo to not say "mission".
  • Renamed the "Empire Shipping" log to "Empire Recruitment" (to adapt it to the new Hakoi pirates campaign).
  • The Space Family mission no longer permanently goes away by destroying their ship, and has a higher chance of appearing after the first time.
  • The Reynir and Teenager missions now have a 100% chance of showing up as long as their requirements are met.
  • The Teenager mission has been revamped to be more thorough in its teaching of how to disable and board ships, and is now given by Terra instead of a nameless NPC. It now requires completion of Terra's Cargo as a prerequisite.
  • Adjusted text to better interweave the Reynir missions with missions preceding and following it.
  • The Shadow campaign now requires a Mercenary License before you can start it.
  • The Baron Comm event has a higher chance of happening and doesn't intentionally delay itself like it used to.
  • Removed the minor Cynthia campaign.
  • The FLF Diversion mission no longer requires landing on Sindbad to collect your pay.
  • The Commodity Run mission now waits to mark its corresponding system until after the required commodity has been obtained.
  • Improved the prefixes of Cargo and Rush Cargo missions so you can more easily tell them apart at a glance.
  • Added highlighting of some key words in the Terra's Cargo mission.
  • The leader in the Trader Convoy mission now has a maximum speed of 80% of its own speed or 80% of the player's speed, whichever is lower. This ensures that all ships involved have a relatively easy time catching up.
  • The Baron Prince mission now only spawns hostile artifact hunters in the artifact systems, and in the system Flintley is in.
  • Adjusted the Trader Convoy AI to make them a little better at staying close together. (This reduces, but does not entirely eliminate, a tendency for the following ships to break formation when a dangerous pirate is nearby.)
  • The Commodity Run mission now prevents multiple Commodity Runs from being accepted at the same planet at the same time.
  • The Trader Escort mission now unmarks escorted ships if you abort while out in space.
  • Removed generation of "Pilot's Manual" log entries by the introductory mission (Point of Sale).
  • Fixed the first Coming Out mission selecting planets that might be unlandable.
  • The third Shark mission now utilizes standard mercenaries to create danger for the player rather than spawning its own.
  • The Warlords Battle event has been touched up: the engagement starts earlier, failsafes have been added for anomalous conditions, and a warlord's team is highlighted and visible after the warlord dies.
  • Chelsea's speed in the third and fourth Coming Out missions is limited to no more than 80% of the player's speed.

Other Changes

  • You can now preemptively quit the game while it is still loading (instead of needing to wait until loading is finished).
  • Attempting to quit the game from the main menu with the close button no longer asks for a confirmation (making it behave the same as the Exit Game button while in the main menu).
  • Doubled the heat reduction of Forward Shock Absorbers and Targeting Array to make them more appealing.
  • Removed the dependency on GLPK (which Naikari wasn't actually taking advantage of).
  • Added a "Current Missions" button to the Mission Computer, which opens the Missions tab of the Ship Computer (showing your current active missions).
  • Changed the default controls:
    • "Target Next" is now bound to the "T" key, rather than "Target Nearest". ("Target Nearest" is now unbound by default.)
    • "Autoface" is now bound to the "E" key under WASD and ZQSD.
    • "Escape Jump" is now bound to the "Q" key under WASD, the "A" key under ZQSD, and the "E" key under arrow keys.
  • The "Target Next" and "Target Previous" keys will now target the nearest applicable target if you are not targeting anything, and then cycle through all of the targets like before. This makes these controls a little easier to use.
  • Mercenary Llamas now come equipped with Photon Daggers.
  • Music now fades out rather than stopping suddenly when music needs to change due to landing on a planet.
  • The AI is now more robust against cases of having the afterburner on when it shouldn't (which could occasionally mess with things like maintaining formation or landing).
  • Enemy Presence, for the purpose of deciding whether to reset time compression during autonav, now considers only the player's exact range as a factor, rather than the player's range plus a buffer. This reduces the occurrence of unactionable slowdowns. Additionally, the check is more strict with what enemies it considers to be dangerous, for the same reason.
  • Changed Mizar's nebula hue to the default.
  • Fixed several instances of planets that had been missed during the universe overhaul in version 0.5.0.
  • Removed the CPU cost of Forward Shock Absorbers.
  • Fixed the Race2 mission having an error when attempting to proceed after loading your save.
  • Moved the armor regeneration stat of bioships to bio-shells and made it gradually increase as the shell levels up.
  • Changed the Time Constant of the Fidelity and Brigand (setting it to 0.875 for both, the same as the Shark and other light fighters).
  • Bioships now gain XP from mining in addition to getting paid.
  • Unguided rockets will now auto-aim at asteroids, just like bolt weapons.


Major Changes

  • Added a new outfit: the Photon Dagger. This now serves as an introductory secondary weapon: it's available on all outfitters and is equipped to several ships by default (including the player's starting ship). It does high damage, similar to the Banshee rockets, and is very fast (actually the speed of light, if you work it out), but unlike the Banshee rockets, it has to be manually aimed and has a bit of a shorter range.
  • Added a new mission introducing the outfitter and how to customize ships.
  • Added "hypergates" which appear as you make friends or enemies of the Empire and the Great Houses. (They function like regular jump gates, but over long distances.)
  • Changed the Collective to be neutral to the player by default, while also adding a standard jump point between Collective and Soromid space (which previously existed but was a one-way hidden jump).
  • Added support for saving and loading arbitrary snapshots.
  • Added APUs (Auxiliary Processing Units) which can be used to expand a ship's CPU capacity.
  • Added some medium and large sized weapon enhancement utilities (similar to the Power Regulation Override and Rotary Turbo Modulator outfits).

Other Changes

  • Made the Collective drones stronger. (They were previously nerfed so they wouldn't be too frustrating in the old Collective campaign.)
  • Changed generic cargo missions to have a special set of messages and a small faction standing boost for the destination planet's faction if they were high-tier ("Urgent" or "Emergency" in the case of rush cargo missions, "large cargo delivery" or "bulk freight delivery" in the case of regular cargo missions).
  • Changed the Shroedinger's default weapon to the Razor MK1.
  • Za'lek Test mission no longer looks through your other ships to pry off a Za'lek Test Engine from them (meaning you can now use them to hoard these engines, if you want to).
  • Added conditions to prevent news entries for the Za'lek Test and race missions from being regenerated after you've finished them.
  • Increased the number of music tracks used for the Empire and the Collective.
  • Seek and Destroy mission now has its trail go cold significantly slower, ensuring you always have at least three chances to catch your target.
  • Adjusted rarities of outfits: outfits which are only available in certain regions (but not only at military stations) now have a rarity of 1. Electron Burst Cannon is now rarity 2 instead of 3, since Za'lek military stations offer it.
  • Reworked the Dvaered warlords event so that it's more likely to show up, offers a higher reward, and the winners become normal Dvaered ships.
  • You can now hail ships even if disabled.
  • Added randomization of NPC backgrounds.
  • Added some text to the Unicorp Fury Launcher and Laser Turret MK1 descriptions to help new players learn about how to properly use guided missiles and turreted weapons, respectively.
  • Missions and events that check whether the player killed or attacked something now recursively check not only direct subordinates, but subordinates of subordinates, etc. This matters if you hire an escort who themself has their own escorts; it means those escorts' kills will now count e.g. for earning bounties.
  • Added the Black Market service to several stations.
  • Collective Drones are now explicitly labeled as such (rather than being merely labeled as "Drone" or "Heavy Drone").
  • The event explaining how to ask for fuel now spawns a different kind of pilot depending on what factions are present in the current system (supporting the same factions as the fuel request event). It also no longer spawns in systems with none of these supported factions present.
  • Slightly improved AI behavior when their leader dies.
  • The Empire Recruitment mission now explicitly tells you where to find the mission computer.
  • Removed the now obsolete afterburner "rumble" display (which always said "0 Rumble", since we don't use the "rumble" feature anymore).
  • Changed the "no land" text in the Empire FLF prisoner exchange mission to something that makes more sense and avoids potential confusion over its meaning.
  • Adjusted the mining AI so that miners are less likely to end up in a limbo state.
  • Doubled the size of Suna and the amount of space used by the Dark Shadow mission, to bring Dark Shadow in-line with the increased radar range introduced in version 0.5.
  • Added another medium Structural slot to the Za'lek Demon.
  • Changed the order that stats of ships and outfits are displayed to make a little more sense.
  • Changed the layout of the buttons on the list dialog (used by the Combat Practice mission) to be consistent with the rest of the UI.
  • Seek and Destroy mission no longer leaves you able to ask repeat questions after you've already gotten the next location (which had no benefit to the player, only causing the special hail hook to interrupt e.g. attempts to bribe pilots or attempts to refuel needlessly, and introducing the possibility of accidentally paying an extra fee for the exact same information).
  • Doubled the range that escorts consider to be "close" (to coincide with the increased common weapon range).
  • Hired escorts now use the same AI as fighter bay escorts.
  • Auto-aiming now automatically disengages if simply shooting forward is more accurate for a given bullet. This ensures that the auto-aiming system only ever increases accuracy, and never reduces accuracy.
  • Improved the hired escorts explanatory text for how royalties work.
  • Hired escorts now have a chance to disband when their payment is less than their promised royalty (which can happen if you run out of credits and you hire so many escorts that the total royalties you pay is greater than 100%).
  • The Seek and Destroy mission will no longer spawn NPCs at Class 1 stations (as these are restricted military stations).
  • Changed the music used in the credits to be the same as the music used in the main menu.
  • Increased the Goddard and Dvaered Goddard time constant from 175% to 200%.


  • Fixed the escorts in Shadow Vigil not actually defending the diplomat they're supposed to be escorting.
  • Fixed the class of Vigilance Station (was class A for some reason).
  • Fixed a bug where a previous running game's addition of faction presence through the Unidiff system could stay added when starting a new game or loading a game without that presence addition. This was most noticeable in Hakoi, where if you started a new game after loading an established game which added pirates to Hakoi, some of those pirates would stick around in the new game even though it's supposed to be pirate-free.
  • Fixed a bug where a ship that was refueling you could abandon the refueling if it got too far away from its leader.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the death menu to never show the "continue" option on saves with certain special characters in their names.
  • Fixed a failure to warn of a version mismatch when attempting to load a save file from a newer version of the game.
  • Fixed the Anxious Merchant mission failing to spawn.
  • Fixed an occasional, generally non-fatal bug with dynamic factions (used by missions and events) which could eventually cause warnings and potentially unexpected AI behavior.
  • Fixed a few planets having a non-existent graphic defined as their land graphics.
  • Fixed slightly misleading display of afterburner stats.
  • Fixed a bug where weapon tracking did not behave as intended.
  • Fixed some missions causing your fighter bay escorts to disappear.
  • Fixed a memory leak caused by the escort command menu.
  • Patched a flaw in the AI code that may fix odd cases of AI pilots getting stuck rotating forever when trying to do certain tasks.
  • Fixed Akios Station being listed as Class 0 when it should be Class 1.


  • Fixed some OpenGL code that made assumptions that are invalid in the OpenGL spec, causing the game to not display on some systems as a result.


  • Made it so that the player's escorts do not respond to AI distress calls. This prevents annoying situations where they pull away from formation unnecessarily or, worse, go to help an ally against a faction who's an enemy to them, but who you would rather remain neutral with.
  • Fixed a breakage in the Collective AI initialization code.


Major Gameplay and Design Changes

  • Cargo missions now reward much more credits if they are on a route that has pirate presence.
  • Increased the amount of health medium-heavy and heavier ships have.
  • Weapons have been heavily altered. Weapon damage, range, and behavior vary a lot more widely than before.
  • Removed the faction standing cap system. You can now gain as much reputation as you want with all factions (even the Collective). This also means all ships and outfits are available to obtain without having to resort to piracy.
  • Added refined Unicorp platings, which serve as a middle-ground between the basic plating and the S&K platings. These new Unicorp X platings use the graphics of the Unicorp B platings Naev used to have.
  • Added automatic bounties awarded whenever you kill a faction's enemy within a system it has presence in (e.g. killing pirates in systems with Empire presence, or killing FLF pilots in systems with Dvaered presence).
  • Coupled together Frontier and FLF standing: if you are enemies with the Frontier, FLF standing will not go any higher than your Frontier standing (and your reputation will drop to enemy status when you become enemies with the Frontier).
  • Buffed the Rotary Turbo Modulator.
  • Buffed the Gawain's speed and takeoff speed. (It was already the fastest ship in the galaxy before, but the difference is now more pronounced.)
  • Increased variation of commodity prices.
  • Removed the mission computer bounty missions and the Assault on Unicorn mission as these are now redundant (bounties are earned without having to have a corresponding quest).
  • Significantly improved the Seek and Destroy mission: difficulty levels have been added (like the old bounty missions had), the way NPCs behave is now more customized per-faction, and when you arrive at the appropriate system, you now need to locate your target within the system (similar to the ship stealing mission). The mission also now rewards you immediately upon completion instead of requiring you to land to collect your reward.
  • Replaced the news entry generator, which previously just generated random filler with no connection to the story, with news entries that are relevant to the player, like mission hints.
  • Added "escape jumps", which allow you to engage your hyperspace engine without actually going into hyperspace, taking you to a distant part of the system at a cost of one jump of fuel, all of your battery charge, half of your remaining shield, and half of your remaining armor. (The maneuver takes you a distance of around 30,000 mAU.)
  • Converted the Reynir mission into a hidden tutorial for the local jumps feature and changed the rewarded commodity from Food (hot dogs) to Luxury Goods (robot teddy bears), making it more rewarding.
  • "High-class" planets now require 10% reputation instead of 0% to land on.
  • Removed the DIY-Nerds mission (the one where you take a group of nerds to a science fair or something). It never felt all that important and wasn't really worth doing.
  • Civilians and traders will now always offer to refuel you if you cannot make a jump, even if you don't have credits to pay them.
  • Collective drones will now refuel you if you are friendly to them.
  • Added a rare "refuel request" event which causes an NPC pilot who needs fuel to request assistance from the player in exchange for some credits.
  • Essentially completely redesigned the universe, most notably changing what planets sell, but also changing or removing some planets and systems. The new design has the following characteristics:
    • All planets contain a common set of basic outfits, which includes the "MK1" forward-facing variant of each type of weapon, basic stat enhancers, maps, the Mercenary License, and the low-quality zero-cost cores.
    • Each faction has a different set of weapons that they sell, with Independent and Frontier planets getting the weapons of their neighbors. The Empire sells laser weapons, the Soromid sell plasma weapons, the Dvaered sell impact weapons, the Za'lek sell beam weapons, and the Siriusites sell razor weapons.
    • Made sure every planet has a purpose within the system; no more redundant, useless planets that you would never want to land on, unless those planets are "low-class" (making them useful to outlaws).
    • Planets and stations that require more reputation to land on give progressively more access to exclusive ships and outfits, and progressively better outfits in general.
    • Planets with both an outfitter and a shipyard have their outfits chosen deliberately to compliment the ships they have on offer.
    • All licenses needed to purchase all outfits and ships on a given planet are available for purchase on that same planet (no more need to go looking for the license you need).
    • Changed jump points in some locations (particularly in Sirius space) to avoid inordinate numbers of dead-end systems. Dead-end systems still exist, but they are now much less common and an effort was made to ensure that the ones that still exist are worth going to for some reason or another, or otherwise serve a legitimate gameplay purpose.
  • The race mission no longer requires you to be piloting a yacht ship to participate, and the ships you race against are more varied.

Other Changes

  • All bar missions are prevented from spawning in Hakoi and Eneguez until you finish the Ian Structure missions.
  • The Empire Recruitment mission is now guaranteed to send you to a nearby planet with commodities as well as missions.
  • Removed a random chance that existed of pirates attacking to kill (meaning they will now always stop attacking and board you as soon as you're disabled).
  • Added some rescue code to the starting missions in case the player takes off their weapons, installing new laser cannons for them in the moment that they're needed.
  • The Options menu now always shows 1280×720 as a stock resolution choice, even if not listed as a supported mode by the OS (since that is Naikari's default resolution), and no longer shows a choice with the resolution you were at when opening the Options menu.
  • Double-tap afterburn is now disabled by default.
  • Replaced "cycles" with "galactic years", which are 36,000,000 galactic seconds long (360 galactic days). Lore-wise, time units are now defined in relation to our 24-hour Earth days, meaning the new galactic year is exactly 360 days.
  • The economy system no longer tracks "price knowledge". The player now always has perfect knowledge of pricing variation for all discovered planets and systems.
  • The patrol mission now rewards you immediately upon completion without having to land in the faction's territory first.
  • Changed the unit of mass used from tonnes to kilotonnes (meaning we no longer have the silliness of space carriers weighing less than naval aircraft carriers, etc).
  • The game no longer refuses to resize a maximized window if you tell it to in the Options menu. (This change also fixes bugs with the code that implemented this restriction.)
  • Changed the way autonav detects "hostile presence" for the purposes of determining whether to reset the speed that time passes. It now only counts ships that are close enough that one of the two ships will be within weapon range soon (or already are). This avoids most unnecessary time slowdowns while also being cautious enough to give advance warning to the player.
  • Made it so that the debris graphics in asteroid fields are entirely separate from the asteroids themselves, making it more obvious which asteroids are real and which are just decoration.
  • Changed the relation between real-world time passage and in-universe time passage: one real-world second is now equal to 750 in-universe seconds, rather than 30 in-universe seconds as before. In tandem, the primary components to a date have been changed from year, hour, second to year, day, second. (In-game time-related things have been changed to now use days instead of hours; for example, jump time is now one day instead of one hour.)
  • Changed the distance unit used from kilometers to thousandths of an astronomical unit (mAU).
  • Changed the display of unidirectional jumps in the map to use the color black for the exit-only side, rather than white. This is a bit more intuitive and also should be easier to see for colorblind players.
  • Auto-saves are no longer disabled when landing on planets that do not refuel you. Instead, the design philosophy is being shifted to ensuring that unwinnable states are impossible anywhere you're allowed to land.
  • Made NPC mercenaries no longer explicitly enemies with pirates (though they will still usually attack pirates due to their "bounty hunting" behavior).
  • The System Info display now shows planets' color and character (indicating whether or not they can be landed on) on the selection list, which makes it much easier to navigate.
  • Default weapons for ships now vary (instead of all of them using laser weaponry); Sirius ships have razor weaponry, Dvaered ships have kinetic weaponry, and Za'lek ships have beam weaponry. (Soromid ships already had bio-plasma weaponry since that was the only option.)
  • Improved the patrol mission's detection of hostile ships and made it more sensitive.
  • Reworked bullet graphics to make better use of what's available. There are no longer large numbers of weapons using the same graphics as each other.
  • Race missions now use random portraits, rather than always one particular portrait.


  • Fixed some problems with the way the Combat Practice mission closed out.
  • Fixed the rescue script that activates when you take off, which had several small problems in how it worked caused by changes that weren't properly accommodated.
  • Fixed a bug which caused the game to sometimes try to change to an arbitrary small resolution (640×480 in all observed cases) on some systems (noticed on Windows, but may have affected others) when clicking OK in the options menu.
  • Fixed a problem where the Waste Dump mission would make your own escorts hostile toward you if you aborted it while in space.
  • Extremely high turn rates no longer have the potential to mess up autonav during time compression.
  • Fixed a rare bug caused by dying while in the landing procedure.
  • Fixed possibility of dying while landing due to nebula volatility.
  • Added code to prevent phantom 0 kt cargo entries from showing up in your cargo list.
  • Fixed escorts of AI ships not jumping when their leader jumped (which left them adrift in the system indefinitely).
  • Fixed the player being allowed to board and steal credits from their own hired escorts.
  • Adjusted the music script to hopefully fix an uncommon bug where combat music played while landed.
  • Fixed a double land denial message when attempting to land on something you're not allowed to land on with the land key.
  • Fixed a game-breaking bug where the "animal trouble" event made it impossible to proceed with the game without rescuing yourself via the Lua console due to a script error.
  • Fixed spawning of hostile mercenaries by the third Nexus mission (it was spawning the mercenaries, but failed to set them as hostile to the player).
  • Fixed Za'lek non-drone ships being impossible to hail, as with drones.
  • Fixed AI ships which spawned prior to you entering a system being uncooperative and/or unresponsive.
  • Fixed a 14-year-old bug where the comm_no flag of AI ships (the one that caused the text "No response" to be printed rather than showing the comm window when you hailed them) pointed to an arbitrary ship, rather than necessarily pointing to the relevant one. This usually didn't have noticeable effects, except that it caused Za'lek boss ships to be unresponsive, as if they were drones, most of the time.


  • Added conversion brackets to the starting missions showing what the "t" and "¢" suffixes mean.
  • Reverted the change that causes Target Nearest to exclude escorts, as this caused a regression where you couldn't target them by clicking on them.
  • Reverted an experimental SDL hint which broke the non-Linux builds and likely wasn't necessary anyway.


  • Corrected the calculation for beam heat-up; the previous inaccuracy led to beams heating up faster than they were supposed to.
  • Adjusted the Equipment screen and the Info ship tab, showing the player's credits on the Equipment screen and the ship's value on the Info ship tab.
  • Added a Net Worth stat to the Info overview tab, showing the total value of your credits, ships, and outfits combined.
  • Added some NPC messages.
  • Fixed and adjusted some missions.
  • Knowledge of the FLF's hidden jumps is now erased if you betray them.
  • Fixed bad rendering of marker text.
  • The FLF/Dvaered derelicts event now requires a Mercenary License and can only occur outside of Frontier space.
  • Changed the name of the Info Window to Ship Computer.
  • New combat practice mission available through the mission computer.
  • New map showing waste disposal locations.
  • Opening tutorial replaced with a new start-of-game campaign that teaches the basics of playing the game in a more natural and integrated fashion. This new campaign is now integrated with the Empire Recruitment mission, used as the basis for why you are recruited by the Empire rather than them just randomly choosing a warm body.
  • Reworked the trader escort mission: the trader convoy now travels as a more natural fleet (going into a formation), and it also limits its speed so it isn't faster than you.
  • Replaced the UST time system inherited from Naev with a slightly different time system which is called GCT, or Galactic Common Time. The time units are the same, but "periods" are now called "galactic hours", "hectoseconds" are now called "galactic minutes", "decaperiods" are now called "galactic days", and the words "week" and "month" are now colloquially used to describe time units similar to a week or a month.
  • The Equipment screen's slot tooltips now show slot properties even when an item is equipped, alongside the properties of the equipped item.
  • Added tooltips when the mouse is placed over the shipyard slot indicator squares. The tooltips are identical to the tooltips shown on the Equipment screen; they show what kind of slot they indicate and what outfit comes with the ship in that slot, if any.
  • Right-clicking on jump points no longer engages auto-hyperspace behavior and instead simply falls back to standard location-based autonav. This is for consistency with planet auto-landing.
  • The detail of shipyards being required to manage ships you aren't currently flying in the Equipment screen has been removed; the Equipment screen now functions identically on all planets that have them. The previous paradigm was unnecessarily confusing and didn't really add anything to the game.
  • Added a quantity display to the image array in the Commodity tab, allowing you to see at a glance what cargo you're carrying.
  • Added a "Follow Target" keyboard control (bound to F by default).
  • The Target Nearest key now will not ever target your own escorts, since this is not something you're likely to want to do. The Target Next and Target Previous keys can still target your escorts if needed.
  • Added a jump that's easy to miss to the Frontier map.
  • Imported new ion and razor weaponry graphics from Naev.
  • The Brushed GUI now displays the instant mode weapon set for weapons assigned to them. This is particularly important as it shows the player how to launch fighters from fighter bays with the default weapon configuration. To accommodate this change and keep it looking consistent, the Brushed GUI has been altered slightly.
  • Hired escorts now list their speed so you can know in advance whether or not they can keep up with your ship.
  • Removed the intro crawl when starting a new game. It didn't really add anything necessary, it was basically just a history lesson delivered in a rather boring manner. Any such information could easily be conveyed in better ways and most of it already is.
  • Changed the mission marker colors and slot size colors to yellow, orange, and red, retaining full colorblind accessibility and the gradual color shift of the previous coloring while making the colors used more distinct.
  • AI ships that come with fighter bays now count more toward filling the presence quota, which means they no longer inflate the amount of ships in the system like they used to.


  • Changed Soromid taunts (the old ones inherited from Naev sounded too much like social darwinism, a harmful and pseudo-scientific ideology).
  • Changed volume sliders to show a percentage in a standard form rather than the raw floating-point numbers that were previously displayed.
  • The alt text when hovering your mouse over an outfit has been slightly rearranged and a credits display has been added to it.
  • Removed the once-per-version "Welcome to Naikari" message.
  • Pirate names are now generated in a different way which should be a bit nicer.
  • Added many more possibilities for the randomly generated pilot names.
  • Fixed a bug which caused pirate cargo missions to incorrectly calculate number of jumps to the destination (leading to lower rewards and a warning about you not knowing the fastest route).
  • Fixed a cosmetic bug which could lead to you having phantom cargo after stealing cargo from ships (caused by a condition that would lead to AI pilots having 0 tonnes of a cargo added to them).
  • Bombers now have a 20% radar range bonus (which makes their missiles more accurate).
  • Restructured the FLF campaign so that the "Anti-Dvaered" and "Hero" storylines happen in parallel, rather than in an entangled fashion.
  • Tutorial has been streamlined so that it introduces the game much better than before.
  • System names for unknown systems that are marked by a mission are now consistently displayed everywhere (whereas previously they were displayed in the starmap's sidebar, but nowhere else).
  • Fixed some problems with the Waste Dump mission.
  • Pulled new beam store graphics from Naev.
  • Escort missions now have hardened claims, preventing edge cases of escort missions conflicting with other missions that do things like clear the system. A side effect of this is that trader escort missions are now only offered one at a time. In tandem with this, escort missions' probability has been adjusted so that they are still seen frequently, and the trader escort mission in particular has been given a higher priority so that bounty missions don't prevent it from showing up.
  • Fixed glitchy text in overlay when appearing over other text.
  • Fixed pirates sometimes using Lancelot fighter bays.
  • Added several new texts for the Love Train mission.
  • Changed the story context of the first FLF diversion mission; it is now a diversion to rescue FLF soldiers trapped in a Dvaered system.
  • Added several new components for randomly generated pilot names.
  • Mace rockets no longer have thrust, and rockets with thrust no longer start at 0 speed. This change was made because the calculations the game made for range were not even close when trying to account for the acceleration component (a problem that has existed for many years in Naev but only became a problem because of mace rockets' reduced range). Thrust is now used solely for guided missiles.
  • Removed the planet named "Sheik Hall" since it has no gameplay value and its name is iffy.


  • Fixed a bug that caused the game to not start under Windows.


  • Changed the land and takeoff music to be the same as ambient music.
  • Adjusted balancing of outfits and ships, most noticeably changing the Kestrel's two large fighter bay slots to medium fighter bay slots and making the Huntsman torpedo much stronger.
  • All ships now come with pre-installed weapons when you buy them, not just your first ship.
  • The warning shown when warping into a system with a volatile nebula now shows exactly how much damage your shield and armor take from it, rather than only showing the direct volatility rating.
  • AI pilots now launch fighters if they have fighter bays.
  • Several new fighter bays have been added (mostly miniaturized versions of existing fighter bays, but also three variations of a Shark fighter bay).
  • Hired escorts that are created on restricted planets and stations now pilot factional military ships.
  • The Info window's missions tab now displays the current objective according to the OSD.
  • Logo now lights up red for Autism Acceptance Month, turns into a rainbow for Queer Pride Month, and turns into aromantic pride colors for Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week.
  • Asteroid Scanner now always shows you scan information for asteroids you can see, rather than only after you've targeted them.
  • Replaced Improved Refrigeration Cycle with the Rotary Turbo Modulator, which does the opposite of what the Improved Refrigeration Cycle did and serves as an equivalent to the Power Regulation Override outfit for turrets.
  • Instant mode weapons now show up on the weapon bar in the Brushed GUI.
  • Ship Stealing mission now allows stealing of non-designated targets, at the cost of having to pay for the entire value of the ship (meaning it can't be used to make credits, it can only be used to steal particular ships you want to add to your collection). If it fails, it keeps running so you can steal a ship of your choice instead, and the OSD message changes to note this.
  • Adjusted how much money ships carry to hopefully make illegal piracy more rewarding and make pirating pirates less rewarding, while also adding variety to piracy (some factions carry a lot of credits, some carry very little).
  • Pirates no longer have a one-way hidden jump to Collective space (which served no purpose and was essentially just a death trap).
  • Adjusted speed and size range of background nebulae and stars so they look nicer.
  • Ship Stealing targets now lose most of their ammo in addition to armor and battery, and their armor regeneration is now disabled.
  • Added a limit to mercenary group size in systems with low paying faction presence.
  • Normalized some wonky presence costs, which in particular prevents Za'lek drones from outnumbering pirates in systems where they're supposed to have lower presence than them.
  • Added a new set of stations and hidden jumps to help pirates get to Sirius space.
  • The Brushed and Slim GUIs now hide the radar while the overlay is open.
  • Maps now each have their own individual graphics, rather than all of them sharing the same graphic. The graphics are screenshots showing a Discovery mode map window showing just the information provided by the respective map.
  • Improved the way music tracks are chosen, preventing needless music changes and allowing nebula ambient music in factional areas.
  • Fixed some pirates on pirate worlds being described as civilians.
  • Afterburners no longer cause the screen to wobble.
  • Removed the "Time Constant" tutorial, both to avoid making the system look more significant than it is and because the information about how to equip ships is redundant now that this is effectively self-documented (with all ships coming with reasonable weapons).
  • Removed the ability to delete ship logs, which was a feature that didn't have any real utility for the player and risked deleting important information.
  • Simplified the ship log display, removing the "log type" selector and adding a display of the currently selected log.


  • Fixed Drunkard mission not being able to start up.
  • Fixed Nebula Probe mission failing to advance to the next step after launching the probe (making it impossible to complete).
  • Fixed extra copy of the Pinnacle during the Baron campaign missions.
  • Fixed Pinnacle stalling after completing Baron missions (caused by a long-standing API bug).
  • Fixed Anxious Merchant mission being unable to be accepted.


  • Properly fixed a segfault in 0.1.0. Version 0.1.1 attempted a fix, but the fix turned out to be faulty and led to breakage.


Faulty release.


Initial release.