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54 lines (40 loc) · 1.97 KB

File metadata and controls

54 lines (40 loc) · 1.97 KB

Differences and addons to other libc's

  • errno is optional (Switch mini_errno) When errno isn't compiled (faster syscalls, branching is not neccesary for setting errno, one global less), all syscalls do return on error the negative errno code; on success 0 or a positive value.
 if ( (ret = read(0,buf,64)) < 0 )
 	die( ret, "Couldn't read from stdin" );
  • streams there is no buffering yet, besides the global buffer used for printf, et al. (Not threadsafe)

  • argument parsing There is the posix getopt function available (mini_getopt), written by skeeto. Besides, there is the macro PARSEOPTS_short (mini_PARSEOPTS_short), which aims for size optimization.

  • die(errno,msg) exit with errno. Write msg to stderr. When /bin/errno is present, write a verbose error message to stderr. Else the numerical error code is written.

  • dies(errno, ... ) / dief(errno,fmt,...) alanog to die, but also call eprints / eprintf with the parameters.

  • die_if( when, errno, msg ) / dief_if( when, errnum, fmt, ... ) / dies_if( when, errnum, ... ) if "when" is true, die with errnum / call dies or dief.

  • writes family writes(s), writesl(s),erites(s) and ewritesl(s) all write to stdout/stderr(ewrite). The string s has to be fixed, the len of s is determined at compile time via the macro sizeof(s). writesl/ewritesl append a linebreak to the output.

  • prints(s1,s2,..) /printsl, eprint/eprintsl write to stdout/stderr, variable size of the strings, and variable count of arguments. the ..l versions also append a linebreak.

  • printfs(fmt,...), eprintfs(fmt,...), fprintfs(stream,fmt,...) write fmt and formatted arguments to stdout/stderr/stream. only %s and %c are recognized. (Saves a few bytes, the global output buffer isn't needed, and the output can be optimized)

  • FULLDEBUG supplied as commandline parameter, or within the configuration file, all used sources are bundled into one sourcefile, and the binary is compiled with debugging info.