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Hackathon Content

Train the trainer materials and workshop materials for hands on hacks

a set of GitHub template repositories that you can clone into a new repo to create a boilerplate image recognition hack

a set of minimal app boilerplates and Tutorials on how they can be deployed to Azure App Service.

a hands on workshop creating an AI based game

Interactive AI based hackathon workshop to train and play the Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock game

This tutorial will go over how to use Azure Cognitive Services to get an image dataset and train a Custom Vision model. The repository has a simple nodejs console app that uses Bing Image Search to scrape images to a local directory based on search term(s). Then use the images scraped to create a Custom Vision model with Azure Cognitive Services.

A project to introduce you to a simple Bag of Words NLP using SciKit Learn and Python.

An Absolute Beginners Guide to Machine Learning with PyTorch

A workshop designed to get attendees up to speed on the rudiments of modern machine learning at cloud scale.

How to use the Microsoft Face API

How to connect a domain name to an Azure web app when at an MLH hackathon

Resources for students at hackathons

A curated list on hackathon to-dos for folks who are new to hackathons

Winning a hackathon requires focus on creating working prototype of your project very fast. Azure Platform Services can help you to achieve that, providing easy to use building blocks that can be put together quickly. During this talk, I demonstrate the use of three most useful services for hackathon scenarios: bot framework, cognitive services and azure functions. During the demo, I create a bot that is trained to recognize photographs of Triumphal Arches in different cities.

Microsoft Cognitive Services are pre-trained AI models for things related to computer vision, text analytics, speech and more. They can be used as REST services from the cloud, or on the edge. While there are many business uses of Cognitive Services, in this talk we focus on rather unusual direction – Science Art, and creating Cognitive Portraits from photographs using Face API, affine transformations and a bit of creativity.

A sizzle reel of short videos describing what you can do with Azure