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Taqi Raza edited this page Jul 17, 2020 · 10 revisions

notepad-plus-plus Snap


Note: After installing this snap it is mandatory to connect plugs without connecting these snap will not work


snap install notepad-plus-plus

Optional Plugs

sudo snap connect notepad-plus-plus:removable-media


font rendering.

  1. Open plasma settings

  2. Open fonts

  3. Change use anti-aliasing to enabled from default

  4. Open configure

  5. Change Sub-pixel rendering type to RGB from System default

  6. Change Hinting style to Slight from System default

  7. Apply then run the snap app


Foreign characters e.g. chinese not displayed correctly

  1. Download font of your choice from these links.

  2. code2000 ( or the gnu unicodefont (

  3. Paste font here $HOME/snap/notepad-plus-plus/common/.wine/drive_c/windows/fonts

  4. Set it in npp setting.

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