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Chapter 3: Lists, Stacks, and Queues

Lecture notes by: Michael Hahsler

Diagrams for Chapter 3

This chapter introduced abstract data types, iterators and basic linear data structures.

Abstract Data Types (ADT)

ADT extend the idea of basic data types. They are not about the implementation, but a mathematical abstraction which defines

  • a set of objects, and
  • operations (e.g., insert, delete).

Data structures are different implementations of abstract data types. Often the name container is used for ATDs. The STL's main purpose it to provide containers implementing all commonly used data structures, and basic algorithms operating on these data structures.


Iterators are an abstraction to represent a position in an ADT. This is similar to a pointer to a position in an array. STL provides std::iterator and we use the STL notation below.


  • are a generalization of pointers to elements in the ADT.
  • are implemented as a nested class in the ADT implementation. An ADT can be asked for an iterator pointing to the first element (begin()) and an iterator pointing to the past-the-end element (end()).
  • have a * dereferencing operator (like pointers) to access the current element in the ADT.
  • know how to get to the next element with an overloaded operator++() and operator++(int) (bidirectional iterators also have operator--() and operator--(int))
  • can be compared with operator== and operator!= but do not support operator<! This compares the position they currently point to.


Some ADTs


Objects: Values are stored typically consecutively in memory (like an array).


  • size() number of elements.
  • clear() remove all elements.
  • empty() is the vector empty?
  • resize() to change the size.
  • access via iterators (begin()) and and index using operator[] or at().

STL provides std::vector

Example implementation: DSVector


Objects: rows, columns, and cells.

Operations: get the dimension and access an element given by row and column.

STL: Interestingly there is no support available.

Example implementation: DSMatrix

Linked Lists

Objects: List nodes


  • size() number of elements.
  • clear() remove all elements.
  • empty() is the stack empty?
  • insert() add an element.
  • erase() delete an element.

STL provides: std::list

Implementation details: DSList


For stacks information is added to the top and taken from the top. Stacks are said to operate in a LIFO (Last-In, First-Out) fashion.

Objects: Values


  • push(value) add an element on top.
  • pop() remove the top element.
  • top() or peek() look at the top element.
  • empty() is the stack empty?

STL provides: std::stack


Stacks are just an interface to a different data structure. Typical implementations are:

  • Vector or large array with a variable top to store the index of the element on top. Since indices start with 0, the size of the stack is size = top + 1. An empty stack has top == -1.
  • List: use push_front()/pop_front() add/remove an element from the front of a singly-linked list.

Lists are more memory efficient and vectors are faster.

Application Examples:

  • Check code for balanced brackets.


    Read the program character-by-character
    - Push (, {, or [ on the stack
    - Pop last bracket off when the corresponding ), }, or ] is seen in the program. 
    Any error or a non-empty stack at the end of the code indicates a problem.
  • Evaluate a postfix expressions: 6 5 2 3 + 8 * + 3 + * = 288.


    Read the expression left-to-right. 
    - Push numbers on the stack. 
    - For operations, pop the top two elements, perform the operation and push the result on the stack. 
    The value remaining on the stack at the end is the result.
  • Convert infix to postfix expressions: 6 * (5 + (2 + 3) * 8 + 3) => 6 5 2 3 + 8 * + 3 + *


    Read the expression left-to-right. 
    - Add any numbers directly to the output.
    - Push `(` on the stack.
    - For `)` do: pop from the stack and add the value to the output till an opening 
      parenthesis is reached on the stack (also pop the `(` and ignore it).
    - For operators: while the operators on the stack have higher precedence (note that `(` has the highest precedence), 
      pop them and add them to the output. 
      Then push the new operator on the stack.
    - Once the expression is done, pop any remaining operator and add it to the output.
  • Function call stack: Issue: Prior to a function call, all local variables and the return address need to be saved. This information is stored as a stack frame on the function call stack and a function call pushes a new stack frame on the function call stack. See example factorial.

Helper to convert between prefix, infix and postfix notation to check if you are doing it right.


Insertion is done on one end and deletion on the other. This is called FIFO (First-In, First-Out).

Note: Simple queues are different from priority queues which are introduced under the name heap later.

Objects: Values


  • enqueue(value) insert an element.
  • dequeue() remove an element.
  • empty() is the queue empty?

STL provides: std::deque as a double-ended queue.


Implemented as a list (linked list, vector, or array).

Doubly-linked list implementation is trivial and uses push_back() and pop_front(). A doubly-linked list is used to make push_back() efficient (O(1)).

The array implementation keeps indices for front and back and size = back - front + 1. A problem is that we run out of space at one end. This can be addressed using a circular array implementation.

Application Examples

  • Printer queue: printing on a first-come first-served basis
  • I/O: buffers, iostream
  • Many algorithms use queues to store subproblems to be solved later.


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