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PagedList Library for IQueryable with Filtering, Sorting and Pagination

A powerful .NET library that extends IQueryable to support efficient filtering, sorting, and pagination. Simplify the management of large datasets with easy-to-use methods.



Efficiently paginate any IQueryable source with customizable page size and index.

  • Supports both synchronous and asynchronous pagination
  • Automatically calculates total items and total pages
  • Handles edge cases like out-of-range page indices

Dynamic Filtering

Apply flexible filters to IQueryable sources using various conditions.

  • Supports multiple comparison operators (==, !=, >, <, >=, <=, Contains, StartsWith, EndsWith)
  • Allows for complex nested conditions
  • Dynamically builds LINQ expressions based on filter criteria


Order IQueryable sources by specified properties in ascending or descending order.

  • Handles nested property sorting (e.g., "User.Name")

Async Support

Asynchronous methods for improved performance in web applications.

  • Leverages Task-based asynchronous programming
  • Optimized for scalability in high-concurrency scenarios

Entity Agnostic

Works with any entity type, providing maximum flexibility.

  • No need for special attributes or interfaces on your models
  • Compatible with custom types and complex object graphs


Install via NuGet Package Manager Console:

Install-Package API.PagedList

Or via .NET CLI:

dotnet add package API.PagedList

Quick Start

using API.PagedList;
using API.PagedList.Model;

// Create a filter
var filter = new FilterVM
    PageSize = 10,
    PageIndex = 1,
    Conditions = new List<WhereVM>
        new WhereVM { Name = "PropertyName", Comparison = "==", Value = "Value" }
    OrderBy = new OrderVM { Name = "PropertyName", Ascending = true }

// Apply filter and paginate
var result = await myQueryableSource.ToPagedListAsync(filter);

Usage Examples

Basic Pagination

var pagedList = myQueryableSource.ToPagedList(pageSize: 10, pageIndex: 1);

Async Pagination

var pagedList = await myQueryableSource.ToPagedListAsync(pageSize: 10, pageIndex: 1);

Complex Filtering and Sorting

var filter = new FilterVM
    PageSize = 10,
    PageIndex = 1,
    Conditions = new List<WhereVM>
        new WhereVM { Name = "Property1", Comparison = "==", Value = "Value1" },
        new WhereVM { Name = "Property2", Comparison = ">", Value = "Value2" }
    OrderBy = new OrderVM { Name = "Property1", Ascending = true }

var result = await myQueryableSource.ToPagedListAsync(filter);

API Controller Example


public async Task<IActionResult> GetWeatherForecast([FromBody] FilterVM filter)
    IQueryable<WeatherForecast> models = // ... your data source
    var pagedList = await models.ToPagedListAsync(filter);
    return Ok(pagedList);


Performance Considerations

  • The library uses expression trees to build efficient LINQ queries
  • Filtering and sorting are performed at the database level when possible
  • Pagination reduces memory usage by fetching only the required records


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.