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Chapter 6: Priority Queues (Heaps)

Lecture notes by: Michael Hahsler

Diagrams for Chapter 6

Goal: Always find and remove the element with the smallest key in a collection quickly.

Basic Operations:

  • insert (= enqueue)
  • deleteMin (= dequeue)


  • Unsorted array: $O(N)$
  • Sorted array: inserting and deleting is an issue.
  • A balanced binary search tree: $O(log\ N)$. Without balancing, the tree would get right-heavy because we always delete the minimum from the left side.
  • Use a new specialized binary heap data structure that has faster access to the minimum and does not need rotations for balancing.


  • The name priority queue describes the abstract data-type while heap is typically used as the underlying data structure.
  • This data structure used is very different from regular FIFO queues.
  • The heap data structure is not related to heap memory.

Binary Heap

A binary tree with

  1. Structure property: a complete tree with no missing nodes. The bottom level is filled left-to-right, ending in "last element." The missing node next to the last element is called the "hole." The structure property ensures that the tree has a height of $O(log\ N)$.
  2. Heap-order property: The key of each node has to be smaller than the keys of its descendants. The root node always has the smallest key, so finding it is "free."

Note: This tree is always balanced (structure property), but the heap-order property makes it much simpler to maintain than a balanced binary search tree (e.g., an AVL tree).


insert: Move the "hole" up the tree till the new element can be inserted in the hole without violating the heap-order property. This operation is called percolate up. The worst case is to insert a new minimum with $O(log\ N)$ because the hole has to be moved up all the way to the root.

deleteMin: Remove the root node (with the minimum key) and then move the resulting hole down the smaller of the children till the "last element" in the tree can be placed in the hole without violating the heap-order property. This operation is called percolate down. The worst case is $O(log\ N)$.

Note: This data structure is not good for finding an arbitrary element. We would have to scan the complete tree with $O(N)$ operations!

Example: Add 30, 100, 80, 25, and 40 to a heap and then use deleteMin to get the values back.


Since the binary tree is complete, it can be efficiently stored in an array/vector filled level-wise, left-to-right from the tree (the element at index 0 is left empty to make access very simple).

For the element at index $i$:

  • the left child is at index $2i$
  • the right child is at index $2i + 1$
  • the parent is at index $\lfloor i/2 \rfloor$ (floor function = greatest integer less than or equal to x).

Note: This is also an effective storage format for any balanced tree.

See example: DSHeap

You will often find a recursive function called heapify(), which takes an array and arranges all elements so it has the heap-order property. The insert operation above performs a local heapify only where the insertion happened.

Min vs. Max-Heap

We have described a min-heap so far. A max-heap is a heap with the largest element at the root node by reversing the heap-order property.

Other Heap Variants

Other variants of heaps exist, such as leftist heap, binomial heap, Fibonacci heap, etc.

STL Implementation

STL provides two implementations:

  • std::priority_queue implements a max-heap as a container.
  • Library algorithm implements heapify() as std::make_heap(), std::push_heap() and std::pop_heap() for a max-heap. They work with containers that provide a std::random_access_iterator (e.g., a vector).

See example: STL priority_queue

Comparison of Time Complexity

Wikipedia contains a comparison of asymptotic worst-case analysis (Big-O) for the operations of all the data structures we have learned about in this class.