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Releases: medusajs/medusa


07 Aug 12:54
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Write logs to file

Environment variable LOG_FILE has been introduced to enable winston to write logs to file.

Thanks, @pevey, for the contribution.


  • feat(product): Move mikro orm utils to the utils package by @adrien2p in #4631
  • feat(medusa): Expose some commonly used utils by @zhangpengchen in #4630
  • feat(prduct, utils, types): Create soft delete pattern for link module by @adrien2p in #4649
  • feat(workflows): Improve typings by @adrien2p in #4689
  • feat(product, types, modules-sdk): added event bus events for products by @riqwan in #4654
  • feat(medusa, types, utils, workflow): Migrate medusa workflow to the workflow package by @adrien2p in #4682
  • feat(medusa): Allow logging to file by @pevey in #4696
  • feat(medusa, utils): Allow object feature flags by @olivermrbl in #4701



New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.13.0...v1.13.1


27 Jul 11:41
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This version ships with schema changes (breaking) and minor fixes improving Medusa Admin.

Breaking changes

Version 1.13.0 introduces database schema changes that require you to run migrations. The relationship between Shipping Profile and Product has been changed to a Many-to-Many relation.

After upgrading to 1.13.0, run the following command:

medusa migrations run




Full Changelog: v1.12.3...v1.13.0

v1.12.3 + Bulk Editor

19 Jul 16:11
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This release ships with the first iteration of our Bulk Editor, allowing you to edit your product variant prices in an Excel-like fashion.




  • fix(medusa): Return correct region count by @pKorsholm in #4514
  • fix(medusa-plugin-sendgrid): Use correct SendGrid client by @olivermrbl in #4524
  • fix(admin): Price input by @pKorsholm in #4530
  • fix(medusa-file-minio): Minio private bucket default by @pKorsholm in #4540
  • fix(medusa-react): Admin user mutation hooks invalidating wrong keys by @josetr in #4538
  • fix(medusa-react): Add missing query keys to inventory hooks by @josetr in #4467
  • fix(medusa-plugin-brightpearl): stacking reservations by @pKorsholm in #4383
  • fix(admin-ui): Omit PriceList prices from variant update by @olivermrbl in #4552


Full Changelog: v1.12.2...v1.12.3


11 Jul 18:45
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Simplified entity extensions

We've simplified the steps to extend an entity so you no longer need to 1) override the entity's repository (step 4 from our guide) and 2) override the models in a custom entry point file.

Our documentation on Extending an Entity has been updated to reflect these changes.

Simplified validator extensions

We've simplified the steps to extend the API payload validation so you no longer have to create a util to perform an override and include it in a loader.

Our documentation will be updated very soon to reflect these changes.

To extend a validator, import and use a new util registerOverriddenValidators.

 import { registerOverriddenValidators } from "@medusajs/medusa"
 import { AdminPostProductsReq as MedusaAdminPostProductsReq } from "@medusajs/medusa/dist/api/routes/admin/products/create-product"
 import { IsString } from "class-validator"
 class AdminPostProductsReq extends MedusaAdminPostProductsReq {
    test: string


  • feat(create-medusa-app): support admin onboarding experience by @shahednasser in #4339
  • feat(medusa-plugin-sendgrid): Add error messages by @pevey in #4384
  • feat(medusa): Allow to register extended validators seemlesly by @adrien2p in #4397
  • feat(medusa): Improve error messaging in plugin loader by @olivermrbl in #4410
  • feat(medusa-react,medusa-js): Allow custom headers by @pevey in #4409
  • feat(medusa, types): Improve DX of model extensions (#4398) by @riqwan in #4398
  • feat: Remote Joiner by @carlos-r-l-rodrigues in #4098
  • feat(medusa, stripe, paypal): Add update payment session support to the abstract payment processor API by @adrien2p in #4442
  • feat(create-medusa-app): remove .git directory in the project by @shahednasser in #4493


  • fix(product, types): correct path for migration files + fix types on products service module by @riqwan in #4348
  • fix(medusa, utils): fix the way selects are consumed alongside the relations by @adrien2p in #4389
  • fix(medusa-react): fix wrong admin reservations query key by @josetr in #4441


  • chore(medusa): Concurrently get the items and count instead of sequentially by @adrien2p in #4367
  • chore(gatsby-source-medusa): Cleanup plugin setup by @adrien2p in #4419
  • chore(medusa-dev-cli): Cleanup plugin setup by @adrien2p in #4421
  • chore(medusa-cli): Cleanup plugin setup by @adrien2p in #4420
  • chore(create-medusa-app): Cleanup the main script for readability and maintainability by @adrien2p in #4369

Full Changelog: v1.12.1...v1.12.2


18 Jun 11:29
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Added invite option to Medusa CLI

We've added support for inviting users to @medusajs/medusa-cli.

Invites are generated using the following command:

medusa user -e [email protected] --invite

The command generates and outputs the token to use for signup. You should see the below in your terminal:

Invite token: some_token
Open the invite in Medusa Admin at: [your-admin-url]/invite?token=some_token

Replacing [your-admin-url] with the URL of your Medusa Admin and appending the /invite?token-some_token will allow the invited user to signup.

The URL end result should look like this:

Filtering reservations

Advanced filter capabilities have been added to the Reservations overview in Medusa Admin.


Node flags in develop command

We've added support for passing all node flags to our develop command from @medusajs/medusa-cli.

E.g. medusa develop -- --preserve-symlinks

Prefix for core Redis client

You can now configure the core Redis client with prefixes using the following project configuration:

const projectConfig = {
  redis_url: REDIS_URL,
  redis_prefix: "shared"


  • feat(medusa, inventory, stock-location): Remove unnecessary transaction usage in the modules and the list product end points by @adrien2p in #4232
  • feat(admin-ui): Rename allocation to reservation by @pKorsholm in #4133
  • feat(medusa): variants expand inventory_items by @pKorsholm in #4203
  • feat(medusa,medusa-cli): Added an invite option to the create user command, and allow seeding publishable api keys by @shahednasser in #4192
  • feat(create-medusa-app): update command for a better onboarding experience by @shahednasser in #4215
  • feat(admin-ui): Filter reservations by @pKorsholm in #4115
  • feat(medusa): Preserve node flags in develop command by @liamjcooper in #1860
  • feat(medusa): add redis_prefix in configModule.projectConfig by @dwene in #4268


  • fix(medusa-fulfillment-manual): Missing retrieveDocuments override by @josipmatichr in #4221
  • fix(medusa): Order edit missing transaction when consuming the inventory module by @adrien2p in #4211
  • fix(medusa-plugin-brightpearl): Add bp from sales channel of order where possible by @pKorsholm in #4160
  • fix(create-medusa-app): remove seed command from create-medusa-app and improve success message by @shahednasser in #4247
  • fix(admin-ui): flickering Timeline by @fPolic in #4231
  • fix(create-medusa-app): handle todos by @shahednasser in #4262
  • fix(medusa): getAvailableContext should first check if the inventory service is present by @adrien2p in #4293
  • fix(medusa): Remove items.refundable from the order default store fields by @adrien2p in #4294
  • fix(medusa): Query parser issues with large array by @adrien2p in #4213
  • fix(medusa): medusa develop does not take execArgv into account properly by @adrien2p in #4338


  • chore(medusa,medusa-cli): Clean up new command + fix CI by @olivermrbl in #4214
  • chore(medusa): Improve database loader error handling by @adrien2p in #4254
  • chore: Clean up deps, devDeps, and peerDeps across all packages by @olivermrbl in #4276

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.12.0...v1.12.1


30 May 10:15
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Breaking changes
In our quest to improve performance, a public method in the PriceSelectionStrategy has been updated to support bulk calculations of variant prices. Specifically, the following signatures have changed:

// Before
calculateVariantPrice(variantId: string, context: PriceSelectionContext): Promise<PriceSelectionResult>
// Now
calculateVariantPrice(data: { variantId: string; quantity?: number; }[], context: PriceSelectionContext): Promise<Map<string, PriceSelectionResult>>

Additionally (non-breaking), the following DB indexes have been added:

idx_money_amount_variant_id ON money_amount (variant_id);
idx_money_amount_region_id ON money_amount (region_id);
idx_product_option_value_variant_id ON product_option_value (variant_id);
idx_product_option_value_option_id ON product_option_value (option_id);

idx_gin_product_title ON product USING gin (title gin_trgm_ops);
idx_gin_product_description ON product USING gin (description gin_trgm_ops);
idx_gin_product_variant_title ON product_variant USING gin (title gin_trgm_ops);
idx_gin_product_variant_sku ON product_variant USING gin (sku gin_trgm_ops);
idx_gin_product_collection ON product_collection USING gin (title gin_trgm_ops);

The packages class-validator and class-transformer have been removed from @medusajs/utils.

The TransactionBaseService has been removed from @medusajs/utils. This class should be imported from @medusajs/medusa.

The utilities build-query, db-aware-column, base-entity, and soft-deletable-entity have been removed from @medusajs/utils. These should be imported from @medusajs/medusa.

Support for SQLite dropped
SQLite support was initially added to reduce friction for developers trying Medusa for the first time. It runs on most operating systems without installation, allowing you to start a Medusa starter without preparing a Postgres database.

Though, as we've added features that use more advanced database concepts, we've seen that SQLite has started to cause more harm than good. And frankly, we've not prioritized maintaining the support, as removing it was always part of our plans. SQLite still allows developers to get started very quickly. However, as soon as you start using our admin system or set up the storefront starter, issues caused by the limitations of SQLite arise. These issues are primarily centered around transaction management. A concept used extensively in our core and poorly supported by SQLite.

Therefore, as of this release, SQLite is no longer supported. The pros simply do not outweigh the cons at this point.

What does this mean for your setup?

In the highly unlikely case that you are using SQLite, this will be a breaking change. So, you'll need to set up Postgres for your Medusa server as part of bumping to this version. You can find a guide in our documentation on how to do this.

If you are not using SQLite, these changes will not affect your setup.

Reservation management
With the introduction of our Inventory Module, we added the notion of reservations. Right now, reservations are, from a store administrator perspective, limited to order items and cannot really be used outside the context of an order - unless you consume the API directly.

In this release, we ship the first elements to more extensive reservation management, including an overview of all reservations and the ability to search and edit existing reservations. The feature is still WIP, so we will hide the UI behind a new feature flag, reservations, that you can enable as any other feature flag, if you want to start playing around with the feature now.



  • fix(medusa-payment-stripe): Added withTransaction to capturePaymentIfNecessary by @DidierGuyon in #3930
  • fix(medusa): downgrade papaparse version by @fPolic in #4174
  • fix(admin-ui): Ensure that default invite link uses BASE if set by @kasperkristensen in #4173
  • fix(admin-ui): Ensure order of variant options matches order of product options by @kasperkristensen in #4178
  • fix(admin-ui): Delete variant by @olivermrbl in #4163
  • fix(inventory): Use correct table name in migration by @pKorsholm in #4155
  • fix(medusa): migrations cli should also pull from ${plugin}/dist by @dwene in #3956
  • fix(admin-ui): Omit purchasable variant prop on duplicate by @olivermrbl in #4180


New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.11.0...v1.12.0


16 May 09:19
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In 1.10.0, we changed the mechanism for loading relations in Typeorm from join to query, which meant that instead of firing one large query with joins, we fire separate queries for each requested relation. This was added to improve performance and eliminate an issue with heavy memory usage. Read more about it in the release notes for 1.10.0.

Unfortunately, we found the query strategy to come with unexpected issues related to database connection management. In short, it turned out the query strategy obtains a new database connection for each separate query – instead of reusing the already established connection – leading to a drained connection pool and eventually unresponsive applications.

To eliminate these issues (and potential future ones), we've decided to ditch the query strategy. Instead, we are bringing back our (own) custom query strategies for Carts, Products, and Orders to maintain highly performant APIs while mitigating the risk of unexpected memory and/or database connection problems.

This also means we'll be moving away from our Typeorm fork, as the fix related to the query strategy is now irrelevant. You should update your project to use the official Typeorm package.

In your package.json, replace our forked version with the latest from Typeorm:

"typeorm": "^0.3.16"

This is in addition to bumping all you Medusa-related packages to their latest versions.


  • fix(medusa-oas-cli): Add separator after tmpdir base by @pevey in #3924


Full Changelog: v1.10.1...v1.11.0


09 May 13:55
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Version 1.10.1 introduces database schema changes that require you to run migrations. The inventory item and reservation item entities have been extended with additional properties. After upgrading to 1.10.1, run the following command:

medusa migrations run
  • feat(client-types, types, medusa, inventory): Inventory item and reservation item datamodel updates by @pKorsholm in #3971
  • feat(medusa): handle product categories in import/export strategies by @fPolic in #3842
  • feat(admin-ui): Manage inventory toggle by @pKorsholm in #4041


  • fix(medusa): has-changes by @dwene in #4023
  • fix(search): add missing default product relations by @patpich in #4008
  • fix(medusa-payment-stripe): Catch on idempotency key retrieve if not found by @adrien2p in #4025
  • fix(medusa): ShippingOptionService.list method param type by @patpich in #4018
  • fix(medusa-plugin-contentful): Cleanup contentful plugin by @pKorsholm in #3990
  • fix(medusa): Validate customer_id when completing a cart by @fPolic in #3967
  • fix(admin-ui): Template download path by @kasperkristensen in #4050
  • fix(admin-ui): ensure that sales channel names are always an array by @riqwan in #4049


  • chore(utils): update class-validator to 0.14.0 by @pevey in #4032

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.10.0...v1.10.1


04 May 08:56
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Breaking changes

Performance improvements
To improve performance of Cart and Product retrieval, we've changed the relationLoadStrategy in Typeorm from join to query. This means relations are loaded using separate database queries rather than many joins in a single large query. This change also significantly reduces memory usage, as it will produce a much smaller result.

Unfortunately, Typeorm's query-strategy does not work well in concert with transactions, which is extensively used across our codebase. The separate queries to fetch relations on entities will run outside of an initiated transaction, because it uses a different query runner. This leads to incorrect results in cases where you request entities previously created in an ongoing transaction. Those changes will not have persisted to the database at the time of querying, and will therefore be "invisible" to other query runners.

Instead of compromising on the performance of our API, we decided to fix the issue in Typeorm, which can be found in this PR. It is still yet to be merged, so for now, we have published a forked version of Typeorm that includes the fix. This is the breaking change of this release.

To make sure your project works as expected, you will need to use our forked version in your project until Typeorm accepts our PR and publishes a new version.

In your package.json, replace the Typeorm version with the following:

"typeorm": "npm:@medusajs/typeorm@next"


Listing products
In #4010, we've introduced checks in our Product API ensuring that product pricing and availability are only set if they are requested.

The impacted endpoints are:

GET /store/products
GET /store/products/:id

GET /admin/products
GET /admin/products/:id

By default, these properties will be set on the product and product variants, but if you specify the expand query param on your request, you might not receive product pricing and availability. To include those, add variants and variant prices to the expand. It will look like this:

GET /store/products?expand="variants,variants.prices"


Event Bus
In v1.9.0, we changed the events system to only fire an event if it had any subscribers. This spawned a bug around wildcard subscribers that we missed in our testing. Wildcard subscribers are supposed to run on all events and are created like so:

eventBusService.subscribe("*", someMethodToHandleEvent)

To make up for this mistake, we've rolled back the changes introduced in 1.9.0 and will go back to the drawing board at some point in the future.


New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.9.0...v1.10.0


26 Apr 17:19
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Breaking changes

A minor breaking change has been introduced to the events system. The EventBusModule interface has been updated with a new method, retrieveSubscribers. The method is used in the core EventBusService to fetch subscribers to a given event upon emitting one or multiple events. If no subscribers exist to an event, we do not insert a staged job in the database which means the event will not be sent for processing in the event bus module.


  • feat(medusa): Add purchasable prop on variants when setting availability by @pKorsholm in #3811
  • feat(admin-ui): Implement allocations on draft orders by @StephixOne in #3753
  • feat(medusa-file-s3,medusa-file-minio): Upgrade to TypeScript by @dwene in #3740
  • feat(medusa, medusa-plugin-brightpearl): Inventory management for Brightpearl by @pKorsholm in #3192
  • feat(medusa-plugin-meilisearch): Update meilisearch library dependency by @pevey in #3898
  • feat(admin-ui): Add Sales Channel filter by @olivermrbl in #3897
  • feat(medusa): Middleware to add default SC on query if no SC already exist on it by @StephixOne in #3694


  • fix(admin-ui): password reset flip rendering condition by @nowseemee in #3864
  • fix(inventory): Add missing context arguments by @olivermrbl in #3863
  • fix(medusa): Add missing relations when creating return by @olivermrbl in #3870
  • fix(medusa): Bulk create variant + pass transaction to the inventory service context methods by @adrien2p in #3835
  • fix(medusa): Correct inventory quantity calculation by @pKorsholm in #3881
  • fix(medusa-plugin-ip-lookup): Remove outdated Typeorm usage by @olivermrbl in #3884
  • fix(admin-ui): Check for undefined categories by @olivermrbl in #3886
  • fix(inventory): Minor fixes to upserting inventory items by @olivermrbl in #3883
  • fix(medusa,medusa-fulfillment-webshipper): Add default values in Webshipper service by @olivermrbl in #3879
  • fix(admin-ui): Add guard for null product_id by @pKorsholm in #3894
  • fix(medusa,utils): Searching indexing product subscriber by @olivermrbl in #3905
  • fix(admin): display correct items in the timeline after OE by @fPolic in #3895
  • fix(medusa): category list api bug where limit skews results by @riqwan in #3914
  • fix(medusa): Reduce joins in cart retrieval by @olivermrbl in #3909


  • chore: Bump package versions to address security vulnerabilities by @pevey in #3845

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.8.2...v1.9.0