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File metadata and controls

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This is a ansible project for send notifications for a Microsoft Teams channel. In this project we go return a status of a deployment stage

Final result

Getting Started

1. Requirements:

  • python

2. Install ansible:

pip install --user ansible

ansible install doc

3. Configure incoming webhooks in Azure Teams:

The Microsoft has a complete doc for this:

Incoming webhooks doc

Copy the webhook and change value of teams_webhook variable in groups_vaps/main.yml

4. Understanding project code

4.1. Groups Vars

The groups vars serves to keep your constants variables.

In the project we have three variables:

variable description
notify_body The lookups return our template that is in a specific path.
teams_webhook Webhook created by incoming webhooks in Microsoft Teams
status_image Variable dict when return a status images according to current status

4.2. Inventory

In the inventory file you add the hosts where you run your commands, for this project we will use localhost.

4.3. Roles

Roles is a group of a specific context, in our case the notify.

4.3.1. Tasks

This is a core of our code, we added the commands. We have two tasks:

- name: Notify | Set Date
    date: "{{ lookup('pipe', 'date +%d/%m/%Y@%H:%M') }}"
- name: Notify | MS Teams
    url: "{{ teams_webhook }}"
    body: "{{ notify_body }}"
    body_format: json
    method: POST

The first get a date and set in a variable, you can change the format with:

- name: Notify | Set Date
    date: "{{ lookup('pipe', 'date +%d/%m/%Y@%H:%M') | replace('current','new') }}"

The second task use uri module of ansible to send the message, for that we need pass the parameters:

parameter description
url name of variable that contains the webhook
notify_body name of variable that contains the template
body_format in this case is json
method in this case is POST

4.1.2 Template

The template is a body of notify that we are going to send. The file has the extension .m2, but the content is json.

We use Adaptive Cards for create the body. You can created your own cards, and customized with the variables. For this, you need add in the body the variables with {{ var_value }}.

This default body has six variables:

variable description
title Title of the card
message Principal message of the notify card
details Details for the user
notify_image Variable with image according to current status
date Current date setted in first task
url The pipeline url

Default body:

   "type": "message",
   "attachments": [
         "contentType": "application/",
         "contentUrl": null,
         "content": {
            "type": "AdaptiveCard",
            "body": [
                  "type": "TextBlock",
                  "size": "medium",
                  "weight": "bolder",
                  "text": "{{ title }}"
                  "type": "ColumnSet",
                  "columns": [
                        "type": "Column",
                        "items": [
                              "type": "Image",
                              "style": "Person",
                              "url": "{{ notify_image }}",
                              "size": "Small"
                        "width": "auto"
                        "type": "Column",
                        "items": [
                              "type": "TextBlock",
                              "weight": "Bolder",
                              "text": "{{ message }}",
                              "wrap": true,
                              "spacing": "None",
                              "type": "TextBlock",
                              "spacing": "None",
                              "text": "{{ date }}",
                              "wrap": true
                        "width": "stretch"
                  "type": "TextBlock",
                  "text": "{{ details }}",
                  "wrap": true,
                  "spacing": "None",
            "actions": [
                  "type": "Action.OpenUrl",
                  "title": "Visualizar pipeline",
                  "url": "{{ url }}"
            "$schema": "",
            "version": "1.5"

4.4. Playbook

The playbook file is your main. For this project we have:

- hosts: localhost
  connection: local
  gather_facts: false
    - ansible.builtin
    - group_vars/main.yml
    title: "{{ title }}"
    message: "{{ message }}"
    details: "{{ details }}"
    status: "{{ status }}"
    url: "{{ url }}"
    notify_image: '{{ status_image[status | default("this key does not exist in the dict")] | default("") }}'
    - role: notify


variable description
hosts In which host will run the tasks
connection Kind of connection, when we use localhost, need to be local
getter_facts Get facts of the host, for example the current hour, but for this project we use false because, true have problems in localhost
collections Librarys of ansible that we will use, in this case just ansible.builtin
vars_files path of group_vars
vars input variables, notify_image get a image from the status_image dict variable
roles group we will use, in this case notify

5. Running

5.1 command

For running the tasks it is necessary to call:

ansible-playbook playbook.yml \
    -i "inventory/inventory" \
    --extra-vars='title="$TITLE" \
    message="$MESSAGE" \
    details="$DETAILS" \
    status=$STATUS \

When -i is the inventory path and extra-vars is a input variables.

5.2 Usage examples

Azure Devops: .azuredevops/pipeline.yml


Github Actions : .github/workflows/pipeline.yml
